Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance 1st Edition

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Feb 232021

Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance provides a highly-illustrated, accessible introduction to this practical but complex topic, which is increasingly encountered in every-day outpatient settings, as well as surgical departments.

Each double-page spread diagrammatically summarises the basic science relating to each anatomical area, outlines practical guidelines on the examination of patients, and provides an overview of the most common disorders and diseases.

This brand new title in the best-selling at a Glance series features high-yield information on all the topics covered at medical school, and includes:

  • Advice on clinical skills, practical examinations and procedures, such as otoscopic examinations, and tuning fork tests
  • Comprehensive illustrations showing anatomy and mechanisms of hearing
  • Assessment, management and treatment of both chronic and acute conditions
  • ENT trauma and emergencies
  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Extended Matching Questions (EMQs) to help test learning

Ear, Nose and Throat at a Glance is the ideal companion for anyone about to start the ENT attachment, or ‘special senses’ rotation, and will appeal to medical students and junior doctors, as well as nurses, audiologists and other health professionals.

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Language Disorders in Bilingual Children and Adults, Third Edition

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Dec 062020

Language Disorders in Bilingual Children and Adults, Third Edition, provides speech-language pathologists, advanced students in communication disorders programs, and clinical language researchers with information needed to formulate and respond to questions related to effective service delivery to bilingual children and adults with suspected or confirmed language disorders. The bilinguals of interest represent varying levels of first and second language proficiency across the lifespan. That is, bilingualism is not determined here by proficiency in each language, but rather by the individual’s experience or need for two languages.

In separate chapters, the book synthesizes the literature on bilingual children and adults with typical and atypical language skills. These chapters give the reader a deep understanding of the multiple factors that affect language development and disorders in those who rely on two languages for meaningful interactions. Chapters on assessment and intervention issues and methods are then presented for each population.

For children, the text focuses on developmental language disorder but also discusses secondary language disorders (such as autism spectrum disorder) in bilingual populations. For adults, the focus is on aphasia, with additional discussion of dementia, traumatic brain injury, and right hemisphere disorder. Although child and adult, typical and atypical populations are presented separately, all are considered within a unifying Dynamic Interactive Processing perspective and within a new Means-Opportunities-Motives framework for understanding language disorders in bilinguals. This broad theoretical framework emphasizes interactions between social, cognitive and communicative systems to form the basis for very practical implications related to assessment and intervention.

This third edition has been completely updated to reflect the current research on bilingual populations and the best practices for working with them. Studies at the intersection of bilingualism and language disorders have expanded to include additional disorders and new language combinations. The authors synthesize the current literature and translate it for clinical use.



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Diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat

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Nov 082020

The present edition is revised, updated and expanded. Several new clinical photographs, diagrams, tables and fl owcharts have been added to make the subject clear. A unique feature of this edition is white board lectures and videos, depicting through animations, the surgical procedures. The present edition is revised, updated and expanded. Several new clinical photographs, diagrams, tables and fl owcharts have been added to make the subject clear. A unique feature of this edition is white board lectures and videos, depicting through animations, the surgical procedures.



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ENT Infections: An Atlas of Investigation and Management

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Jul 152020

This new atlas provides an illustrated guide to the investigation, diagnosis and management of infectious diseases of the ear, nose and throat. In the first section of the book the authors begin with an overview of the microbiology of ENT infections, describing the main infective organisms, and the tests by which the presence of bacterial, viral, fungal and other infections can be confirmed. This is followed by a brief summary of the principles of pharmacological management, the agents currently in use and their mode of action.

The three main sections of the atlas focus in turn on infections of the ear, the nose and nasopharynx and paranasal sinuses, and the mouth and throat. All follow the same approach, beginning with the basic principles of the physical examination and a review of commonly presenting signs and symptoms. Subsequent sections guide the reader through the various possible diagnoses, the causative organisms and the means by which the infection can be treated, all supported by diagnostic algorithms, tables and high quality colour photographs.The atlas concludes with a special section describing some of the most important tropical infections which are encountered with increasing frequency and with which the clinician needs to be familiar.

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Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 3-Volume Set (7th Edition) – 25th May 2020 Release

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May 302020

The most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary text in the field, Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery, 7th Edition, provides detailed, practical answers and easily accessible clinical content on the complex issues that arise for otolaryngologists at all levels, across all subspecialties. This award-winning text is a one-stop reference for all stages of your career―from residency and board certification through the challenges faced in daily clinical practice. Updated content, new otology editor Dr. Howard W. Francis, and new chapters and videos ensure that this 7th Edition remains the definitive reference in today’s otolaryngology.

    • Brings you up to date with the latest minimally invasive procedures, recent changes in rhinology, and new techniques and technologies that are shaping patient outcomes.
    • Contains 12 new chapters, including Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Facial Pain, Geriatric Otology, Middle Ear Endoscopic Surgery, Pediatric Speech Disorders, Pediatric Cochlear Implantation, Tongue-Ties and Lip Ties, Laryngotracheal Clefts, and more.
    • Covers recent advances and new approaches such as the Draf III procedure for CRS affecting the frontal recess, endoscopic vidian and posterior nasal neurectomy for non-allergic rhinitis, and endoscopic approaches for sinonasal and orbital tumors, both extra- and intraconal.
    • Provides access to 70 key indicator (Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education Key Indicator Procedures), and surgical videos – an increase of 43% over the previous edition.
    • Offers outstanding visual support with 4,000 high-quality images and hundreds of quick-reference tables and boxes.

  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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Cummings Otolaryngology: Head and Neck Surgery – 3 Volume Set (6th Edition)

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Mar 072020

2015 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Surgical Specialties Category! Now in its 6th edition, Cummings Otolaryngology remains the world’s most detailed and trusted source for superb guidance on all facets of head and neck surgery. Completely updated with the latest minimally invasive procedures, new clinical photographs, line drawings, and new surgical videos, this latest edition equips you to implement all the newest discoveries, techniques, and technologies that are shaping patient outcomes. Be certain with expert, dependable, accurate answers for every stage of your career from the most comprehensive, multi-disciplinary text in the field!

    • Overcome virtually any clinical challenge with detailed, expert coverage of every area of head and neck surgery, authored by hundreds of leading luminaries in the field.

    • Experience clinical scenarios with vivid clarity through a heavily illustrated, full-color format which includes approximately 3,200 images and over 40 high quality procedural videos.

  • Get truly diverse perspectives and worldwide best practices from a multi-disciplinary team of contributors and editors comprised of the world’s leading experts.
  • Glean all essential, up-to-date, need-to-know information. All chapters have been meticulously updated; several extensively revised with new images, references, and content.
  • Stay at the forefront of your field with the most updated information on minimally-invasive surgical approaches to the entire skull base, vestibular implants and vestibular management involving intratympanic and physical therapy-based approaches, radiosurgical treatment of posterior fossa and skull base neoplasms, and intraoperative monitoring of cranial nerve and CNS function.
  • Apply the latest treatment options in pediatric care with new chapters on pediatric sleep disorders, pediatric infectious disease, and evaluation and management of the infant airway.
  • Find what you need faster through a streamlined format, reorganized chapters, and a color design that expedites reference.
  • Manage many of the most common disorders with treatment options derived from their genetic basis.
  • Assess real-world effectiveness and costs associated with emergent technologies and surgical approaches introduced to OHNS over the past 10 years.
  • Incorporate recent findings about endoscopic, microscopic, laser, surgically-implantable, radiosurgical, neurophysiological monitoring, MR- and CT-imaging, and other timely topics that now define contemporary operative OHNS.
  • Take it with you anywhere! With Expert Consult, you’ll have access the full text, video clips, and more online, and as an eBook – at no additional cost!


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Key Topics in Otolaryngology, 3rd Edition

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Jan 152020

The long and eagerly awaited third edition of this popular and compact textbook is here.

Often labelled an “exam bible” in its previous editions, Key Topics in Otorhinolaryngology provides a concise yet comprehensive overview that clinical students and trainees alike can use. It will serve as an ideal introduction to ENT and also prove to be a valuable revision aid for ENT examinations.

Conceived and edited by three very knowledgeable and highly respected ENT surgeonsfrom the UK with a wealth of examining experience and an in-depth understanding of the British, European, and International examination formats and contents.

Key Features:
Contents organised alphabetically in manageable sized chapters, covering individual topics in a systematic style with great clarity.
Liberally updated to reflect new developments in the field – with 21 new chapters, and inclusive coverage of all sub-specialties in the discipline.
An ideal introduction to the specialty for medical students, and an accessible source of reference for general practitioners and junior doctors covering ENT.
It is insightful and succinct, whilst providing sufficient detail to be used as a valuable revision aid for those studying for post-graduate examinations in Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery.

Key Topics in Otolaryngology is certain to become a much-used reference for students, primary healtcare physicians and surgical trainees alike.

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Total Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery

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Dec 232019


Total Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery is a comprehensive otolaryngology reference that presents a consistent approach to the diagnosis and treatment of head and neck disorders. It provides thorough coverage of basic science topics as well as concise, practical information on clinical topics, such as radiographic imaging of common clinical presentations, deep neck infections, transoral robotic surgery, surgery of the aging face, lasers in laryngology, and much more. Key Features: * Opening section on emergency management containing key information residents need for emergency room rotations* An expanded section on head and neck pathology* Highlights provided in roundsmanship section of clinical chapters, ensuring that residents will have the answers to tough questions encountered on rounds* High-quality illustrations help readers visualize information presented in the text* Selected key references that provide in-depth details on specific topics This concise, practical reference is designed to be the main otolargyngology text that residents and fellows will use on a daily basis and the principal text otolaryngologists will use for board recertification review.
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Principles and Practice of Percutaneous Tracheostomy

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Nov 192019

This book is an introduction to the principles and practice of the most recent developments in tracheostomy, including a detailed description of the various techniques, together with summaries of complications, contraindications and comparisons with surgical tracheostomy. The reader is taken through the practical procedures for different percutaneous tracheostomy techniques, with clear illustrations to guide through the operation and avoid potential difficulties and hazards. The book includes all important and different PDT techniques available, with chapters written by guest authors who have contributed to the development and refinement of these techniques.

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Regenerative Medicine for the Inner Ear

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Oct 262019

The research described in this book represents important steps toward understanding the development of inner ear medicine and new perspectives in regenerative medicine, including efficacy in cochlear implants and various other treatments.

The book depicts the mechanisms that underlie inner ear diseases, their experimental models, and proposals for new strategies to treat their symptoms. As well, the exciting future prospects for dealing with the very common problem of inner ear diseases are explained. These disorders occur among many people and include sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL), sudden deafness, senile deafness, noise-induced deafness, tinnitus, dizziness–vertigo, and Ménière’s disease. In Japan alone, there are more than 6 million deaf patients including those with middle-range deafness. There is currently no effective treatment, and regardless of the underlying cause, the damage has been considered irreversible. However, the results of recent research show that these patients actually can recover. The study of hair cells, spiral ganglion neurons, and stem cells for inner ear diseases such as SNHL, tinnitus, dizziness, and vertigo is at the forefront of regenerative medicine and may provide solutions to some of these problems. The information presented here makes this book a valuable professional reference work for all doctors and researchers in the field of otolaryngology who focus on regenerative treatments for inner ear diseases.

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