The Practical Pocket Guide to History Taking and Clinical Examination 1st Edition

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May 262024

History taking and examination skills are vitally important in everyday practice. They are examined at all levels of the undergraduate curriculum and are constantly monitored at a postgraduate level. To become proficient in history taking, key questions should be asked to quickly understand the exact nature of the illness.

This invaluable guide specifies the questions required for a focused history and details the key components of the ideal examination, resulting in the development of clinical skills that are timely, comprehensive, relevant and succinct.

Clearly laid out and easy-to-read, The Practical Pocket Guide to History Taking and Clinical Examination is highly recommended for medical students and junior doctors wanting a practical, quick reference to aid confidence and develop excellent clinical consultation skills. It is also ideal as an aide-mémoire for exam preparation.


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Clinical Skills: An introduction for nursing and healthcare 2nd Edition

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Feb 112024

Clinical Skills: an introduction for nursing and healthcare is a comprehensive learning resource for student nurses.

Printed in full color throughout, this textbook covers all the key clinical skills required for effective and efficient practice. The book maps the development of the student nurse in relation to clinical skill acquisition, focusing not only on the dexterity aspects, but also on the underpinning theory and the attitudinal aspects of skill delivery.

Using a scenario-based approach, this book relates skills to ‘real’ people and situations. In addition to providing step-by-step instruction on how to perform clinical skills, it asks the students to reflect and consider how these skills and related principles may be transferred to other situations and contexts. Above all, the authors are offering students a friendly, interactive and visual approach to skills acquisition.

Written by an experienced team of clinical skills educators at the University of Central Lancashire in the UK, 
Clinical Skills provides students and lecturers with:
• up-to-date theory and evidence-based practice
• scenarios and case studies
• step-by-step clinical skills guidance
• activities to encourage reflection
• exercises for self-assessment and skills practice
• a glossary, references and further reading.


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Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System 6th Edition

 Clinical Skills, Neurology/Neurosurgery  Comments Off on Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System 6th Edition
Oct 252023

For more than 80 years this unique short atlas has been the go-to guide to the examination of patients with lesions of the peripheral nerves and nerve roots – appreciated by generations of students and experienced practitioners alike.

First published in its original form in 1943 and updated in its sixth edition by highly respected author Michael O’Brien, this book is the perfect companion for all those involved or caring for patients with peripheral nerve injuries and other neuromuscular disorders. It covers mononeuropathies, peripheral nerve lesions, examination techniques and anatomy of the peripheral nervous system, all illustrated with excellent diagrams and high-quality photographs.

Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System now comes with the complete electronic version for the first time, for easy anytime, anywhere access.

Illustrated with exceptionally clear photographs, accompanied by simple anatomical diagrams to aid comprehension

Useful tables of the innervation of muscles and the muscle and cutaneous distribution of peripheral nerves

Updated to reflect latest changes in nomenclature

New diagrams and illustrations, including of the spine and spinal nerve roots, male inguinal region and female perineum

Summary table of the common compression and entrapment mononeuropathies, with sites now indicated on the nerve diagrams

Access to the complete, enhanced eBook version – makes quick reference easier than ever for busy students and practitioners


For more than 80 years this unique short atlas has been the go-to guide to the examination of patients with lesions of the peripheral nerves and nerve roots – appreciated by generations of students and experienced practitioners alike.

First published in its original form in 1943 and updated in its sixth edition by highly respected author Michael O’Brien, this book is the perfect companion for all those involved or caring for patients with peripheral nerve injuries and other neuromuscular disorders. It covers mononeuropathies, peripheral nerve lesions, examination techniques and anatomy of the peripheral nervous system, all illustrated with excellent diagrams and high-quality photographs.

Aids to the Examination of the Peripheral Nervous System now comes with the complete electronic version for the first time, for easy anytime, anywhere access.

  • Illustrated with exceptionally clear photographs, accompanied by simple anatomical diagrams to aid comprehension

  • Useful tables of the innervation of muscles and the muscle and cutaneous distribution of peripheral nerves
  • Updated to reflect latest changes in nomenclature

  • New diagrams and illustrations, including of the spine and spinal nerve roots, male inguinal region and female perineum

  • Summary table of the common compression and entrapment mononeuropathies, with sites now indicated on the nerve diagrams

  • Access to the complete, enhanced eBook version – makes quick reference easier than ever for busy students and practitioners


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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 10th Edition

 Clinical Skills, Pharmacology  Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 10th Edition
Aug 072023

Now in its tenth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine has been fully revised, with five new authors on the writing team bringing content fresh from the bedside.

Space has been breathed into the design, with more core material at your fingertips in quick-reference lists and flow diagrams, and key references have been honed to the most up-to-date and relevant. Each page has been updated to reflect the latest changes in practice and best management, and the
chapters on gastroenterology, history and examination, infectious disease, neurology, and radiology have been extensively revised.

Unique among medical texts, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine is a complete and concise guide to the core areas of medicine that also encourages thinking about the world from the patient’s perspective, offering a holistic, patient-centred approach.

Loved and trusted by millions for over three decades, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be a truly indispensable companion for the practice of modern medicine.


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100 Cases in Clinical Medicine 3rd Edition

 Clinical Skills, Internal Medicine  Comments Off on 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine 3rd Edition
Jun 012023

Making speedy and appropriate clinical decisions and then choosing the best course of action is an essential skill for doctors. Exploring initial medical assessment, 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine presents 100 scenarios commonly seen by medical students and junior doctors in the emergency or outpatient department, on the ward, or in the community setting.

Each case begins with a succinct summary of the patient’s history, examination, and initial investigation. The text includes photographs where relevant and questions on the diagnosis and management of each case. The answers provide a detailed discussion on each topic, with further illustration where appropriate.

Most of the cases included are common problems but the book also includes more unusual cases to illustrate specific points and to emphasize that rare things do present. The first 20 cases are arranged by systems; the next 80 are in random order because symptoms such as breathlessness and pain may relate to many different clinical problems in various systems.

These true-to-life cases will teach students and junior doctors to recognize important clinical symptoms and signs and to develop the diagnostic and management skills needed for the cases they will encounter on the job.

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Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination: An Interprofessional Approach (Mosby’s Guide to Physical Examination) – 9th Edition (February 2018 Release)

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Feb 052023

Seidel’s Guide to Physical Examination 9th Edition offers a uniquely interprofessional, patient-centered, lifespan approach to physical examination and health assessment. This new edition features an increased focus on patient safety, clinical reasoning, and evidence-based practice, along with an emphasis on the development of good communication skills and effective hands-on examination techniques. Each core chapter is organized into four sections – Anatomy and Physiology, Review of Related History, Examination and Findings, and Abnormalities – with lifespan content integrated into each area. Written by an author team comprised of advance practice nurses and physicians with specialties in the care of adults, older adults, and children, this one-of-a-kind textbook addresses health assessment and physical examination for a wide variety of disciplines.


  • UNIQUE! Interprofessional, interdisciplinary approach, written by two advanced practice nurses and three physicians, with expertise in both pediatric and adult-geriatric health.
  • UPDATED! Infectious outbreak content addresses the growing problem of global infectious disease outbreaks such as Zika and Ebola and the need for infection precautions.
  • UNIQUE! Cross-references to Dains et al:Advanced Health Assessment & Clinical Diagnosis in Primary Care help you take “the next step” in your clinical reasoning abilities and provides a more seamless user experience.
  • UNIQUE! Compassionate, patient-centered approach emphasizes developing good communication skills, use of effective hands-on examination techniques, and reliance on clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making.
  • Integrated lifespan content includes separate sections in each chapter on Infants and Children, Adolescents, Pregnant Women, and Older Adults.


  • NEW! Emphasis on clinical reasoning provides insights and clinical expertise to help you develop clinical judgment skills.
  • NEW! Enhanced emphasis on patient safety and healthcare quality, particularly as it relates to sports participation.
  • NEW! Content on documentation has been updated with a stronger focus on electronic charting (EHR/EMR).
  • NEW! Enhanced social inclusiveness and patient-centeredness incorporates LGBTQ patients and providers, with special a emphasis on cultural competency, history-taking, and special considerations for examination of the breasts, female and male genitalia, reproductive health, thyroid, and anus/rectum/prostate.
  • NEW! Telemedicine, virtual consults, and video interpreters content added to the Growth, Measurement, and Nutrition chapter.

NEW! Improved readability with a clear, straightforward, and easy-to-understand writing style.

  • NEW! Updated drawing, and photographs enhance visual appeal and clarify anatomical content and exam techniques.

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An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine 1st Edition

 Clinical Skills, Internal Medicine  Comments Off on An Insider’s Guide to Clinical Medicine 1st Edition
Jan 292023

•Contains everything required for practical examination for medical students (both undergraduates and postgraduates).
•Each of the chapter has been organized and described under the headings of case sheet format, diagnosis format, discussion on symptomatology, discussion on examination and summary of findings.
•Comprehensive collection of all aspects of practical examination: Long Cases, Short Cases and Semi-long Cases; ECGs and X-rays; Instruments and Spotters; and Laboratory data interpretation.
•Separate chapter on prerequisites for practical examination and common cases.
•Exclusive sections for case sheet format, diagnosis format and system-wise summary of findings.
•Annexures for last minute revision which include commonly asked definitions and grading systems with standard references.
•Chapters on comprehensive geriatric assessment and approach to psychiatric illnesses.
•All the clinical aspects have been thoroughly verified from standard textbooks and articles.
•All the clinical examination skills have been described in a simple language with relevant illustrations.
•For ease of understanding and revision, most of the points have been put in tabular format.

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Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy 6th Edition

 Clinical Skills, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Paediatric Clinical Examination Made Easy 6th Edition
Aug 312022

Fully revised, this is an updated new edition of a much-loved book which has built a reputation for pithy, entertaining good sense over the course of six editions. ‘Children are different. Paediatrics is much more than medicine miniaturised.’

From reviews of the previous edition:

‘All in all a very handy book for the student, the resident or other professionals working with children. I had a lot of fun reading it.’

‘The book is full of wonderful illustrations, and funny and profound advice with quotations, like the words of Sir Dominic Corrigan (1853): “The trouble with many doctors is not that they do not know enough but that they do not see enough”, or the advice to teach thy tongue to say” “I do not know” (Rabbi Moses Maimonides or Rambam, 1135-1204). I have used this book for my final medical year paediatrics exams, the DCH and the MRCP and it has been a great help. It reminds us of the most important and basic things – history and examination, and of course a friendly demeanour.’

    • Short, manageable chapter
    • Clinical examples of examination techniques
    • Very helpful tips and topics section
    • Clinical checklists
  • Simply illustrated
    • Updated throughout
    • New section of ‘questions of fives’ questions
  • Short glossary of Latin terms

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Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 1st Edition

 Clinical Skills, Nursing  Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 1st Edition
Aug 302022

With the rise of post-registration clinical skills courses, advanced practitioners, and the new medical assistant roles, it is anticipated that future professional practice will involve more emphasis on clinical skills for nurses.

The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing provides a practical, easily accessible, concise, and evidence-based guide to all the essential elements of clinical skills for nursing practice in one portable format. The first section deals with the principles underlying patient assessment,
and professional issues relating to clinical skills in order to help practitioners perform procedures safely and competently. This is followed by chapters on generic skills such as communication, hygiene and comfort, infection control, intravenous access, and care of the theatre patient. There are
separate sections on drug administration and emergency and dependency care. The book then takes a systems-based approach to the care of patients covering the key concepts which underpin all good nursing practice, including the social and psychological aspects of nursing. Information is included on
how to relate the principles of clinical skills to different groups such as the elderly and the mentally ill, which will have relevance to practitioners whether in a hospital or community setting.

A unique and comprehensive guide to clinical skills in nursing, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing will help nurses and other health care workers to perform clinical skills safely and competently.

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Examination Paediatrics 5th Edition

 Clinical Skills, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Examination Paediatrics 5th Edition
Jan 292022

Examination Paediatrics is an essential guide for medical trainees undertaking paediatric clinical examinations.

Aligned with current practice and examination format, this new edition provides guidance on history taking, examination procedure, relevant investigations, and management for the majority of chronic paediatric clinical problems encountered in paediatric hospital practice and community paediatric practice.

  • Extended cardiology focus with over 50 colour images
  • Catchy mnemonics to aid recall
  • 5 new long cases, including hypopituitarism, neurofibromatosis type 1 and Rett syndrome
  • 8 new short cases, including lymphadenopathy, ataxia and nystagmus
  • Tips on body language, attitude and the motivation needed to pass your clinical exams

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