Histology for Pathologists, 4th edition

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Mar 122020

A strong grounding in basic histology is essential for all pathologists. However, there had always been a gap between histology and pathology in which histologic information specifically for the pathologist was often lacking. Histology for Pathologists deals with the microscopic features of normal human tissues, from the perspective of the surgical pathologist. This is the only text that uses human (vs. animal) tissues for the histology. It is the best reference in the literature for information on normal histology, and, as such, is essential for all clinical pathologists. Written by pathologists for pathologists, the new edition will update the pathologist’s understanding of normal histology up to date with the incremental advances made in the last five years. The 3rd edition has become a “classic” purchased by virtually all residents beginning their pathology training, as well as pathologists in practice. The 4th edition will build on that substantial foundation.
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Imaging of Brain Tumors with Histological Correlations Edition 2

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Oct 062019

This volume provides a deeper understanding of the diagnosis of brain tumors by correlating radiographic imaging features with the underlying pathological abnormalities. All modern imaging modalities are used to complete a diagnostic overview of brain tumors with emphasis on recent advances in diagnostic neuroradiology. High-quality illustrations depicting common and uncommon imaging characteristics of a wide range of brain tumors are presented and analysed, drawing attention to the ways in which these characteristics reflect different aspects of pathology. Important theoretical considerations are also discussed. Since the first edition, chapters have been revised and updated and new material has been added, including detailed information on the clinical application of functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging. Radiologists and other clinicians interested in the current diagnostic approach to brain tumors will find this book to be an invaluable and enlightening clinical tool.
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Color Atlas and Text of Histology

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Sep 022019

This best-selling atlas provides medical, dental, allied health, and biology students with an outstanding collection of histology images for all of the major tissue classes and body systems. This is a concise lab atlas with relevant text and consistent format presentation of photomicrograph plates. With a handy spiral binding that allows ease of use, it features a full-color art program comprising over 500 high-quality photomicrographs, scanning electron micrographs, and drawings. Didactic text in each chapter includes an Introduction, Clinical Correlations, Overview, and Chapter Summary.<BRBR//DIV>





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Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making

 Histology, Radiology  Comments Off on Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making
May 212019

by Nilanjan Dey (Author, Editor), Amira S. Ashour (Editor), Harihar Kalia (Editor), R.T. Goswami (Editor), Himansu Das (Editor)

Medical imaging technologies play a significant role in visualization and interpretation methods in medical diagnosis and practice using decision making, pattern classification, diagnosis, and learning. Progressions in the field of medical imaging lead to interdisciplinary discovery in microscopic image processing and computer-assisted diagnosis systems, and aids physicians in the diagnosis and early detection of diseases.

Histopathological Image Analysis in Medical Decision Making provides emerging research exploring the theoretical and practical applications of image technologies and feature extraction procedures within the medical field. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as image classification, digital image analysis, and prediction methods, this book is ideally designed for medical professionals, system engineers, medical students, researchers, and medical practitioners seeking current research on problem-oriented processing techniques in imaging technologies.

About the Author
Amira S. Ashour, PhD., is an Assistant Professor and Vice Chair of Computers Engineering Department, Computers and Information Technology College, Taif University, KSA. She was the vice chair of Computer Science department, CIT college, Taif University, KSA for 5 years. She is in the Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt. She received her PhD in the Smart Antenna (2005) from the Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering, Tanta University, Egypt. She had her Masters in Enhancement of Electromagnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation Performance using Advanced Signal Processing Techniques, in Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, 2000. Her research interests include: image processing, Medical imaging, Machine learning, Biomedical Systems, Pattern recognition, Signal, image, and video processing, Image analysis, Computer vision, Optimization, Computer Aided Diagnosis, Soft computing, Artificial intelligence, Fuzzy logic, Tracking, Wireless communication, Direction of Arrival Estimation, Smart antenna, Adaptive antenna arrays, Global positioning system, and Mobile communication. She has several publications in international journals and conferences. She has 3 books and about 60 published international conferences and journal papers. She is an Associate Editor for the International Journal of Rough Sets and Data Analysis (IJRSDA), IGI Global, US as well as the International Journal of Ambient Computing and Intelligence (IJACI), IGI Global, US. She is an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Image Mining (IJIM), Inderscience. Moreover, she is in the editorial review board of the International Journal of System Dynamics Applications (IJSDA), IGI Global, US

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From Cells to Organs: A Histology Textbook and Atlas

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Mar 262019

Histology is the study of the microscopic structure of cells, tissues, and organs. It has often been taught as a matter of memorization. Dr. Van Lommel’s approach is based on the understanding that the microscopic structure of the body has a logic, and the text and accompanying images are organized to proceed according to a rigorous logic, expanding from the anatomy and morphology to discuss the functions of the various kinds of cells, tissues, and organs. The material is thus more interesting and, as an extension of that, easier to remember. CD-ROM included.
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Outlines of Histology, Revised Edition

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Mar 132019

Histology is the study of tissues. In addition to the description of the basic element of tissues, a cell, this new, revised edition of general histology focuses on the description of four types of basic tissues.

This book was initially intended for foreign students of stomatology, however, the text was gradually revised and adjusted to reflect the rapid development of this discipline over the past several years and to be useful for students of other medical fields as well

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Histological Typing of Cancer and Precancer of the Oral Mucosa

 Histology, Oncology  Comments Off on Histological Typing of Cancer and Precancer of the Oral Mucosa
Jan 012019

There are two major differences in concept between this volume and others in the International Histological Classification of Tu­ mours series. The first of these is the inclusion of more clinical aspects than has usually been the case and the second is a con­ centration on a more limited range of conditions. There are sev­ eral reasons for adopting this approach. With regard to both cancer and pre cancer of the oral mucosa, we believe it is impor­ tant that general pathologists, in whose interests this volume has primarily been written, should be informed of the significance of the clinical features of the various lesions under discussion as they may on the whole be unfamiliar with them. Also, we con­ sider it necessary to draw attention to those conditions particu­ lar to the oral tissues that may give rise to appearances which are important in differential diagnosis but can be misleading to the pathologist who does not have detailed knowledge of these tissues. On the other hand, many of the benign and malignant tumours that affect the oral tissues have been dealt with in other volumes in the series and we believe that little or no advantage would be gained by repeating them here.
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BRS Cell Biology and Histology, Seventh edition

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Nov 212018

Succeed on the USMLE and course exams with BRS Cell Biology and Histology, 7e. Acclaimed for its easy-to-read, easy-to-scan outline format, this bestselling book includes over 320 USMLE-style questions (with complete answers and explanations), as well as a comprehensive USMLE-format examination at the end of the book.
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Koss’ Diagnostic Cytology And Its Histopathologic Bases 2 vol. set

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Nov 142018

The most influential and frequently cited pathology classic is now in its Fifth Edition, with thoroughly revised chapters and over 3,000 brand-new full-color illustrations. This two-volume work provides comprehensive, current information on the principles and techniques of cytopathology and the cytologic evaluation of benign and malignant disorders at every anatomic site. This edition provides greatly expanded coverage of the interpretation of aspirated cell samples. Innovations in the practice of cytopathology and data on molecular biology and cytogenetics have been incorporated into the organ system chapters. This edition also has a greater focus on avoiding diagnostic errors. A bound-in image bank DVD is included in this edition.
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Histopathology: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Book 1180)

 Histology, Physiology  Comments Off on Histopathology: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology, Book 1180)
Nov 092018

Histopathology: Methods and Protocols provides a comprehensive guide to the current issues in histopathology. With chapters on organ-based approaches with specific protocols for morphologic, molecular examination and pathological observations governing the therapeutic management of the diseases.

Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.

Authoritative and practical, Histopathology: Methods and Protocols seeks to be a useful reference for pathologists, pathology residents and fellows as well as to the clinicians and scientists.

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