Immunology for Medical Students E-Book 3rd Edition

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Dec 312023

Comprehensive yet concise and easy to read, this updated edition of Immunology for Medical Students effectively explains complex immunology topics and their relevance in clinical practice. Boasting just the right amount of detail for today’s busy medical student, it delivers state-of-the-art coverage of the latest scientific and clinical knowledge in the field. Detailed and explanatory illustrations, combined with clinically relevant examples and cases, offer a unique understanding of the human immune system and its role in protecting us from disease.

  • Designed with a clear focus on the needs of medical students.
  • Includes overview illustrations at the beginning of each chapter, as well as illustrations with dialogue boxes.
  • Immunology icons are repeated throughout the text, accompanied by a helpful Icon Key.
  • Detailed clinical cases demonstrate real-world applications.
  • Technical boxes point out important scientific advances.
  • End-of-chapter checklists of learning points facilitate review.
  • Student Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. You’ll also access 100 multiple-choice questions to enhance your understanding of the material.
  • Features 17 new clinical boxes as well as critical revisions to 25 of the clinical boxes featured in the previous edition, providing relevant, practical examples of cases commonly encountered in day-to-day practice.
  • Presents new material on T Cell Subsets, the molecular and cellular processes involved in their selection and differentiation, and how this knowledge is already translating into clinical developments.
  • Includes a brand-new chapter titled Regulation of the Immune System.


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Janeway’s Immunobiology 9th Edition

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Dec 312023

Janeway’s Immunobiology is a textbook for students studying immunology at the undergraduate, graduate, and medical school levels. As an introductory text, students will appreciate the book’s clear writing and informative illustrations, while advanced students and working immunologists will value its comprehensive scope and depth. Janeway’s Immunobiology presents immunology from a consistent point of view throughout―that of the host’s interaction with an environment full of microbes and pathogens.

The Ninth Edition has been thoroughly revised bringing the content up-to-date with significant developments in the field, especially on the topic of innate immunity, and improving the presentation of topics across chapters for better continuity.


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Immune System Disorders Sourcebook, 3rd Ed. (Health Reference Series)

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Dec 292023

Immune System Disorders Sourcebook

mmune System Disorders Sourcebook, 3rd Edition, provides information about immune system function as well as symptoms and treatments for inherited, acquired, and autoimmune diseases and related disorders, including primary immune deficiency, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), lupus, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and Graves disease.

The Health Reference Series

For over 25 years, librarians have trusted the Health Reference Series to answer their patrons health questions as they navigate the increasingly noisy, and often unreliable, landscape of medical information.

The Health Reference Series provides basic medical information for patients, families, caregivers, and the general public. Each volume takes a particular topic and provides comprehensive coverage. This is especially important for people who may be dealing with a newly diagnosed disease or a chronic disorder in themselves or in a family member. People looking for preventive guidance, information about disease warning signs, medical statistics, and risk factors for health problems will also find answers to their questions in this series.

About the Publisher

The Omnigraphics mission has been to provide authoritative and engaging reference resources to libraries and schools. Spanning the areas of biography, history, health, culture, and ready reference, the Omnigraphics products have been consistently recognized for demonstrating the same uncompromising quality throughout the years.


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FAQs on Vaccines and Immunization Practices

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Dec 292023

The book ‘Antibiotic Essentials’ comprises of eleven chapters that provide therapeutic recommendations are based on the contributors’ clinical expertise and experience as well as the literature and clinical guidelines. First chapter provides overview of antimicrobial therapy that includes antibiotic selection as well as its dosing. Second chapter discusses empiric therapy for conditions, such as CNS infections, HEENT infections, lower respiratory tract infections, cardiovascular infections, gastrointestinal tract infections, genitourinary tract infections, etc. Third chapter tabulate antibiotic susceptibility profiles and initial therapy of isolates. Fourth chapter highlights parasites, fungi and other unusual organism that inhabits different parts of the body. Fifth chapter describes HIV infection; sixth chapter is on prophylaxis and immunizations; seventh chapter describes pediatric infectious diseases and chapter eight is chest X-ray atlas. Rest three chapter are on the differential diagnosis of infectious disease; antibiotic pearls & pitfalls and antimicrobial drug summaries, respectively.


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Immune Aspects of Biopharmaceuticals and Nanomedicines (Jenny Stanford Series on Nanomedicine) 1st Edition

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Dec 292023

The enormous advances in the immunologic aspects of biotherapeutics and nanomedicines in the past two decades has necessitated an authoritative and comprehensive reference source that can be relied upon by immunologists, biomedical researchers, clinicians, pharmaceutical companies, regulators, venture capitalists, and policy makers alike. This text provides a thorough understanding of immunology, therapeutic potential, clinical applications, adverse reactions, and approaches to overcoming immunotoxicity of biotherapeutics and nanomedicines. It also tackles critical, yet often overlooked topics such as immune aspects of nano-bio interactions, current FDA regulatory guidances, complement activation-related pseudoallergy (CARPA), advances in nanovaccines, and immunogenicity testing of protein therapeutics.


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Self Assessment & Review Microbiology Immunology Revision at a Glance – 4th Edition

 Immunology, Microbiology  Comments Off on Self Assessment & Review Microbiology Immunology Revision at a Glance – 4th Edition
Dec 282023

Review series including other PGMEE questions (1990-2009) have been added along with explanations. Each chapter has been divided into subtopics to make the subject easier, References from latest editions of Bailey and Love (25/e), Sabiston (18/e), Harrison (17/e), Maingott (11/e), Campbell, etc. with new papers including AI 2009, AIIMS 2009 and PGI 2009. A separate unit on Trauma and a separate chapter on Surgical Nutrition have also been added. Each chapter is reviewed by super-specialized faculty including AIIMS doctors to provide error-free text. Includes special notes by faculty teachers for frequently asked things, viz bileduct injury, uretheral injury, etc. Focus is on the topics which are considered important by AIIMS teachers, so as to ensure to solve new questions. Salient Features: Chapterwise arranged explanatory series of AlPGMEE, AIIMS and PGI. A complete format, i.e. Theory followed by questions of AIPGMEE, AIIMS, PGI with explanations; Review series consisting of questions from other PGMEE (1990 onwards) along with explanations of difficult questions after each unit. Over 600 tables and 300 mnemonics to make the subject easier. Informative index for easy search. Ensures that one will not need any additional book after reading this text for both professional and PGMEE examination. SECTION A: REVISION AT A GLANCE, 1. Basics of Bacteriology, 2. Basics of Virology, 3. Basics of Mycology, 4. Basics of Clinical Microbiology, 5. Culture and Sterilisation, SECTION B: UNIT I BACTERIOLOGY, 1. Staphylococci, 2. Streptococci, 3. Neisseria, 4. Clostridium, 5. Corynebacterium, 6. Actinomycetes and Bacillus, 7. Listeria Monocytogenes, 8. Mycobacteria, 9. Enterobacteriaceae, 10. Vibrio, 11. Pseudomonas and Yersinia, 12. Hemophilus, Bordetella and Brucella, 13. Campylobacter and Helicobacter, 14. Legionella, 15. Rickettsiaceae and Chlamydiae, 16. Spirochetes, 17. Mycoplasma, UNIT II VIROLOGY, 1. DNA Virus, 2. RNA Virus, 3. Slow Virus Diseases, 4. Hepatitis Viruses, 5. HIV and Other Retroviruses, UNIT III MYCOLOGY, 1. Dermatophytes, 2. Yeast and Yeast like Fungus, 3. Aspergillus and Mucormycosis, 4. Dimorphic Fungi, UNIT IV PARASITOLOGY, 1. Basics of Parasitology, 2. Protozoa, 3. Helminths, UNIT V IMMUNOLOGY, 1. Basics of Immune System, 2. Antigen and Antibody, 3. Hypersensitivity 464.


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How the Immune System Works (The How it Works Series) 6th Edition

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Dec 282023

How the Immune System Works has helped thousands of students understand what’s in their hefty immunology textbooks. In this book, Dr. Sompayrac cuts through the jargon and details to reveal, in simple language, the essence of this complex subject: how the immune system fits together, how it protects us from disease and, perhaps most importantly, why it works the way it does.

Featuring Dr. Sompayrac’s hallmark lively prose and engaging analogies, How the Immune System Works has been rigorously updated for this sixth edition, including the latest information on subjects such as vaccines, immunological memory, and cancer. A highlight of this edition is a new chapter on immunotherapies – currently one of the hottest topics in immunology.

Whether you are completely new to immunology, or require a refresher, How the Immune System Works will provide you with a clear and engaging overview of this fascinating subject.


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Cancer Immunotherapy Principles and Practice 1st Edition

 Immunology, Oncology  Comments Off on Cancer Immunotherapy Principles and Practice 1st Edition
Dec 282023

“Drs. Butterfield, Kaufman and Marincola on behalf of the SITC have created a comprehensive must-have resource covering the basic and translational science behind approved and investigational immune therapies, and disease-by-disease clinical application of the therapies, written by leaders in the field. The textbook will be highly valuable reading for those just entering the field and for experienced scientists and clinicians looking to expand their knowledge base.” ―Mario Sznol, MD, Professor of Medicine (Medical Oncology), Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut

“Given the important and exciting advances in cancer immunotherapy, it is not surprising that there is no dearth of books on the subject. Despite the competition, however, this book is a unique masterpiece and a must-have comprehensive resource for anyone interested in this area and for every medical library.”

Score: 100, 5 Stars, Doody’s Medical Reviews

Cancer Immunotherapy Principles and Practice, from the Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC), is the authoritative reference on cancer immunobiology and the immunotherapy treatments that harness the immune system to combat malignant disease.

Featuring five sections and over 50 chapters covering the Basic Principles of Tumor Immunology, Cancer Immunotherapy Targets and Classes, Immune Function in Cancer Patients, Disease-Specific Treatments and Outcomes, and Regulatory Aspects of Cancer Immunotherapy, this book covers all major topics that have shaped the development of immunotherapy and propelled it to its current place at the forefront of cancer treatment innovation.

This volume is a comprehensive resource for oncologists and fellows, immunologists, cancer researchers, and related practitioners seeking understanding of the basic science and clinical applications of cancer immunotherapy. As well as presenting the evidence for immune-based cancer treatment, it positions immunotherapy in the context of other available cancer treatments and provides data on


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Biomaterials and Immune Response: Complications, Mechanisms and Immunomodulation (Devices, Circuits, and Systems) 1st Edition

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Dec 282023

The interactions of the biomaterials with the host immune system is crucial for their functionality. This book aims to provide the reader with a better understanding of the role of the immune system in biomaterial applications. For this end, the book has dedicated chapters for i) explaining immune cells taking part in immune response to biomaterials/immune systems interface; ii) the effect of biomaterial shape, form and physicochemical properties on the response of immune system; iii) biofilm formation on implanted materials as a failure of immune system/biomaterial interactions; iv) tissue-specific effects of immune response and its consequences for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; v) immune reaction in a clinical context (periodontology). In the field of biomaterials there are significant advances in using immunomodulation techniques to improve the success rates of implantable materials. For better understanding of such techniques it is required to have a full grasp of the biomaterial–immune system interactions. This would greatly enhance the understanding of why the human body reacts to implants in a certain way and how to improve the clinical outcomes by developing immune-instructive biomaterials.

  • Provides keen insight into biomaterial–immune cell interactions
  • Presents an explanation of state-of-the-art methodologies in immunomodulation
  • Offers a concise and simple-to-understand treatment of biomaterial–immune cell interactions for materials scientists in a biology heavy topic


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Color Atlas of Immunology

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Dec 272023

Well-illustrated and convenient

A pocket atlas flexibook on this dynamic and wide-ranging field, indispensable for students of medicine and biology alike. Complex processes are well-illustrated in clear images that are not burdened with unnecessary details.

Following an introductory part and a section on laboratory methods in immunology, the bulk of the book concentrates on the manifestations of immunological diseases in the human body, providing comprehensive capsule descriptions of all common immune diseases.


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