Nijkamp and Parnham’s Principles of Immunopharmacology

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Jan 082020

Principles of Immunopharmacology provides a unique source of essential knowledge on the immune response, its diagnosis and its modification by drugs and chemicals. The 4th edition of this internationally recognized textbook has been revised to include recent developments, but continues the established format, dealing with four related fields in a single volume, thus obviating the need to refer to several different textbooks.
The first section of the book, providing a basic introduction to immunology and its relevance for human disease, has been updated to accommodate new immunological concepts, particularly the role of epigenetics and the latest understanding of cancer immunology. The second section on immunodiagnostics offers a topical description of widely used molecular techniques and a new chapter on imaging techniques. This is followed by a systematic coverage of drugs affecting the immune system, including natural products. This third section contains 15 updated chapters, covering classical immunopharmacological topics such as anti-asthmatic, anti-rheumatic and immunosuppressive drugs, but also deals with antibiotics, plant-derived and dietary agents, with new chapters on monoclonal antibodies, immunotherapy in sepsis and infection, drugs for soft-tissue autoimmunity and cell therapy. The book concludes with a chapter on immunotoxicology and drug safety tests.

Aids to the reader include a two-column format, glossaries of technical terms and appendix reference tables. The emphasis on illustrations is maintained from the first three editions.

The book is a valuable single reference for undergraduate and graduate medical and biomedical students, postgraduate chemistry and pharmacy students, researchers in chemistry, biochemistry and the pharmaceutical industry and researchers lacking basic immunological knowledge, who want to understand the actions of drugs on the immune system.

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HIV/AIDS: Immunochemistry, Reductionism and Vaccine Design: A Review of 20 Years of Research

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Dec 182019

This book gathers a series of pivotal papers on the development of an HIV/AIDS vaccine published in the last two decades. Accompanied by extensive comments putting the material into an up-to-date context, all three parts of the book offer a broad overview of the numerous unsuccessful attempts made in recent years to develop a preventive HIV vaccine. Providing a detailed review and analysis of studies published from 1998 to the present day, it examines the likely reasons for the failure to develop an HIV vaccine despite multi-million dollar investments.

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Mucosal Immunology and Virology

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Dec 162019

An understanding of virus infection and the underlying role of the immune system in protection against these diseases is vital in today’s medical climate. Previously, only symptoms could be treated, as there were no antiviral therapies. The increasing amounts of research and the huge number of discoveries of immunologic agents and pathways has led to the opportunity to look to the basic physiology of the various disease process as never before. This book is designed to provide the clinician with a thorough and yet approachable textbook describing the relationships between immunology, virology and the disease process.
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Human Herpesviruses: Biology, Therapy, and Immunoprophylaxis

 Immunology, Infectious Diseases  Comments Off on Human Herpesviruses: Biology, Therapy, and Immunoprophylaxis
Dec 142019

This definitive and comprehensive account of the human herpes viruses provides an encyclopedic overview of their basic virology and clinical manifestations. This group of viruses includes human simplex type 1 and 2, Epstein Barr virus, cytomegalovirus and varicella-zoster virus. The diseases they cause are significant and often recurrent. Their prevalence in the developed world accounts for a major burden of disease, and as a result there is a great deal of research into the pathophysiology if infection and immunobiology. Another important area covered within this volume concerns antiviral therapy and the development of vaccines. All these aspects are covered in depth and the volume is fully up to date both scientifically and in terms of clinical guidelines for patient care. The text is generously illustrated throughout and fully referenced to the latest research and developments.

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Stress Challenges and Immunity in Space: From Mechanisms to Monitoring and Preventive Strategies

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Dec 102019

This book explains how stress – either psychological or physical – can activate and/or paralyse human innate or adaptive immunity. Adequate immunity is crucial for maintaining health, both on Earth and in space. During space flight, human physiology is specifically challenged by complex environmental stressors, which are most pronounced during lunar or interplanetary missions.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the book identifies the impact of these stressors – the space exposome – on immunity as a result of (dys-)functions of specific cells, organs and organ networks. These conditions (e.g. gravitation changes, radiation, isolation/confinement) affect immunity, but at the same time provide insights that may help to prevent, diagnose and address immune-related health alterations. Written by experts from academia, space agencies and industry, the book is a valuable resource for professionals, researchers and students in the field of medicine, biology and technology.

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Encyclopedia of Medical Immunology: Allergic Diseases

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Dec 032019

Volume Allergic Diseases is a comprehensive, multi-authored reference work, offering a broad appeal to microbiologists, immunologists, and infectious disease specialists. The volume explores all aspects of allergic diseases, body systems and vaccines. Emphasis is placed on genetics, physiology, metabolism, pathogenesis, and applied microbiology. Under the leadership of some of the most world renowned names in the field, the encyclopedia brings together an outstanding collection of contributions by top scientists in a variety of fields.
The entries are listed alphabetically and provide full references.
The volume covers the following topics:
• Food Allergy and gastrointestinal Allergic Diseases
• Insect Allergy
• Allergy Diagnosis and Testing
• Allergy Treatment: Pharmacotherapy
• Asthma and Other Allergic Lower Respiratory Disease
• Biology of IgE, Mast Cells and Eosinophils
• Specific Allergens Causing Human Disease
• Atopic Dermatitis, Urticaria and Dermatologic Allergy
• Allergy Treatment: Immunotherapy, Immunomodulator Therapy and Allergen Avoidance

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Neonatal Immunity (Contemporary Immunology)

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Nov 292019

A critical review of the classic, as wells as most recent-and quite seminal-findings concerning the phenotypic and molecular characteristics of both fetal and neonatal B and T cells, the cells that mediate antibody and cellular immune responses in newborns and infants. Dr. Bona shows how the antibody response of neonates is modulated by maternal antibodies and how, in certain cases, this can cause transient or life-threatening neonatal autoimmune disease. He also describes the characteristics of neonatal tolerance induced by foreign allo- and self-antigens, which are the basis for understanding impaired infant immune response and which provide a rationale for the development of efficient neonatal vaccines. By making clear the characteristics and differences between the immune system and the immune responses of both newborns and infants, compared to those of adults, Dr. Bona offers insights and challenging hypotheses that promise to help overcome the poor responses of neonates to various antigens.
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Killer Cell Dynamics: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Immunology

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Nov 282019

This book reviews how mathematical and computational approaches can be useful to help us understand how killer T-cell responses work to fight viral infections. It also demonstrates, in a writing style that exemplifies the point, that such mathematical and computational approaches are most valuable when coupled with experimental work through interdisciplinary collaborations. Designed to be useful to immunoligists and viroligists without extensive computational background, the book covers a broad variety of topics, including both basic immunological questions and the application of these insights to the understanding and treatment of pathogenic human diseases.
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 Epidemiology, Immunology  Comments Off on Immunoepidemiology
Nov 252019

This textbook focuses on the nascent field of Immunoepidemiology that addresses how differences in immune responses among individuals affect the epidemiology of infectious diseases, cancer, hypersensitivity, and autoimmunity. The idea for the book originated from a course entitled “Immunology for Epidemiologists“ at the Yale School of Public Health. While many fine textbooks are available that address the immunological responses of individuals to pathogens, these provided very little information regarding how immunological variation among populations affects the epidemiology of disease. And yet, it has long been recognized that there is great immunologic diversity among people, which can have a profound effect on the epidemiology of disease. Careful review of the immunologic and epidemiologic literature revealed that there have been relatively few publications concerning immunoepidemiology and that no textbook is available on the subject. This textbook therefore aims to fill this void by providing a much-needed tool to comprehensively and efficiently teach immunoepidemiology. The book includes a section on the basic principles of immunology, and then applies them to particular examples of disease in human populations. The target audience for this text book are Masters of Public Health students. Others who should also find it of interest include PhD students in epidemiology, immunology, medical students, generalists, and specialists in immunology, infectious diseases, cancer, and rheumatology.

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 Immunology  Comments Off on Immunosensors
Nov 252019

Immunosensors are widely used and are particularly important for fast diagnosis of diseases in remote environments as well as point-of-care devices. In this book, expert scientists are covering a selection of high quality representative examples from the past five years explaining how this area has developed. It is a compilation of recent advances in several areas of immunosensors for multiple target analysis using laboratory based or point-of-care set-up, for example graphene-, ISFET- and nanostructure-based immunosensors, electrochemical magneto immunosensors and nanoimprinted immunosensors.

Filling a gap in the literature, it showcases the multidisciplinary, innovative developments in this highly important area and provides pointers towards commercialisation. Delivering a single, comprehensive work, it appeals to graduate students and professional researchers across academia and industry.

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