Diseases of the Ear, Nose & Throat in Children: An Introduction and Practical Guide 1st Edition

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Feb 032024

An essential introduction to the clinical examination, treatment and surgical procedures for children with diseases of the ear, nose and throat. This book encompasses the conditions most commonly encountered in the emergency setting, on the ward and in the outpatient clinic.With its highly practical approach and step-by-step guidance,this book will be invaluable for all surgical trainees studying for higher postgraduate examinations in ENT, as well as an essential guide for otorhinolaryngologists, primary care practitioners and specialist ENT nurses in the early years of training.




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ENT: An Introduction and Practical Guide 3rd Edition

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Aug 022023

The third edition of ENT: An Introduction and Practical Guide provides an essential introduction to the clinical examination, treatment options and surgical procedures within ENT. It encompasses the most frequently encountered conditions in the emergency setting, on the ward and in the outpatient clinic.

The text has been updated to include new content on implantation surgery for hearing loss. It also includes significant changes in the indications for surgery, patient assessment, management, and surgical techniques. The subjects of dizziness and vertigo have also been updated to include novel interventions.

With its highly practical step-by-step approach, this book will be invaluable to all surgical trainees studying for higher postgraduate examinations in ENT, and an essential guide for otorhinolaryngologists, primary care practitioners and specialist ENT nurses in their early years of training.



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ENT Vivas: A Guide to Passing the Intercollegiate FRCS (ORL-HNS) Viva Examination: A Guide to Passing the Intercollegiate FRCS (ORL-HNS) Viva Examination (Master Pass Series) 1st Edition

 ENT  Comments Off on ENT Vivas: A Guide to Passing the Intercollegiate FRCS (ORL-HNS) Viva Examination: A Guide to Passing the Intercollegiate FRCS (ORL-HNS) Viva Examination (Master Pass Series) 1st Edition
Nov 272022

This clear and concise text covers all the assessable aspects of the ENT curriculum for the FRCS. Although technique and presentation of knowledge will no doubt be attained through viva practice, the comprehensive content ensures that all candidates have the relevant knowledge not only to succeed, but also to excel in their viva examination. Covering both the theoretical and clinical aspects of the examination, as well as other equally critical aspects, including communication skills, clinical examination and miscellaneous sections, this handbook is a high yield revision aid for all surgical trainees in the early stages of their Otolaryngology careers, and simultaneously acts as an emergency information source for those cross-covering the specialty. ENT and Otorhinolaryngology surgical trainees and Residents will find the scope of this guide highly relevant to obtain FRCS accreditation or equivalent.

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Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders 5th Edition

 ENT, Gastroenterology/Hepatology  Comments Off on Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders 5th Edition
Jul 202022

Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders, Fifth Edition is a graduate-level textbook for speech-language pathology programs that examines the diagnosis and treatment of swallowing disorders in children and adults. Thoroughly updated, this popular text emphasizes evidence-based practice, multidisciplinary team management, swallowing safety, nutrition, behavioral treatments, and management following surgical options. Authored by two speech-language pathologists and an otolaryngologist for a multidisciplinary approachthe Fifth Edition continues to be easy-to-understand text for students and also serves as an up-to-date reference for practicing clinicians who treat swallowing disorders in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, nursing homes, and private outpatient clinics.


New to the Fifth Edition

  • New chapter on the aging population!
  • The Anatomy and Physiology chapter has been thoroughly updated and 15 beautiful, new full color illustrations have been added
  • More images and enhanced figures, including additional FEES and fluoroscopy video studies of swallowing disorders in head and neck cancer and stroke patients
  • Many new references, easy-to-read tables, and treatment hints
  • Information on pediatric feeding and swallowing has been updated and expanded
  • Evidence-based practice methods have been updated
  • Content has been edited to be more concise, applicable, and reader friendly

The text features numerous pedagogical aids to reinforce student understanding

  • Case study inserts in many chapters and 9 extended case studies in the final chapter
  • 32 videos
  • Discussion questions and answers for each chapter
  • Bolded and boxed key terms throughout with an end-of-book glossary
  • Clinical tips, clinician s roles, areas of emphasis, and key learning points highlighted in boxes throughout the chapters
  • 8 appendices featuring helpful tests and tools for clinicians
  • NEW full clinical swallowing examination record form included in appendix
  • Access to ancillary materials on a PluralPlus companion website, including instructor lecture slides, downloadable versions of the appendices, and PowerPoint flashcards

Also Available

Clinical Management of Swallowing Disorders Workbook, Fifth Edition

The companion workbook contains true/false, multiple-choice, and fill-in-the-blank questions, along with study topics related to each chapter of the textbook.

NOTE: This book comes with supplementary content on a PluralPlus companion website. If you purchase or rent a used copy of the printed book, the code to access the website printed inside the book may have been previously redeemed/used or be incorrect and you will not be able to use it. To guarantee access to the website, it is recommended you purchase a new copy of this book.

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ENT Secrets 4th Edition

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Jul 072022

“This is a very good all round ENT book ” Reviewed by: Harry Brown on behalf of www.glycosmedia.com, November 2015

  • Apply the latest knowledge and techniques with content thoroughly updated by leaders in the field.
  • Quickly review key concepts through a question-and-answer format, bulleted lists, mnemonics, “Exam Pearls,” “Key Points” summaries, and practical tips from the authors.
  • Enhance your reference power with a full range of well-organized essential topics in ear, nose and throat disorders.
  • Improve content knowledge with a special chapter containing “Top 100 Secrets,” providing an overview of essential material for last-minute study or self-assessment.
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat: Head and Neck Surgery 1st Edition

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Mar 202022

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Color Atlas of ENT Diagnosis 5th edition Edition

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Jan 202022

New edition covers the latest developments in Otolaryngology

Overall, a high-quality atlas, likely to be very beneficial to a junior otolaryngology resident, medical student, primary care physician or emergency room physician. It is pocket-sized for easy portability, and the bullet format makes it very user friendly. This text will be a very quick reference guide for many commonly encountered otolaryngology entities, and will serve as a good introduction to our specialty.— Melanie Seybt, MD, Head and Neck, August, 2011

Returning in a new edition, this popular color atlas is a concise visual guide for the diagnosis of the full range of ENT conditions. Incorporating the latest developments in the field, this edition opens with an overview of examination techniques, providing descriptions of instruments, imaging, and diagnostic tests. Separate sections cover common and uncommon disorders of the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx, and the head and neck. High-quality photographs are complemented by guidelines for the effective diagnosis and treatment of each clinical problem.

Features of the fifth edition:

  • Expanded discussion of such topics as facial plastic surgery, care for the pediatric patient, and head and neck disorders
  • More than 660 high-quality full-color photographs and illustrations that demonstrate key concepts


Ideal for medical students and residents in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, this atlas is also a valuable reference for physicians in related specialties.




[A] reference source…provides a quick overview of some major otolaryngological diagnoses…excellent photographs…pictures feature superb quality…succinct, pictorial, and engaging atlas is an attractive addition to emergency rooms, general practitioner’s offices, and medical school libraries.”–Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology

“You do not have to be specifically interested in ENT to appreciate or fine this book of use…many other medical disciplines…will find this book an invaluable resource and reference guide.” Annals of the Royal College of Surgery March 2011

“[High-quality] images…concise explanations…particularly comprehensive…provides excellent examples…provides a broad demonstration of many ENT diseases likely to be encountered by physicians…[this] book would be a valuable reference.”–Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology

“An atlas for the diagnosis of ear, nose and throat conditions that addresses exam techniques, imaging, diagnostic tests, and common and uncommon disorders of the ear, nose pharynx and larynx, and head and neck, through color images and concise description[s]. This edition [features] discussion of topics such as facial plastic surgery, pediatric care, and head and neck disorders.” — booknews.com

“[Four stars] A concise photographic atlas…a high-yield, easy-to-read synopsis of what conditions one might encounter in the ENT clinic…The beautiful glossy color photos are informative…This is a perfect introductory book.”–Doody’s Review

Praise for the previous edition:

“Should be found in every otolaryngology clinic or office affiliated with a teaching institution.”–Otology & Neurotology

“Recommend[ed]…without hesitation.”–The Journal of Laryngology & Otology

“The format relies heavily on pictorials that attract attention and direct to the succinct text focusing on diagnosis. This arrangement will appeal to medical students and junior trainees as a reference source…provides a quick overview of some major otolaryngological diagnoses…excellent photographs of the diagnostic procedures and tools…This succinct, pictorial, and engaging atlas is an attractive addition to emergency rooms, general practitioner’s offices, and medical school libraries.”–Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology


From the Back Cover


Overall, a high-quality atlas, likely to be very beneficial to a junior otolaryngology resident, medical student, primary care physician or emergency room physician. It is pocket-sized for easy portability, and the bullet format makes it very user friendly. This text will be a very quick reference guide for many commonly encountered otolaryngology entities, and will serve as a good introduction to our specialty.— Melanie Seybt, MD, Head and Neck, August, 2011

Returning in a new edition, this popular color atlas is a concise visual guide for the diagnosis of the full range of ENT conditions. Incorporating the latest developments in the field, this edition opens with an overview of examination techniques, providing descriptions of instruments, imaging, and diagnostic tests. Separate sections cover common and uncommon disorders of the ear, nose, pharynx and larynx, and the head and neck. High-quality photographs are complemented by guidelines for the effective diagnosis and treatment of each clinical problem.

Features of the fifth edition:

  • Expanded discussion of such topics as facial plastic surgery, care for the pediatric patient, and head and neck disorders
  • More than 660 high-quality full-color photographs and illustrations that demonstrate key concepts

Ideal for medical students and residents in otolaryngology-head and neck surgery, this atlas is also a valuable reference for physicians in related specialties.

Tony R Bull, FRCS, is Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Royal National Throat, Nose, and Ear Hospital; Honorary Senior Lecturer to the Institute of Laryngology and Otology; Honorary Consultant Surgeon, Charing Cross Hospital; and Consultant Surgeon, King Edward VII Hospital; London, United Kingdom. John S Almeyda, FRCS, is Consultant ENT Surgeon, West Middlesex University Hospital, Isleworth, Middlesex, United Kingdom.


About the Author


Consultant ENT Surgeon, West Middlesex University Hospital, Isleworth, Middlesex, United Kingdom
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Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician

 ENT, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician
Sep 252021

“Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician” serves both as a primer as well as an instant reference for all medical practitioners caring for the pediatric patient. Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are very common in children and this e-book covers the vast majority of these conditions from an expert viewpoint with data published by respected medical professionals. Topics covered in this e-book include hearing loss, otitis media, neck masses and infections, sinusitis, stridor and many more. Readers with find actionable education needed to help care for their patients presented within simple, easy to read chapters.

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CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Fourth Edition (Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology) 4th Edition

 ENT, Surgery  Comments Off on CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, Fourth Edition (Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Otolaryngology) 4th Edition
Sep 232021

A complete, concise review of the science and clinical practice of otolaryngology — head and neck surgery — with a new full-color presentation

Doody’s Core Titles for 2021!

The must-have resource for board review and recertification

The acclaimed one-stop clinician’s guide to treating all major diseases of the ear, nose, throat, and neck
Emphasizes the practical features of clinical diagnosis and patient management
Conveniently organized by anatomic region
FOUR NEW CHAPTERS: Professional Voice Assessment and Care; Neurolaryngology; Aural Rehabilitation and Hearing Aids; and Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery
Consistent presentation includes General Considerations, Pathogenesis, Prevention, Clinical Findings, Differential Diagnosis, and Treatment
Must-know medical and surgical management of each disorder
Thorough discussion of pathophysiology and relevant basic and clinical science
Comprehensive radiology chapter with more than 150 images
“Essentials of Diagnosis” section for each disease and disorder delivers key points at a glance
All new full color interior design with more than 500 color illustrations
Valuable to otolaryngologists as well as all the medical and surgical specialties and related disciplines that treat patients with head and neck disorders
Strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity
Spans the entire breadth of ENT topics, including the latest developments in basic science, facial plastic surgery, head and neck surgery, laryngology, rhinology, pediatric otolaryngology, otology, and neurotology

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