Feb 132025

In the highly specialized field of caring for children in the PICU, Fuhrman and Zimmerman’s Pediatric Critical Care is the definitive reference for all members of the pediatric intensive care team. Drs. Jerry J. Zimmerman and Alexandre T. Rotta, along with an expert team of editors and contributors from around the world, have carefully updated the 6th Edition of this highly regarded text to bring you the most authoritative and useful information on today’s pediatric critical care―everything from basic science to clinical applications
Contains highly readable, concise chapters with hundreds of useful photos, diagrams, algorithms, and clinical pearls.
Uses a clear, logical, organ-system approach that allows you to focus on the development, function, and treatment of a wide range of disease entities.
Features more international authors and expanded coverage of global topics including pandemics, sepsis treatment in underserved communities, specific global health concerns by region.
Covers current trends in sepsis-related mortality and acute care after sepsis, as well as new device applications for pediatric patients.
Provides ultrasound videos and more than 500 board-style review questions and answers on Expert Consult.
Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.



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Practical Emergency Resuscitation and Critical Care 2nd Edition

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Nov 132024

A fully revised second edition of a practical, easy-to-read and evidence-based text to assist healthcare professionals in the approach to the unstable and critically ill patient. Divided into sections by clinical scenario, the book covers the essential topics most often encountered in the emergency department and intensive care unit. A collaborative project from critical care physicians across multiple different specialties, the text covers general critical care, trauma and end-of-life care as well as emergencies across the spectrum of acute care medicine. The portable format and bulleted content provides practitioners with instant access to the essential information necessary for the diagnosis and management of critical care patients. The book is detailed while remaining focused and succinct, building on the first edition with new infographics for quick review and retention of key concepts. It is an invaluable bedside resource for emergency medicine and critical care clinicians across the acute care medicine spectrum.



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Paediatric Critical Care Manual New Edition

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Sep 222024

Presentation of chapters in a simple, concise and sequential manner with emphasis on the basic sciences to understand the concepts applicable in various clinical situations. Includes recent advances in the field of paediatric critical care. Algorithms for quick recapitulation of the topic. Topics of special interest include those on post-transplant care, mechanical ventilation in children (including disease-specific ventilation and physiologically difficult airway), monitoring in PICU (including use of USG in critical care), healthcare-associated infections and antibiotic resistance. A separate section on the commonly done procedures in PICU, with stepwise description and diagrams for better understanding. Commonly used formulae and charts presented in the Appendices at the end of the book as a ready reckoner.



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Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology First Edition

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Sep 152024

Designed specifically for nephrologists and trainees practicing in the ICU, Handbook of Critical Care Nephrology is a portable critical care reference with a unique and practical nephrology focus. Full-color illustrations, numerous algorithms, and intuitively arranged contents make this manual a must-have resource for nephrology in today’s ICU.


Covers all essential topics related to nephrology in the ICU, including ICU monitoring, drugs and blood products, imaging, acute kidney injury, electrolytes and acid-base disorders, poisonings and intoxications, extracorporeal therapies, organ transplantation, and ethics and palliative care.


Provides valuable information on specific conditions including sepsis, obstetrics, abdominal compartment syndrome, AKI in burns and trauma, gastrointestinal bleeding, neurological emergencies, environmental topics such as hemorrhagic fever and terrorism, hematologic/oncologic emergencies, and more.


Includes easy-to-understand visual abstracts of key studies.


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Emergency Department Resuscitation of the Critically Ill, 2nd Edition

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Aug 112024

“For those of us who want to ensure that we are up to date to guarantee clinical confidence, this book fills that need.”–Stephen C. Morris, Annals of Emergency Medicine


With an in-depth and up-to-date description of the unique presentation, differential diagnosis, and management of specific critical illness, this second edition emphasizes on ECMO, sepsis, neuro, critical care, pulmonary hypertension, crashing obese patient, and neonatal. Readers will also see the addition of many new flow diagrams and diagnostic and treatment algorithms.

The ability to manage critically ill patients is perhaps the defining skill of emergency physicians. Whether performing rapid sequence intubation, initiating and adjusting mechanical ventilation, titrating vasoactive medications, administering intravenous fluids, or initiating extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, emergency clinicians must be at their best in these high-octane scenarios, during which lives can be saved–or lost.

Emergency Department Resuscitation of the critically Ill focuses on caring for the sickest of the sick: the unstable patient with undifferentiated shock; the crashing ventilated patient; the decompensating patient with pulmonary hypertension or septic shock; the crashing obese patient; or the hypotensive patient with a left ventricular assist device. You’ll also find imperative information about managing pediatric and neonatal resuscitation, intracerebral hemorrhage, and the difficult emergency delivery.

What physiological possibilities must you consider immediately? What steps should you take now to save the patient’s life? The country’s foremost emergency medicine experts tell you everything you need to know to deliver rapid, efficient, and appropriate critical care. Quite simply, this book will help you SAVE lives.

What’s in it?

  • Undifferentiated Shock
  • The Difficult Airway
  • The Crashing Ventilated Patient
  • Fluid Management
  • Cardiac Arrest Updates
  • Postcardiac Arrest Management
  • Deadly Arrhythmias
  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
  • Cardiac Tamponade
  • Aortic Catastrophes
  • Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
  • The Crashing Morbidly Obese Patient
  • Pulmonary Hypertension
  • Left Ventricular Assist Devices
  • The Critically Ill Poisoned Patient
  • The Crashing Trauma Patient
  • Emergency Transfusions
  • Intracerebral Hemorrhage
  • Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
  • The Crashing Anaphylaxis Patient
  • Bedside Ultrasonography
  • The Difficult Emergency Delivery
  • Neonatal Resuscitation
  • Pediatric Resuscitation



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Emergencies in Critical Care (Emergencies in…) 2nd Edition

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Jul 302024

This essential handbook provides a practical, accessible guide to all emergency situations encountered in the critical care setting. Emergencies are very common in the critical care setting and this book helps critical care staff identify patients at risk, how to manage them, and be prepared. To help the reader find advice quickly, most chapters begin with a generic description of how to manage emergencies affecting that system, or patient group. This is followed by details of specific diagnoses and how they should be managed. The author team, where possible, follow the ‘ABC’ approach, which is not only the standard approach to emergency management, but also a widely-used scheme for documenting daily reviews on ICU, and for documenting trauma management.

This second edition covers new areas of importance, including sections on how to deal with adverse events and critical incidents involving critically ill patients, patient-safety and improved patient rescue packages, and on the practicalities of infection control procedures. Normal values have been combined in to one short chapter for easy reference.

Easy to use and evidence-based, this book will help all critical care staff involved with the management of emergencies, from the new junior doctor to the experienced consultant in a portable and easily-readable format.



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Principles of Critical Care, 4th edition

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Jul 232024

Quickly and accurately diagnose and treat the critically ill patient with guidance from the field’s definitive text


A Doody’s Core Title for 2022!


“…Clearly the finest textbook available in the field.” — Critical Care Medicine journal


“…Very well done…unusually user-friendly…excellent…a significant contribution to the field. It should be placed not only in the critical care practitioner’s library, but also in the rounds and nurses’ conference rooms of critical care units.” — Journal of the American Medical Association


Considered the field’s definitive text, Principles of Critical Care offers unmatched coverage of the diagnosis and treatment of the most common problems encountered in the practice of critical care. Written by expert critical care physicians who are also experienced teachers, the book features an organization, thoroughness, and clarity not found in any other reference on the topic. Within its pages, you will find comprehensive, authoritative discussion of every aspect of critical care medicine essential to successful clinical practice, ranging from basic principles to the latest technologies.


The fourth edition is highlighted by:


A new full-color presentation

NEW CHAPTERS on ICU Ultrasound, Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation, ICU-Acquired Weakness, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, and Judging the Adequacy of Intravascular Volume

The addition of many new figures and diagnostic and treatment algorithms

In-depth, up-to-date descriptions of the unique presentation, differential diagnosis, and management of specific critical illnesses

A logical organ system approach that simplifies the search for thorough and practical information necessary to manage a patient’s specific condition

The integration of pathophysiology throughout the text

Content that reflects today’s interdisciplinary approach to critical care medicine

*Reviews are of previous editions



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Critical Care Intravenous Infusion Drug Handbook 3rd Edition

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Jul 082024

Compact and easy to use, this handy reference focuses on the information you need to administer intravenous medications in critical care and emergency environments. Essential coverage of 48 of the most common and complex IV drugs, including drip rate calculation charts, drug calculation formulae, and much more help you safely and efficiently administer IV drugs.

Fully updated coverage includes the newest IV treatments with magnesium, conivaptan, potassium, and nicardipine, helping you provide the most effective care possible.

Current drug dosing charts for 48 of the most common, and most difficult to administer, intravenous infusion critical care drugs ensure that the information you need is readily available.

Quick reference drug compatibility charts provide instant access to this crucial information.

Drip Rates and Dosing information are arranged in tabular manner for each drug referenced in the text, allowing you to quickly prepare drugs in critical situations.

A Drug Calculation Formulae section includes a list of the formulae most useful in determining IV drug concentration, doses, and infusion rates, helping you to eliminate memorization errors when calculating these important parameters.

Calculation factors based on patient weight enable you to quickly change a patient’s infusion dose and titrate the drug to reduce the chance of medication errors.

Nursing Considerations in each drug monograph offer practical information on administration and monitoring.

Trade and generic drug name indexes help you find information quickly no matter what name is used.

A handy reference to ACLS guidelines allows you to quickly see how infusion therapy fits into the ACLS protocol.



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Neurocritical Care (Cambridge Manuals in Neurology) New Edition

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Jul 062024

Events in a neurological intensive care unit are not always predictable and patients can often be unstable. This practical manual is a clear and concise guide for recognising and managing neurological emergencies. Each chapter covers a crucial topic in neurocritical care, from understanding the pathophysiology of various neurological diseases, to neuroradiology used in diagnosis, and best practice for difficult decision making in the ICU. A variety of conditions are described such as haemorrhage (intracerebral, subdural, and subarachnoid), seizures, trauma and temperature dysregulation. An international team of experts have contributed chapters, providing a breadth of experience and knowledge for readers. This is an invaluable guide for clinicians on the front line of caring for patients with neurological emergencies who need life-saving answers quickly.



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Fast Facts About Neurocritical Care: What Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants Need to Know 1st Edition

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Jun 292024

“This practical and common-sense approach is an excellent companion to the care you provide to your patient.” — Grace H. Bryan

President, Association of Neurosurgical Physician Assistants

[From the Foreword]

This pocket-sized guide distills complicated neurological conditions to deliver the essentials of best care for the neurocritical patient. Often missing from acute care courses, neurocritical care is a growing field, with more patients than ever admitted to the ICU for neurocritical conditions. This specialty requires specificity and precision, but as this practical resource demonstrates, the intricacies of neurocritical care should not be an insurmountable obstacle for any APP.

Written in an easy-access style, Fast Facts About Neurocritical Care covers the defining characteristics, clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment, and nursing considerations of common neurological disorders seen in acute care settings. Chapters review the assessment and diagnosis of common and not-so-common neurological conditions that can often be difficult to recognize and manage. With learning objectives, illustrations, and Fast Facts boxes highlighting critical content, this reference is an invaluable resource for orientation into this oftenchallenging specialty.

Key Features:

  • Useful pocket resource for difficult-to-master neurological conditions presenting in ICU
  • Addresses a growing area of healthcare―a rapidly expanding specialty requiring well-versed nurses, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants
  • Reviews the basic neurological exam, as well as exam of the comatose patient
  • Explains pertinent diagnostics including CSF interpretation and different imaging modalities
  • Discusses commonly used treatments and medications
  • Presents an orientation resource to this challenging specialty



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