Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis

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Dec 102024

Epidemiology is a subject of growing importance, as witnessed by its role in the description and prediction of the impact of new diseases such as AIDS and new-variant CJD.

Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis covers the whole spectrum of standard analytical techniques used in epidemiology, from descriptive techniques in report writing to model diagnostics from generalized linear models.

The author discusses the advantages, disadvantages, and alternatives to case-control, cohort and intervention studies and details such crucial concepts as incidence, prevalence, confounding and interaction. Many exercises are provided, based on real epidemiological data sets collected from all over the world. The data sets are also available on an associated web site. Epidemiology: Study Design and Data Analysis will be an invaluable textbook for statistics and medical students studying epidemiology, and a standard reference for practicing epidemiologists.



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Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studies, 4th edition

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May 262024

An authoritative resource that offers the statistical tools and software needed to design and plan valid clinical studies Now in its fourth and extended edition, Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and Epidemiology Studiesincludes the sample size software (SSS) and formulae and numerical tables needed to design valid clinical studies. The text covers clinical as well as laboratory and epidemiology studies and contains the information needed to ensure a study will form a valid contribution to medical research. The authors, noted experts in the field, explain step by step and explore the wide range of considerations necessary to assist investigational teams when deriving an appropriate sample size for their when planned study. The book contains sets of sample size tables with companion explanations and clear worked out examples based on real data. In addition, the text offers bibliography and references sections that are designed to be helpful with guidance on the principles discussed. This revised fourth edition: Offers the only text available to include sample size software for use in designing and planning clinical studies Presents new and extended chapters with many additional and refreshed examples Includes clear explanations of the principles and methodologies involved with relevant practical examples Makes clear a complex but vital topic that is designed to ensure valid methodology and publishable results Contains guidance from an internationally recognised team of medical statistics experts Written for medical researchers from all specialities and medical statisticians, Sample Sizes for Clinical, Laboratory and EpidemiologyStudies offers an updated fourth edition of the important guide for designing and planning reliable and evidence based clinical studies.



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Epidemiology 101 (Essential Public Health) 2nd Edition

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Jan 232023

Now in full color, this best-selling text will introduce you to the basics of infectious disease epidemiology, environmental epidemiology, molecular epidemiology, and psychosocial/behavioral epidemiology. Perfect for those with no prior familiarity with health-related fields or statistics, Epidemiology 101, Second Edition, uses a clear, cohesive writing style and follows the basic Epidemiology 101 curriculum framework as outlined in the AAC&U and APTR Recommendations for Undergraduate Public Health Education. End-of-chapter exercises provide access to a laboratory component for college science courses that require a laboratory. Key Features: • Full color pages with 25% more tables and charts throughout to capture the reader’s interest and enhance learning • Current, tangible examples from the field that are relevant and familiar to young students such as big data, cyberbullying, and disease outbreaks including Ebola and Zika • New chapters that cover Epidemiology and Data Presentation (with practice questions for the MCAT® examination) and Epidemiology and Screening for Disease • Access to Navigate 2 online learning materials, including a comprehensive and interactive eBook, student practice activities and assessments, learning analytics reporting tools,

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Oxford Handbook of Epidemiology for Clinicians (Oxford Medical Handbooks) Illustrated Edition

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Aug 302022

The Oxford Handbook of Epidemiology for Clinicians provides all the information required by students and junior doctors who need to understand and translate key epidemiological concepts into medical practice. Unlike standard textbooks in this area, the focus throughout is on clinical applications of epidemiological knowledge.
Divided into four sections, the handbook begins with the basics of epidemiology in the clinic, moving on to the theories behind evidence-based practice, discussions of optimum methods and studies, and then ends by looking at the epidemiology of common diseases. The material is presented in a logical manner, from problems to the most appropriate solutions or tools to be applied. Interesting topics such as controversies in prevention intervention encourage discussion and thought, and the authors pose sensible and important questions throughout. This handbook is a must for all junior doctors, medical students, and clinicians who need to apply epidemiological concepts to day-to-day practice.

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Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment 1st Edition

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Jul 212022

Cancer is the second highest cause of death in the United States, and a leading cause of death globally. Our goals are to discuss the global epidemiology of various cancers, with detailed information on their prevalence, incidence, and clinical considerations. Epidemiology is the key to understanding the mortality and morbidity of cancer, and how we can prevent, diagnose, and treat the disease. Prevention of cancer is essential for saving lives. Prevalence and incidence of cancer are key factors that each government and population must be aware of. Advances in the study of cancer occur on a regular basis, and this book provides the latest insights about relationships between the disease and stem cells, tumorigenesis, molecular interactions, pathways, channels, and immunity.


Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment meets the needs of readers by providing current information about epidemiology (including molecular epidemiology), diagnosis, and treatment. Providing logical, step-by-step information on various cancers, this book consolidates all of the most up-to-date information and data from verified studies on all different types of cancers in the United States and throughout the world.


Chapters are presented so that each includes an overview, clinical manifestations, epidemiology, pathophysiology, etiology and risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and prognosis.


Global Epidemiology of Cancer: Diagnosis and Treatment will be invaluable to graduate and postgraduate students, including medical students; nurses; physician assistants; residents in oncology; public health students and allied health students.

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Epidemiology of Thyroid Disorders 1st Edition

 Endocrinology/Metabolism/Diabetes Mellitus, Epidemiology  Comments Off on Epidemiology of Thyroid Disorders 1st Edition
Jul 202022

Epidemiology of Thyroid Disorders provides comprehensive, clinical knowledge to professionals dealing with thyroid disorders. The book focuses on the pathophysiology of thyroid disorders, the prevalence and incidence of various diseases, and their prevention. This focused analysis on thyroid disorders raises awareness of this global problem that, once diagnosed or misdiagnosed, can sometimes lead to over-treatment and cardiovascular complications, especially in the elderly. This succinct, targeted reference gives the reader excellent information on the epidemiology of global thyroid disorders, as well as up-to-date treatment data and a special focus on prevention.

  • Serves as a starting point for medical professionals, addressing the patterns, risk factors, prevention, and treatment of thyroid disorders around the world
  • Discusses the prevalence of thyroid disorders around the world, covering disability and cost burden
  • Covers recent trends, technologies and advancements in the management of thyroid diseases

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High-Yield Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health (High-Yield Series) Fourth Edition

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Jun 112022

High-Yield™ Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health, Fourth Edition provides a concise review of the biostatistics concepts that are tested in the USMLE Step 1. Information is presented in an easy-to-follow format, with High-Yield Points that help students focus on the most important USMLE Step 1 facts. The High-Yield™ outline format, with tables, diagrams, photographs, and images to clarify important material, provides a concentrated, efficient review for both course exams and the USMLE.

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Gordis Epidemiology 6th Edition

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Feb 192022

From the Department of Epidemiology at Johns Hopkins University and continuing in the tradition of award-winning educator and epidemiologist Dr. Leon Gordis, comes the fully revised 6th Edition of Gordis Epidemiology. This bestselling text provides a solid introduction to basic epidemiologic principles as well as practical applications in public health and clinical practice, highlighted by real-world examples throughout. New coverage includes expanded information on genetic epidemiology, epidemiology and public policy, and ethical and professional issues in epidemiology, providing a strong basis for understanding the role and importance of epidemiology in today’s data-driven society.

  • Covers the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology in a clear, uniquely memorable way, using a wealth of full-color figures, graphs, charts, and cartoons to help you understand and retain key information.
  • Reflects how epidemiology is practiced today, with a new chapter organization progressing from observation and developing hypotheses to data collection and analyses.
  • Features new end-of-chapter questions for quick self-assessment, and a glossary of genetic terminology.
  • Provides more than 200 additional multiple-choice epidemiology self-assessment questions online.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

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Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health 4th Edition

 Epidemiology  Comments Off on Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health 4th Edition
Feb 132022

Essentials of Epidemiology in Public Health, Fourth Edition combines theory and practice in presenting traditional and new epidemiologic concepts. Broad in scope, the text opens with five chapters covering the basic epidemiologic concepts and data sources. A major emphasis is placed on study design, with separate chapters devoted to each of the three main analytic designs: experimental, cohort, and case-control studies.
Full chapters on bias, confounding, and random error, including the role of statistics in epidemiology, ensure that students are well-equipped with the necessary information to interpret the results of epidemiologic studies. Up-to-date examples from the epidemiologic literature on diseases of public health importance are provided throughout the book.
Key Features:
• New examples and the latest public health statistics throughout
• Coverage of the Ebola outbreak including an in-depth investigation of what happened
• New examples that illustrate epidemiological principles including a greater emphasis on social factors that influence health, such as racism
• Straightforward descriptions of the latest epidemiologic methods including mediation analysis, agent-based modelling, and the use of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) to assess confounding.
• An expanded glossary and key terms highlighted throughout the text

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Textbook of Epidemiology 1st Edition

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Jan 212022

Epidemiological research is an important tool for the improvement of preventive and curative healthcare. A valid study design, unbiased study conduct and proper interpretation of study results are essential, as these provide the foundation for evidence-based medicine. This book provides guidance on how to design, conduct and interpret human population-based medical research. It reflects the diversity in the field and will therefore discuss the methodology of etiological, diagnostic, prognostic and intervention research. This textbook is written for bachelor’s and master’s degree students receiving training in the biomedical sciences and for practitioners in the medical and allied professions. It will also serve as a reference manual for those with basic or advanced experience of epidemiology.
Commissioned by the European Epidemiology Federation and the Association for Schools of Public Health in the European Region

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