Morphological Aspects of Inner Ear Disease

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Oct 182019

This book approaches inner ear diseases from a perspective that is as multifaceted as the diseases themselves. Common among these disorders are sudden deafness, Ménière’s disease, and perilymphatic fistula. With an awareness of the generally insufficient understanding of the causes and etiologies of these and other inner ear diseases, the author helps to fill those gaps in knowledge.
Several factors have impeded a clearer understanding of inner ear diseases, chiefly the small size of the organ and its location in the hard temporal bone and, consequently, the inadequate resolution of CT and MRI images for pathophysiological analysis. This book provides morphological information about the inner ear, elucidating its fluids and blood vessels to help familiarize the reader with the complicated inner ear structures. Important information about how the inner ear responds to various stimuli is also given for a better understanding of the characteristics of the organ. Included are chapters describing specific diseases and animal models of the diseases. Examples and illustrations are presented for surgical applications. For instance, patients with intractable vertigo of inner-ear origin require surgical treatment and the application of a laser to the vestibular labyrinth, described in detail.
With its generous use of color photographs, this book is an excellent reference text for all doctors and trainees in the field of otolaryngology.

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Middle Ear and Mastoid Microsurgery, 2nd Edition

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Jul 222019

Wonderfully illustrated…sets the bar quite high…recommended for any surgeon considering middle ear and mastoid surgery. – Otology and Neurotology (of the first edition)

Based on more than 30 years’ experience and over 20,000 clinical cases, the second edition of Middle Ear and Mastoid Microsurgery presents detailed surgical management strategies for the full spectrum of otologic disorders, from decision-making and preoperative considerations to descriptions of both common and complex surgical techniques. The superb schematic drawings and intraoperative images, combined with instructional text, facilitate an in-depth understanding of surgical anatomy and operative steps that is unparalleled in the literature.
New to the second edition of this landmark text:
Now over 1,600 vivid, full-color intraoperative images, many newly obtained with digital cameras, that take readers through the operative procedures in highly detailed step-by-step sequences
Expanded chapter on temporal bone anatomy, with dissection images correlated to CT scans that are crucial for a full understanding of surgical middle ear anatomy and 3D relationships between important structures
Updated chapter on paragangliomas, offering proven surgical solutions to this difficult pathology according to the authors’ modified classification
Revised chapter on subtotal petrosectomy, with treatments for intractable otorrhea in dead ears and other severe pathologies such as extensive Jiquorrhea and meningoencephalic herniation
Updated coverage of the remarkable advances in cochlear implant technology for profound sensorineural hearing loss

Complete with general operating room principles, anesthesia, and technical considerations, plus guidance on pitfalls, problems and potential complications, this comprehensive book is an in-depth review of modern middle ear surgery. From temporal bone anatomy to canalplasty to the most advanced surgical techniques, it sets the standard as the authoritative reference for all otologic surgeons at all levels of training.

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Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician

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Mar 272019

“Otolaryngology for the Pediatrician” serves both as a primer as well as an instant reference for all medical practitioners caring for the pediatric patient. Ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are very common in children and this e-book covers the vast majority of these conditions from an expert viewpoint with data published by respected medical professionals. Topics covered in this e-book include hearing loss, otitis media, neck masses and infections, sinusitis, stridor and many more. Readers with find actionable education needed to help care for their patients presented within simple, easy to read chapters[amazon template=iframe image&asin=1608054594]



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Sensory Evaluation of Sound

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Mar 252019

Sensory Evaluation of Sound provides a detailed review of the latest sensory evaluation techniques, specifically applied to the evaluation of sound and audio. This three-part book commences with an introduction to the fundamental role of sound and hearing, which is followed by an overview of sensory evaluation methods and associated univariate and multivariate statistical analysis techniques. The final part of the book provides several chapters with concrete real-world applications of sensory evaluation ranging from telecommunications, hearing aids design and binaural sound, via the latest research in concert hall acoustics through to audio-visual interaction. Aimed at the engineer, researcher, university student or manager the book gives insight into the advanced methods for the sensory evaluation with many application examples.

Introduces the fundamental of hearing and the value of sound
Provides a firm theoretical basis for advanced techniques in sensory evaluation of sound that are then illustrated with concrete examples from university research through to industrial product development
Includes chapters on sensory evaluation practices and methods as well as univariate and multivariate statistical analysis
Six application chapters covering a wide range of concrete sensory evaluation study examples including insight into audio-visual assessment
Includes data analysis with several associated downloadable datasets
Provides extensive references to the existing research literature, text books and standards

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ENT Medicine and Surgery: Illustrated Clinical Cases

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Sep 232018

This practical ENT reference guide includes over 100 clinical case scenarios, ranging from basic ENT issues to more challenging clinical cases, presented randomly as they would occur in real life. Each scenario includes thought-provoking questions followed by reasoned answers and is superbly illustrated with diagrams and high quality photographs.

This is an invaluable text for otorhinolaryngologists in practice and in training, from hospital-based surgeons preparing for higher examinations to established physicians for their continuing professional development.

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Atlas of Laryngoscopy

 ENT, Medical Atlas  Comments Off on Atlas of Laryngoscopy
Sep 172018

The third edition of Atlas of Laryngoscopy has been updated and improved upon to present the latest information from experts in the field. Each of the 146 chapters is made up of applicable case studies and color, high-resolution photographs. As the skill of diagnosis remains critical for residents, fellows, practitioners, and academics, the third edition adds new diagnostic information. It also includes new clinical observations. Covering everything from normal vocal fold anatomy to vocal fold cancer to rare traumatic injuries, there is no other book like this in the field. It is a must-have for residents and professors alike.

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Middle Ear Diseases: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

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Aug 152018

This book covers the latest advances in disciplines related to the middle ear pathologies such as: the innovations in the understanding of its functional anatomy and their implications along with the breakthroughs in the physiopathology of its diseases and the most recent concepts of their pathogenesis.
More adapted audiological investigative methods and the advanced imaging approaches for an accurate diagnostic work up and the best management of middle ear ailments are presented . As an up-to-date learning resource, based on demonstrated clinico-radiological correlations, this book is a highly valuable teaching tool, especially when contemplating proceeding in middle ear surgery.

Middle Ear Diseases is a comprehensive work, aimed for trainees, board candidates and teachers in otolaryngology and otology to respond to every educational need in regard to the most common middle ear pathologies. It is also a useful update for more experienced professionals in this field, as well as radiologists, audiologists and speech therapists.

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Clinical Handbook of Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders

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Jul 242018

Written primarily for medical students on otolaryngology rotation, and for residents and primary care physicians who are not specialists in this area, The Clinical Handbook of Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders serves as a ready-reference clinical handbook of current diagnostic and therapeutic management of ear, nose, and throat disorders. The book takes a symptom-oriented approach that provides practical algorithms for diagnosis and management that make it an ideal quick reference. The appendixes describe pharmaceuticals commonly used in otolaryngologic practices and instruments that are necessary for a complete otolaryngologic examination.

Authors William R. Wilson and Joseph B. Nadol, Jr., are chiefs of their divisions of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery and otolaryngology, respectively, at major American medical centers. The authors include the basic information non-otolaryngologists need to diagnose and treat ear, nose, and throat disorders, and provide lists of recommended readings and a comprehensive index. The Clinical Handbook of Ear, Nose, and Throat Disorders serves, as its title implies, as a handbook and quick reference of current diagnostic and therapeutic management of ear, nose, and throat

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Pediatric Audiology, 2nd edition

 ENT, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Pediatric Audiology, 2nd edition
Jun 272018

This book is a comprehensive guide to practical applications in pediatric audiology. The style is concise and confident, with content derived from the combined experience and knowledge of acknowledged experts in the field. – ENT & Audiology News Written by pioneering experts in the field, this updated and expanded edition of Pediatric Audiology focuses on the practical application of audiology principles and protocols that audiologists and graduate students need to master. It features new chapters on vestibular testing of children, bone anchored hearing aids, and interpretation of audiologic test results, as well as describing in detail the red flags that audiologists should know to identify and manage the barriers to a child’s optimal auditory development. Key Features: Videos with closed captioning, available online on Thieme’s MediaCenter, demonstrate the clinical testing techniques discussed in the book Detailed explanations of test protocols enable audiologists and otolaryngologists to use audiologic data to make thoughtful and effective management decisions for infants and children with hearing loss Step-by-step guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric hearing and balance disorders give students practical information they need and help practitioners accurately evaluate patients Graduate students in audiology will read this text cover to cover and practicing audiologists will frequently refer to it in their daily practice.
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Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Speech Sound Disorders in Children

 ENT, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Speech Sound Disorders in Children
Jun 132018

The leading, most current and comprehensive review of information critical to the study of clinical phonology available.
Long renowned for providing the most up-to-date, extensive coverage of the clinical literature in the area of speech sound disorders available, this leading resource has earned its status as a classic in the field and its rightful place on every speech, language, and hearing clinician’s bookshelf. Readers get an introduction to the normal aspects of speech sound articulation, normal speech sound acquisition, classification and factors related to the presence of speech sound disorders, the assessment and remediation of speech sound disorders, and phonology as it relates to language and dialectal variations. Rather than prescribing a single approach to speech sound disorders, the authors present a range of perspectives on the nature, assessment and treatment of these disorders. Articulation and Phonological Disorders is primarily concerned with those disorders not etiologically associated with known or obvious sensory, structural or neuromotor deficits. Among the changes and updates to the Eighth Edition are an expanded focus on evidence-based practice, the reorganization of several chapters, and an updated discussion of childhood apraxia of speech.

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