Practice Management for the Dental Team 9th Edition

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May 302022

Learn the skills you need to manage a modern dental business. Practice Management for the Dental Team 9th Edition is a comprehensive, one-stop resource that presents practical information on everything from managing patients to running the business. This unique text includes a wide range of dental office skills which are mapped to the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) test blueprint including technology, communications, appointment setting, dental charting, business office procedures, financial arrangements, and more! New to the ninth edition is even more in-depth information on alternative workforce models, production, insurance, and inventory along with an added emphasis on roles of the entire dentistry team.Plus, this is the only product on the market that includes Eaglesoft screen shots and practice management software, which will be downloadable through the Evolve site, for a fully realistic office experience.


Comprehensive coverage on the business of managing a dental office provides vital information to ensure the success of any dental practice.

UNIQUE! Emphasis on roles of the entire dentalteam featured throughout text.

UNIQUE! Patterson Dental EagleSoft screen shots and exercises equip you with valuable realistic practice experience.

Practice quizzes for each chapter on the Evolve website help your test comprehension and prepare you for classroom and board exams.

Expert author Betty Ladley Finkbeiner imparts knowledge and advice from years of teaching and practical experience and wide reach in dental assisting education.

Key terminology defined in the chapter’s glossary and called out in boldface color within chapter discussions helps you to understand dental practice and clinical dentistry terminology essential to the success of any office manager.

Learning Activities and Practice Notesencourage you to apply the content to realistic office situations and convey important tips and advice.

Learning outcomes at the beginning of each chapter frame the content and serve as checkpoints for comprehension and study.

Summary tables and boxes provide easy-to-read summaries of text discussions that support visual learners and serve as useful review and study tools.

Bibliographical citations direct you to targeted sources of information where additional dental-related information can be located.

Appendixes provide supplemental information for quick and handy office reference.

NEW! Content includes the latest information on alternative workforce models, dental insurance and reimbursement, production, and inventory planning

UPDATED! Art program with modern illustrations and photographs helps you to understand today’s office environment, tools, and equipment.

EXPANDED and IMPROVED! Test Bank with cognitive leveling and mapping to the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) test blueprint.

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Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp 12th Edition

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May 302022

Stay up on the latest research and techniques in endodontics with Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp, 12th Edition. Written by a team of internationally renowned experts and trusted for more than 40 years, this definitive guide covers the science, theory, and practice of endodontics. Full color illustrations and detailed radiographs guide readers through each step of endodontic care ― from diagnosis and treatment planning to proven techniques for managing pulpal and periapical diseases. This new twelfth edition also boasts the very latest evidence-based research and techniques, reorganized and condensed chapters, plus other features designed to help you locate important information quickly and easily. Complete with access to Expert Consult, it’s everything you need to stay ahead in the field of endodontics.


Extensive illustration collection includes over 2,000 full-color photos, line art, and radiographs to clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce the essential principles and techniques of endodontics.

Video clips and case studies demonstrate key procedures such as palpation of the masseter muscle, introsseous anesthesia with the X-tip system, dentin hypersensitivity, and more.

Diverse and respected contributor pool includes experts from many national- and international-based dental education programs.

NEW! Updated content and new images incorporate the most recent developments in research and clinical endodontic techniques.

NEW! Additional topics cover pulp biology, pathobiology, diagnosis, treatment planning, pain control, isolation, access, cleaning and shaping, obturation, restoration, assessment of outcomes, emergencies and surgery. Each online topic comes with assigned reading lists, a PowerPoint lecture, written lesson objectives, and example exam questions.

NEW! Compliance with theCommission on Dental Accreditation Curriculum ensures that the needs of all dental programs are met.

NEW! Reorganized sections now divide chapters by those covering clinical endodontics, those covering the biological basis of endodontics, and chapters which detail endodontics in private practice to make content easier for both clinicians and students to navigate.

NEW! Condensed chapters remove unnecessary duplication of content across the text and make the physical text lighter and easier to use.

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Microsurgical Endodontics

 Dentistry, Surgery  Comments Off on Microsurgical Endodontics
May 302022

Microsurgical Endodontics, a term coined by the author himself, is a branch of Endodontics that allows to save dental elements otherwise lost and intended to be replaced with implants. The study of it means adding precious information to your knowledge in endodontics.

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Fundamentals of Treatment Planning: Guidelines on How to Develop, Plan, Write, and Deliver a Prosthodontic Care 1st Edition

 Dentistry  Comments Off on Fundamentals of Treatment Planning: Guidelines on How to Develop, Plan, Write, and Deliver a Prosthodontic Care 1st Edition
May 292022

This book is a comprehensive prosthodontic treatment guide that outlines and explains the various aspects and possibilities of medical and dental treatment planning as it exists today. The content is logically organized in a step-by-step manner and addresses a wide audience: prosthodontic specialists, graduates and postgraduate students, general practitioners, and specialists in other dental fields. Topics include the goals of treatment planning, prosthodontic tools, first meeting with the patient, diagnostics and prognostics, intraoral and extraoral physical examination, types and structure of prosthodontic treatment, the writing of a treatment plan, and more. All clinicians who organize prosthetic and reconstructive treatments in their daily work will benefit from this book. 97 illustrations. Contents: 1. Past, present, and future of treatment planning 2. Treatment planning management 3. Prosthodontic tools for treatment planning 4. Data, findings, and dental semiotics 5. The first visit diagnostics 6. Diagnosis and prognosis 7. Physical examination Part I: extraoral examination 8. Physical examination Part II: intraoral examination 9. Main clinical examination assessment questions 10. The type and structure of prosthodontic treatments 11. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase I: Diagnostics, consultations, and emergencies 12. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase II: Prosthetic and restorative treatment 13. Treatment planning analysis of complex rehabilitations, Phase III: Posttreatment care and recalls 14. Treatment planning for the elderly and those with challenging health conditions 15. How to write a prosthodontic treatment plan

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Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp 12th Edition

 Dentistry  Comments Off on Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp 12th Edition
May 192022

Stay up on the latest research and techniques in endodontics with Cohen’s Pathways of the Pulp, 12th Edition. Written by a team of internationally renowned experts and trusted for more than 40 years, this definitive guide covers the science, theory, and practice of endodontics. Full color illustrations and detailed radiographs guide readers through each step of endodontic care ― from diagnosis and treatment planning to proven techniques for managing pulpal and periapical diseases. This new twelfth edition also boasts the very latest evidence-based research and techniques, reorganized and condensed chapters, plus other features designed to help you locate important information quickly and easily. Complete with access to Expert Consult, it’s everything you need to stay ahead in the field of endodontics.

  • Extensive illustration collection includes over 2,000 full-color photos, line art, and radiographs to clearly demonstrate core concepts and reinforce the essential principles and techniques of endodontics.
  • Video clips and case studies demonstrate key procedures such as palpation of the masseter muscle, introsseous anesthesia with the X-tip system, dentin hypersensitivity, and more.
  • Diverse and respected contributor pool includes experts from many national- and international-based dental education programs.
  • NEW! Updated content and new images incorporate the most recent developments in research and clinical endodontic techniques.
  • NEW! Additional topics cover pulp biology, pathobiology, diagnosis, treatment planning, pain control, isolation, access, cleaning and shaping, obturation, restoration, assessment of outcomes, emergencies and surgery. Each online topic comes with assigned reading lists, a PowerPoint lecture, written lesson objectives, and example exam questions.
  • NEW! Compliance with theCommission on Dental Accreditation Curriculum ensures that the needs of all dental programs are met.
  • NEW! Reorganized sections now divide chapters by those covering clinical endodontics, those covering the biological basis of endodontics, and chapters which detail endodontics in private practice to make content easier for both clinicians and students to navigate.
  • NEW! Condensed chapters remove unnecessary duplication of content across the text and make the physical text lighter and easier to use.

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An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques 1st Edition

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May 152022

Learn the basics of dental morphology while improving your cognitive and psychomotor skills with one authoritative resource

An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques combines important information on dental morphology, and tooth carving and wax-up techniques. This book provides those who wish to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills with a comprehensive and authoritative resource essential to aesthetic and restorative procedures.

Containing clear diagrams and detailed explanations on dental morphology and tooth carving, this book is invaluable for the improvement of manual dexterity in undergraduate and graduate students, particularly in the area of aesthetic procedures and restorative procedures.

  • Contains information on the pre-carving preparation of wax blocks
  • Provides a description of anatomical landmarks
  • Offers a complete and stepwise guide to the carving and wax-up of each tooth
  • Includes video resources, located on the companion website, to assist students in the procedure

An Illustrated Atlas of Tooth Carving and Wax-Up Techniques is perfect for undergraduate and graduate students in dentistry who aim to improve their cognitive and psychomotor skills.

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Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry (Netter Basic Science) 3rd Edition

 Anatomy, Dentistry  Comments Off on Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry (Netter Basic Science) 3rd Edition
Apr 142022

A concise and visual guide to clinically relevant anatomy for dentistry, Netter’s Head and Neck Anatomy for Dentistry is an effective text for class and exam preparation, as well as a quick review in professional practice. Concise text, high-yield tables, clinical correlations, and review questions combine to make this new edition a perfect choice for learning and remembering the need-to-know structures, relationships, and concepts, while beautiful illustrations created in the Netter tradition enhance your visual mastery of the material.

You may also be interested in:

A companion set of flash cards, Netter’s Advanced Head & Neck Anatomy Flash Cards, 3rd Edition.

  • Over 100 multiple-choice questions complete with explanationshelp you assess your knowledge of the material and prepare for exams.
  • Identify clinically relevant anatomy with Netter illustrations and new art created in the Netter tradition.
  • Concise text and high-yield tables offer fast access to important facts.
  • Procedures coverage gives context and clinical meaning to the anatomy.
  • Expanded, up-to-date coverageon dental implants, cone beam imaging, and mandible osteology.
  • Beautiful new illustrations by Carlos Machado, MD, of the TMJ, articular disc pathology, infratemporal fossa, pterygopalatine fossa, and maxillary artery.
  • Interactive eBook included with print purchase, whichincludes access to the full text, interactive images, case studiesadditional assessment questionsvideo clips from cone beam CTs, and a rotatable 3D skull.

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Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery 1st Edition

 Dentistry, Surgery  Comments Off on Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery 1st Edition
Apr 142022

Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery presents a new clinical text and atlas focused on cutting edge and rapidly developing, minimally invasive treatment modalities and their applications to implant dentistry. Centered on progress in imaging, instrumentation, biomaterials and techniques, this book discusses both the “how to” as well as the “why” behind the concept of minimally invasive applications in implant surgery.

Drawing together key specialists for each topic, the book provides readers with guidance for a broad spectrum of procedures, and coalesces information on the available technologies into one useful resource. Minimally Invasive Dental Implant Surgery will be a useful new guide to implant specialists and restorative dentists seeking to refine their clinical expertise and minimize risk for their patients.

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Dental Management of the Pregnant Patient 1st Edition

 Dentistry, Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Dental Management of the Pregnant Patient 1st Edition
Mar 292022

Dental Management of the Pregnant Patient is the first book to focus on treating dental patients during pregnancy.

  • The first book to compile all of the knowledge for managing pregnant patients into a single source
  • Offers a comprehensive approach to the physiological changes in pregnancy, clinical considerations for treating pregnant patients, and discussion of medical emergencies
  • Covers medications, oral disease, tumors, trauma, management of gynecological emergencies, and more

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Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry 7th Edition

 Dentistry, Pharmacology  Comments Off on Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry 7th Edition
Mar 282022

Gain a complete understanding of drugs affecting patient care! Pharmacology and Therapeutics for Dentistry, 7th Edition describes how to evaluate a patient’s health and optimize dental treatment by factoring in the drugs they take. It explores the basic principles of pharmacology, the ways that drugs affect the body, and the potential for adverse drug interactions. Developed by Frank Dowd, Barton Johnson, and Angelo Mariotti, with chapters from a team of expert contributors, this is the only book written by dental pharmacologists for the dental market. Whether you’re concerned about the drugs a patient is already taking or the drugs you prescribe for treatment, this book helps you reduce risk and provide effective dental care.

  • Concise, comprehensive coverage helps you provide safe and effective dental care, exploring the fundamentals of pharmacology and clearly explaining actions of specific drug groups on systems in the human body in addition to covering special topics such as pain control, fear and anxiety, and oral complications of cancer therapy.
  • An emphasis on the dental applications of pharmacology shows how to evaluate a patient’s health and optimize dental treatment by factoring in any medications the patient may be taking.
  • Practical appendices provide easy access to essential information, summarizing topics such as drug interactions in clinical dentistry, antiseptics and disinfectants, herbs, controlled substances, protein biopharmaceuticals, drugs used to treat glaucoma, and abbreviations.
  • Clinical Rationale for and Significance of Prescription Writing chapter and two appendices on drug prescribing cover both the medications that a patient may already be taking and drugs that a dentist may prescribe for treatment.
  • Nearly 50 expert contributors represent a diverse, authoritative panel of authors from many of the major dental schools.
  • NEW! Reorganized content is more concise, more relevant, and more visual, with a stronger focus on what you need to know for clinical practice.
  • NEW! Case studies at the beginning of chapters and case discussions at the end help you connect pharmacologic concepts and principles with clinical practice.
  • NEW summary tables and boxes provide quick reference to vital information, and include all-new tables on drug indications and mechanisms.
  • NEW! Full-color design and illustrations are added to this edition, enhancing realism and visual learning.
  • NEW companion website provides references linked to PubMed.
  • NEW! Bullet points list key information at the beginning of each chapter, highlighting need-to-know concepts.

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