Stroke Nursing 2nd Edition

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Feb 082022

Stroke Nursing is the leading guide for optimal stroke care, facilitating the provision of evidence-based practice across the stroke journey, and covering the sixteen elements of care outlined in the UK’s Stroke-Specific Education Framework (SSEF).

Drawing from years of clinical and research experience, the authors provide practical guidance on the essential areas of stroke nursing, including stroke classification, stabilisation, thrombolysis and thrombectomy, rehabilitation and recovery, nutrition and oral care, palliative and long-term care, physical impairment management, and more.

Now in its second edition, this indispensable guide helps practitioners expand their knowledge, skills and competence in all areas of stroke nursing services.

  • Adopts a practical and evidence-based approach to stroke management, exploring UK and international perspectives
  • Authored by expert clinicians and leaders in the field of nursing practice, research and education
  • Includes updated case studies and practice examples, expanded coverage of clinical application in practice, and new discussions of the knowledge and skills required by nurses

Stroke Nursing is essential reading for students of nursing and neuroscience, and is the definitive reference for practicing nurses and healthcare professionals caring for stroke patients.

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Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for Nursing Practice 9th Edition

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Feb 082022

Give your students everything they need to actively learn how to apply research to nursing practice.
Updated to reflect the latest innovations in research methods, this worldwide bestseller helps students learn how to read and critique research reports, speak the language of nursing research, and develop an appreciation of research to enhance nursing practice. AJN award-winning authors Denise Polit and Cheryl Beck present research essentials, dig into the research steps, and explore quantitative and qualitative research, igniting student curiosity and encouraging them to pursue a professional pathway that incorporates thoughtful appraisals of evidence.

Highlights of the Ninth Edition

  • Enhanced accessibility. The presentation of complex topics is simplified and streamlined, incorporating more straightforward language.
  • New content. The book’s coverage of state-of-the-art research concepts and approaches includes New discussions of quality improvement projects as well as clinical significance, a seldom-mentioned but important topic that has recently gained prominence among nurse researchers.
  • Reorganized coverage. The book’s New structure is organized by methodologic content to offer greater continuity and facilitate better understanding of key methodologic differences between quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Critiquing guidelines and support. Each chapter provides questions that walk students through a study, drawing attention to aspects of the study that can be critiqued by research consumers. In addition, full-length research articles and sample critiques at the end of the book provide opportunities for further critiquing practice.
  • Research examples. One or two actual research examples at the end of each chapter sharpen readers’ critical thinking skills, and research examples throughout the text illustrate key points and stimulate students’ thinking about areas of research inquiry.
  • Practical guidance . Translation of the abstract notions of research methods into more concrete applications includes tips that explain confusing issues in actual research articles.
  • New test generator . Hundreds of multiple-choice questions, which are completely New and written by the book’s authors, help instructors assess their students’ understanding of the chapter content.

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Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults (Miller, Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults) 6th Edition

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Feb 082022

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Advancing Nursing Practice in Pain Management 1st Edition

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Feb 072022

This book showcases the development and evaluation of innovative examples of pain management initiatives by advanced practitioners. It considers each service development or community initiative both in terms of advanced practice nursing and pain management. There is a wide range of examples of innovation in pain management included – from the introduction of ketamine use in one trust, to wider issues around meeting the needs of pain management in the community.

The book considers issues including use of research, education and interprofessional working in the advanced practitioner role. Each chapter looks at development of the service, challenges of implementation, evaluation of the service’s success and justifying the importance of the advanced nurse in the service’s achievements.
Underlying theory is considered but the focus of each chapter is the translation of knowledge and skills into practice
Written by expert advanced nurse practitioners with a wealth of experience in pain management
Explores pain management in primary and secondary care, both within and outside the NHS
Suitable for qualified nurses, Nurse Practitioners, specialist nurses working in the pain field and nursing students on postgraduate courses on pain management

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The Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials: A New Model for Advanced Practice Nursing 1st Edition

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Feb 072022


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The Care of Wounds: A Guide for Nurses 4th Edition

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Feb 052022

The Care of Wounds addresses all aspects of holistic wound management. The fourth edition of this successful clinical text continues to reflect current research and evidence-based practice, while incorporating the considerable developments which have occurred in wound care practice since the previous edition. It includes chapters on the physiology of wound healing, general principles of wound management, wound management products, and the management of patients with both acute and chronic wounds. The title is an essential read for all nurses and healthcare professionals working in the field of tissue viability and wound healing.

Comprehensive and clinically-oriented
Examines best practice in wound management
Incorporates national and international clinical guidelines where applicable
Superbly illustrated with full colour throughout

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A Clinical Guide for Contraception (Clinical Guide for Contraception (Speroff)) Fifth Edition

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Feb 022022

The thoroughly updated Fifth Edition of this practical handbook is a current, reliable, and readable guide to the intelligent use of today’s contraceptive options. The authors provide the essential information that clinicians and patients need to choose the best contraceptive method for the patient’s age and medical, social, and personal characteristics.

The book concisely covers all available drugs and devices. Each contraceptive method is covered in a single chapter that includes history of the contraceptive, method of action, pharmacology (when applicable), contraindications, and use. This edition includes new and updated information on new oral contraceptive pills, transdermal and vaginal delivery, post-pregnancy contraception, use of Essure for sterilization, and uses of contraceptives for non-contraceptive indications.

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Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual Incredibly Easy Series Third Edition

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Feb 022022

Perform pressure monitoring safely, accurately, and confidently with the freshly updated Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual! Hundreds of drawings, flow charts, photos, and diagrams offer essential background on cardiopulmonary anatomy and physiology, nursing principles, and current hemodynamic monitoring technology, in the popular and colorful Made Incredibly Visual style. This easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember content will help you prepare for the NCLEX or certification exam, get clear on concepts discussed in class, and simply upgrade your pressure monitoring skills.
The updated 3rd edition of Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual! includes brand new and updated content covering . . .
o Current nursing practice guidelines for hemodynamic monitoring
o Complete and current directions for procedures such as: changing a CV dressing; CV and PA catheter insertion; arterial line insertion; handling a displaced arterial line; and troubleshooting pressure monitoring systems
o Directions and images that explain the latest pressure monitoring technology, and current circulatory and ventricular assist devices
You’ll also get colorful, real-life guidance on vital topics and step-by-step monitoring guidelines including:
o Anatomy and functions of the cardiac and pulmonary systems
o Pressure monitoring systems – square wave testing; leveling and zeroing the transducer o Arterial pressure monitoring
o Central venous pressure monitoring
o Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring
o Cardiac output monitoring
o Tissue oxygenation and monitoring
o Minimally invasive hemodynamic monitoring
Hemodynamic Monitoring Made Incredibly Visual’s easy-to-read format will help you learn how to deliver safe and accurate monitoring with:
• Special features help you retain vital information:
• Q & A – Illustrated riddles, diagrams, and questions at end of each chapter help you retain vital information
• On the Level – Defines normal and abnormal pressure readings for different patient conditions
• Ride the Wave – Explains the actions of waveforms, including how to recognize abnormal waveforms

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Critical Care Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! 3rd Edition

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Feb 012022

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Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! (Incredibly Easy! Series®) Third Edition

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Jan 292022

Are you ready to deliver expert nursing care to your maternal and neonatal patients?
Learning how to deliver safe & effective care to mothers and their infants has never been easier. Don’t be overwhelmed. Let Nurse Joy be your guide as you discover answers to all of your mom and baby questions — the Incredibly Easy way!
From the popular Made Incredibly Easy series comes the updated third edition of Maternal-Neonatal Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, covering a broad range of care topics in a friendly, conversational style. You’ll discover the latest in research and therapeutic nursing interventions, covering areas such as prenatal care; high-risk pregnancy; family planning, contraception and infertility; labor and birth; and postpartum care, among many other crucial topics.
The series’ award-winning interactive format addresses a range of readers, from students to experienced nurses. With humor and expert insight woven throughout, this fun and enjoyable text will give you a solid grounding in maternal-neonatal nursing care and concepts.
• Updated information on numerous maternal-neonatal disorders, including preeclampsia; premature birth; postpartum depression; substance abuse; alternative therapies • “Nurse Joy” offers tips and encouragement throughout
• Numerous quick-scan tables, flow charts, illustrations, and fun cartoons aid retention of information
• Full-color inserts demonstrate complex clinical concepts
• Special features include:
• Advice from the Experts – Tips from experienced maternal-neonatal nurses
• Bridging the Gap – Unique beliefs and aspects of care for different cultural groups
• Education Edge – Patient teaching tips and checklists
• Memory joggers – Mnemonics that help readers remember difficult concepts
• Quick Quiz – Multiple-choice questions at the end of each chapter
• Quick-reference appendices on maternal daily dietary allowances and normal neonatal lab values

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