Practical Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual

 Forensic Medicine, Laboratory Medicine  Comments Off on Practical Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual
Feb 272020

Forensic Microscopy: A Laboratory Manual will provide the student with a practical overview and understanding of the various microscopes and microscopic techniques employed within the field of forensic science. Each laboratory experiment has been carefully designed to cover the variety of evidence disciplines within the forensic science field with carefully set out objectives, explanations of each topic and worksheets to help students compile and analyse their results.
The emphasis is placed on the practical aspects of the analysis to enrich student understanding through hands on experience. The experiments move from basic through to specialised and have been developed to cover a variety of evidence disciplines within forensic science field. The emphasis is placed on techniques currently used by trace examiners.This unique, forensic focused, microscopy laboratory manual provides objectives for each topic covered with experiments designed to reinforce what has been learnt along with end of chapter questions, report requirements and numerous references for further reading. Impression evidence such as fingerprints, shoe tread patterns, tool marks and firearms will be analysed using simple stereomicroscopic techniques. Body fluids drug and trace evidence (e.g. paint glass hair fibre) will be covered by a variety of microscopes and specialized microscopic techniques.
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Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (Oxford Medical Handbooks) – 4th Edition (April 2018 Release)

 Internal Medicine, Laboratory Medicine  Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation (Oxford Medical Handbooks) – 4th Edition (April 2018 Release)
Dec 042018

With major advances in technology there are thousands of clinical and laboratory tests available, forming a key part of the diagnostic process in the highly complex field of modern medicine. This handbook provides a patient-orientated approach to investigation, with a comprehensive review of specialty-related tests. Written in the Oxford Handbook style, this book features references and up-to-date website links for extra clinical detail.

This new edition has been revised to include the most recent developments in investigatory tests, with clear step-by-step instructions and updated illustrations to provide greater clarifying background to the text. Written by an experienced team of active clinicians, this is invaluable for junior doctors as a quick reference, as well as senior medical students preparing for examinations.

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Ferri’s Best Test: A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, (Ferri’s Medical Solutions) – 4th Edition (December 2017 Release)

 Internal Medicine, Laboratory Medicine  Comments Off on Ferri’s Best Test: A Practical Guide to Clinical Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging, (Ferri’s Medical Solutions) – 4th Edition (December 2017 Release)
Jun 172018

Practical and concise, this spiral bound, pocket-sized manual is a quick, go-to reference for up-to-date clinical material on today’s diagnostic testing and laboratory tests. Three convenient sections provide quick access to key information on clinical laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging, and diagnostic algorithms. Experienced author Dr. Fred Ferri uses a unique, easy-to-follow format to simplify complex information and help you choose the best test to supplement your clinical diagnostic skills.


  • Includes both lab and imaging tests for concise, convenient access to all diagnostic test options for more than 200 common diseases and disorders.
  • Includes essential information on indications, advantages, disadvantages, approximate costs, normal ranges, typical abnormalities, likeliest causes, and more.
    • Features a new appendix on when to use contrast agents in ordering CT and MRI scans.
    • Discusses new modalities including transient elastography (Fibroscan), CT enterography and CT enteroclysis.
    • Provides new comparison tables to easily evaluate the best test; new algorithms for evaluation of immunodeficiency and hematochezia; and new tables and illustrations throughout to improve your test selection.


  • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.

Editorial Reviews


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Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data, 6th Edition (May 2017 Release)

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Jun 152018

Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data continues to be the most popular teaching text on laboratory data for pharmacy students as well as the go-to reference for pharmacists in therapeutic practice. Now in its sixth edition, it has been expanded and updated to cover new drugs, research, and therapeutic approaches. The sixth edition is a comprehensive, in-depth guide to all aspects of lab work that apply to clinical practice. Written by 40 established clinicians and pharmacy faculty members and reviewed by additional experts, it is designed to make all information clear and quickly accessible. Minicases provide clinical scenarios for using tests and managing patients, and quickview charts throughout offer clear interpretations of lab results. New to this edition:* A new chapter on point-of-care testing.* New materials on male infertility workups.* Data on pharmacogenomics testing for neuropsychiatric drugs.* At least one new case and new learning points for almost all chapters.* New discussions in many chapters, including for C-reactive protein, antiglycan antibody and lactoferrin, antithroglobulin antibody, and cryoglobulin, and more.* 23 chapters are now divided into three sections: Basic Concepts and Test Interpretations, System Disorders and Diagnostic Tests, and Tests for Special Populations. Complex but critical skills are required for clinical pharmacists to effectively use lab data in screening for or diagnosing diseases and in monitoring the safety and effectiveness of treatment. As the only book of its kind specifically written for pharmacists by pharmacists, Basic Skills in Interpreting Laboratory Data makes it easier to make accurate and critical decisions based on laboratory data.

Important Correction Notice

The publishers wish to inform you of a correction in Chapter 6, page 110.

On page 110, Chapter 6, Interpretation of Serum Drug Concentrations, the equation before the heading “Valproic Acid” in the right column should appear as:

normalized PHT concentration = measured PHT concentration
+ (0.01 x VPA concentration x measured PHT concentration)

In the published book, the equation has boxes where multiplication symbols should appear.

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Fundamentals of the Study of Urine and Body Fluids

 Laboratory Medicine, Miscellaneous, Pathology  Comments Off on Fundamentals of the Study of Urine and Body Fluids
Jun 122018

This volume provides the essential theory as well as practice for the study of urine and body fluids other than urine. It is a concise compendium of information both of a practical as well as a clinical resource for understanding conditions of patients with whom the laboratory analyst has contact. It informs the reader not only of the how to perform certain tests but also of the why these tests are clinically important and therefore helps in obtaining the best clinical data possible.
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Basic Serological Testing

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Jun 082018

This book discusses in detail various serological tests that are used to identify medical conditions and diseases, from a general overview of each test to the equipment and steps needed to carry them out. The book is aimed specifically at immunology students and professionals who may occasionally need to use these tests, and thus lack training and experience in performing them.
The book provides a brief overview of the immune system, including antibodies, antigens, and their interactions. The bulk of the book is comprised of 16 chapters that each explain different serological tests. These chapters start with a general introduction of the test or disease being detected, followed by the test principle, reagents required for the test, procedures and steps to perform the test, and, finally, result interpretation. Both test principles and result interpretation segments include illustrations to aid comprehension. In addition, the book also enables the reader to distinguish between positive and negative results in serological testing.

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Epigenome Editing: Methods and Protocols

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Mar 132018

This detailed book explores the concepts and applications of epigenome editing, as presented by leading scientists in the field. Beginning with some general and topical reviews, the collection continues by covering the design of DNA-binding devices, optimization of the effector domains, readout of epigenome marks, and approaches for delivery at the cellular and organismal level.
Written for the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Authoritative and practical, Epigenome Editing: Methods and Protocols will be of great assistance to people new to the field but also to those already engaged, as epigenetic editing is still a relatively unexplored field with many issues to be resolved.


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A Clinician’s Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage

 Laboratory Medicine  Comments Off on A Clinician’s Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage
Mar 112018

This comprehensive, up-to-date text, which brings together the key practical elements of the rapidly evolving field of sperm DNA and chromatin abnormalities, is divided thematically into five main sections. Part I discusses human sperm chromatin structure and nuclear architecture, while part II presents laboratory evaluation of sperm DNA damage, including SCSA, SCD, TUNEL and Comet assays, and cytochemical tests. Biological and clinical factors in the etiology of sperm DNA damage are discussed in part III, including oxidative stress, abortive apoptosis, cancer, and environmental and lifestyle factors.
Part IV presents clinical studies on the utility of sperm DNA damage tests, both with natural and ART-assisted pregnancies, and debates the clinical utility of such tests. Finally, part V discusses current treatment options, such as antioxidant therapy, varicocelectomy, advanced sperm processing techniques and the use of testicular sperm.

We are now beginning to better understand the unique organization of the sperm chromatin, as well as the nature and etiology of sperm DNA damage. Written and edited by worldwide experts in andrology, A Clinician’s Guide to Sperm DNA and Chromatin Damage is an excellent resource for reproductive medicine and REI specialists, urologists, reproductive biologists and any professional working with the infertile male.


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Medical Parasitology: A Textbook

 Laboratory Medicine  Comments Off on Medical Parasitology: A Textbook
Feb 112018


This textbook will provide a systematic comprehension of the various medically important human parasites; their distribution, habitat, morphology and life cycle, pathogenesis and clinical features, laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. The main emphasis is on the protozoan and helminthic diseases, also medical entomology covering vectors relevant to these diseases.
The book aims to promote an easy yet comprehensive way of learning parasitology. It attempts to break down the complexity of medical parasitology into parts that are easy to understand yet integrating the essential information of parasitic infections. The integration of knowledge of parasites will be achieved through student friendly illustrations, inclusion of a collection of recent case reports, examples of test questions and scenarios, and the images of human parasites. Essentially, it provides a “one-stop learning package” for medical parasitology.



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