Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology (ASM Books) 8th Edition

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Jan 032024

THE authoritative guide for clinical laboratory immunology

For over 40 years the Manual of Molecular and Clinical Laboratory Immunology has served as the premier guide for the clinical immunology laboratory. From basic serology testing to the present wide range of molecular analyses, the Manual has reflected the exponential growth in the field of immunology over the past decades. This eighth edition reflects the latest advances and developments in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with infectious and immune-mediated disorders.

The Manual features detailed descriptions of general and specific methodologies, placing special focus on the interpretation of laboratory findings, and covers the immunology of infectious diseases, including specific pathogens, as well as the full range of autoimmune and immunodeficiency diseases, cancer, and transplantation.

Written to guide the laboratory director, the Manual will also appeal to other laboratory scientists, especially those working in clinical immunology laboratories, and pathologists. It is also a useful reference for physicians, mid-level providers, medical students, and allied health students with an interest in the role that immunology plays in the clinical laboratory.


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Allergy and Clinical Immunology (Mount Sinai Expert Guides) 1st Edition

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Jan 032024

Mount Sinai Expert Guides: Allergy and Clinical Immunology will provide trainees in allergy and immunology with an extremely clinical and accessible handbook covering the major disorders and symptoms, their diagnosis and clinical management.

Perfect as a point-of-care resource on the hospital wards and also as a refresher for board exam preparation, the focus throughout is on providing rapid reference, essential information on each disorder to allow for quick, easy browsing and assimilation of the must-know information. All chapters follow a consistent template including the following features:

  • An opening bottom-line/key points section
  • Classification, pathogenesis and prevention of disorder
  • Evidence-based diagnosis, including relevant algorithms, laboratory and imaging tests, and potential pitfalls when diagnosing a patient
  • Disease management including commonly used medications with dosages, management algorithms and how to prevent complications
  • How to manage special populations, ie, in pregnancy, children and the elderly
  • The very latest evidence-based results, major society guidelines and key external sources to consult

In addition, the book comes with a companion website housing extra features such as case studies with related questions for self-assessment, key patient advice and ICD codes. Each guide also has its own mobile app available for purchase, allowing you rapid access to the key features wherever you may be.

If you’re specialising in allergy and immunology and require concise, practical and clinical guidance from one of the world’s leading institutions in this field, then this is the perfect book for you.

This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from 
iTunesGoogle Play or the MedHand Store.


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Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology (Target Organ Toxicology Series, 23) 3rd Edition

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Jan 012024

Continuing the tradition set by the first and second editions, each a bestseller in its own right, the third edition of Immunotoxicology and Immunopharmacology provides reviews of environmental agents, updated to reflect the latest information on how these agents influence immune system function and health. For the first time in the book’s history, an entire section covers the phylogeny and ontogeny of the immune system, spanning levels of biological complexity from earthworms to marine mammals.


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Immunopharmacology (Advances in Pharmacology, Volume 66) 1st Edition

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Jan 012024

This new volume of Advances in Pharmacology explores the current state of Alzheimer’s disease research and therapeutics. Chapters cover such topics as the B cell targeted therapiesLymphotoxin family receptors in inflammation, and allergic inflammation and thymic stromal lymphopoietin. With a variety of chapters and the best authors in the field, the volume is an essential resource for pharmacologists, immunologists and biochemists alike.

  • Explores the current state of Alzheimer’s disease research and therapeutics
  • Chapters cover a variety of topics such as the B cell targeted therapies, lymphotoxin family receptors in inflammation, and allergic inflammation and thymic stromal lymphopoietin
  • With the best authors in the field, the volume is an essential resource for pharmacologists, immunologists and biochemists alike


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Actor Follow Introductory Immunology: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications 2nd Edition

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Jan 012024

Introductory Immunology: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications, Second Edition is a completely updated, revised and expanded resource on the immune system as a primary defense for the maintenance of health and homeostasis. The book highlights the components of the human immune system and how they work together to confer protection against pathogenic invaders. It also creates an understanding of the basis for clinical tests and immune therapeutics and their importance in identifying and treating disease states. This updated edition will strengthen the foundation required to understand the placement of immune function within clinical practice, thus allowing a basic platform to define therapeutic treatments.

  • Creates appreciation for the components of the human immune system that work together to confer lifelong protection
  • Provides core knowledge in immunology to build a foundation to explore mechanisms involved in clinical disease
  • Breaks down all immunology concepts into manageable, logically digestible building blocks
  • Geared toward readers without medical, biochemical or cellular expertise
  • Includes a glossary that provides functional definitions of complex terms


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Introductory Immunology, 2nd: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications 2nd Edition

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Dec 312023

Introductory Immunology: Basic Concepts for Interdisciplinary Applications, Second Edition is a completely updated, revised and expanded resource on the immune system as a primary defense for the maintenance of health and homeostasis. The book highlights the components of the human immune system and how they work together to confer protection against pathogenic invaders. It also creates an understanding of the basis for clinical tests and immune therapeutics and their importance in identifying and treating disease states. This updated edition will strengthen the foundation required to understand the placement of immune function within clinical practice, thus allowing a basic platform to define therapeutic treatments.


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Immunology: A Short Course 7th Edition

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Dec 312023

Immunology: A Short Course, 7th Edition introduces all the critical topics of modern immunology in a clear and succinct yet comprehensive fashion. The authors offer uniquely-balanced coverage of classical and contemporary approaches and basic and clinical aspects. The strength of Immunology: A Short Course is in providing a complete review of modern immunology without the burden of excessive data or theoretical discussions. Each chapter is divided into short, self-contained units that address key topics, illustrated by uniformly drawn, full-color illustrations and photographs.

This new edition of 
Immunology: A Short Course:

• Has been fully revised and updated, with a brand new art program to help reinforce learning
• Includes a new chapter on Innate Immunity to reflect the growth in knowledge in this area
• Highlights important therapeutic successes resulting from targeted antibody therapies
• Includes end of chapter summaries and review questions, a companion website at featuring interactive flashcards, USMLE-style interactive MCQs, figures as PowerPoint slides, and case-based material to help understand clinical applications


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Immunotherapy – Myths, Reality, Ideas, Future

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Dec 312023

This is another attempt of InTech to continue the dissemination of international knowledge and experience in the field of immunology. The present book includes a number of modern concepts of specialists and experts in the field of immunotherapy, covering the major topics and analyzing the history, current stage, and future ideas of application of modern immunomodulation. It is always a benefit, but also a compliment, to gather a team of internationally distinguished authors and to motivate them to reveal their expertise for the benefit of medical science and health practice. On behalf of all readers, immunologists, immunogeneticists, biologists, oncologists, microbiologists, virologists, hematologists, chemotherapists, health-care experts, as well as students and medical specialists, also on my personal behalf, I would like to extend my gratitude and highest appreciation to InTech for giving me the unique chance to be the editor of this exclusive book.


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Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine (IMMUNOLOGY & SEROLOGY IN LABORATORY MEDICINE ( TURGEON)) 5th Edition

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Dec 312023

The 5th edition of this classic text sets the standard for comprehensive coverage of immunology. Building from a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, trusted author Mary Louise Turgeon takes you from basic immunologic mechanisms and serologic concepts to the theory behind the procedures you’ll perform in the lab. Immunology & Serology in Laboratory Medicine, Fifth Edition is the go-to resource for everything from mastering automated techniques to understanding immunoassay instrumentation and disorders of infectious and immunologic origin. Packed with learning objectives, review questions, step-by-step procedures, and case studies, this text is your key to succeeding in today’s modern laboratory environment.

  • Full-color, six-page insert of photomicrographs provide a better picture of what you’ll see in the laboratory.
  • Learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter offer a measurable outcome you can achieve by completing the material.
  • Chapter highlights at the end of each chapter provide a summary of the most important information covered in each chapter.
  • Review questions at the end of each chapter are tied to learning objectives further enhance your understanding.
  • Case studies challenge you to apply your knowledge and help strengthen your critical thinking skills.
  • Glossary at the end of the book provides quick access to key terms and definitions.
  • NEW! Expanded chapter on Vaccines as the importance of vaccines continues to become more evident.
  • NEW! Updated chapter on Molecular Techniques incorporates the newest technology specific to immunology.
  • NEW! Key terms at the beginning of each chapter help you learn the important vocabulary in immunology.
  • NEW! Case studies with added multiple-choice questions in addition to critical thinking questions will help you apply your knowledge and develop critical-thinking skills.


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