Elsevier’s 2024 Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals (The Intravenous Medications) 40th Edition

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Sep 182023

Find the essential information you need to safely administer more than 400 intravenous drugs! For nearly 50 years, Elsevier’s Intravenous Medications: A Handbook for Nurses and Health Professionals has been a trusted resource for complete, accurate drug information in a concise, quick-access format. New to the 2024 edition are 8 monographs of the most recent IV drugs to be approved by the FDA, in addition to updated drug uses, interactions, precautions, alerts, and patient teaching instructions for all current IV drugs. Known as the #1 IV drug handbook on the market, this annual publication is ideal for use in critical care areas, at the nursing station, in the office, and in public health and home care settings.

    • Detailed monographs on more than 400 IV drugs provide an impressive breadth of coverage that goes well beyond any comparable drug reference.
    • Individual monographs include the drug name, phonetic pronunciation, usual dose, dilution, compatibility, rate of administration, actions, indications and uses, contraindications, precautions, interactions, side effects, antidote, and more.
    • Additional drug monographs are provided on the Evolve website.
    • Highlighted Black Box Warningsmake it easy to locate information on medications with serious safety risks.
    • Blue-screened text calls attention to special circumstances not covered by Black Box Warnings.
    • Dosage and dilution charts within monographs provide quick summaries of essential clinical information.
    • Life-stage dosage variances are highlighted for geriatric, pediatric, infant, and neonatalpatients.
    • Convenient, A-to-Z format organizes all drug monographs by generic name, allowing you to find any drug in seconds.
    • Spiral binding allows the book to lie flat, leaving your hands free to perform other tasks.
    • NEW! Drug monographs for 8 newly approved drugs by the FDA include the most current information.
    • NEW! Updates on drug uses, interactions, precautions, alerts, and more are included throughout the guide to reflect changes to existing medications.
    • NEW! Information on preparation and administration of injectable drugs from the National Coalition for IV Push Safety



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Basic Geriatric Nursing 8th Edition

 Geriatrics, Nursing  Comments Off on Basic Geriatric Nursing 8th Edition
Sep 102023

Provide compassionate, professional nursing care for older adults! Designed for LPN/LVNs, Basic Geriatric Nursing, 8th Edition offers a practical introduction to concepts of aging and the physiologic and psychosocial changes that affect the elderly adult. Clear guidelines help you master basic skills such as health assessment, nursing diagnosis, therapeutic communication, medication administration, and nursing interventions in a variety of health care settings. New Next-Generation NCLEX® examination-style case studies help you develop clinical judgment, and nursing care plans show how to apply theory to practice. Written by experienced nursing educator Patricia Williams, this book provides the knowledge and skills you need to care for an aging population.

  • Learning features in each chapter include objectives, key terms with phonetic pronunciations, basic concepts, and clinical application, all connected by case examples and a relevant research study or analysis of multiple studies.
  • Nursing Process sections provide a framework for nursing care of older adults as related to specific disorders.
  • Get Ready for the NCLEX® Examination! sections include key points, additional learning resources, and NCLEX review questions with answers and rationales on the Evolve website.
    • Nursing Care Plans provide real-world examples of care plans along with critical thinking questions.
    • Nursing interventions are grouped by health care setting, e.g., acute care, extended care, home care.
    • Clinical Situation boxes highlight real-life care scenarios.
    • Coordinated Care boxes address leadership and management issues for the LPN/LVN, and include topics such as restraints and end-of-life care.
    • Critical Thinking boxes help you develop and improve skills in clinical judgment.
    • Special boxes are included for health promotion, safety, nurse alerts, patient education, cultural considerations, home health considerations, complementary health approaches, and more.
    • Medication tables summarize information about drugs commonly used in geriatric nursing.
    • NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® examination-style case studies at the end of chaptersinclude new-format questions to help you prepare for the licensure examination.
    • NEW! Discussion of the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model helps you learn decision making and develop the skills needed to plan effective nursing care.
    • NEW! Free Study Guide on the Evolve website includes Next-Generation case studies and review questions to reinforce your understanding.




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Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing and Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing Pack (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 1st Edition

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Aug 092023

Two titles from the bestselling Oxford Handbook series are available together in this great value pack.

The central title of the Oxford Handbooks in Nursing series, the 
Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing is written for nurses, by nurses. It gives concise, practical and expert advice on all aspects of the nurse’s role. Written for both practising and student nurses, it is a comprehensive and reliable
guide to the care of adults with chronic and acute illness. The handbook covers care from the initial assessment to discharge and continuing care, giving a complete picture of a patient’s progress. It also gives up-to-date advice on the role of the nurse working in a multidisciplinary team and as
manager, team leader and co-ordinator of care. To help you achieve the best possible results for your patients, the authors offer a wealth of recommendations, guidance and information from their years of experience. Whatever situation you are in, the 
Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing will give you
the information you need. Starting with the fundamentals of good patient care, it covers the vast majority of clinical scenarios you will encounter. It also offers advice on performing relevant tests and procedures, investigations with normal ranges, common drugs, emergency situations, rare cases
and how to manage unexpected events.

So you can find the information you need without delay, the book is clearly laid out with one topic per page, and written in an easily readable note-based style. Blank pages for writing notes, observations and local protocols allow your handbook to be customised to meet your specific needs. All this
is available at your fingertips, in a pocket-sized handbook with a hard-wearing plastic cover. Written by practising nurses and checked by subject experts, the 
Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing will be an invaluable companion to both practising and student nurses. Whether you need a comprehensive
introduction to adult nursing, general nursing care, or a reliable resource to dip into when the need arises, the 
Oxford Handbook of Adult Nursing will be an invaluable companion for years to come.

Increasingly nurses are developing and extending their clinical skills into areas that were once considered only for doctors. With the rise of post-registration clinical skills courses, advanced practitioners, and the new medical assistant roles, it is anticipated that future professional practice
will involve more emphasis on clinical skills for nurses.

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing provides a practical, easily accessible, concise and evidence-based guide to all the essential elements of clinical skills for nursing practice in one portable format. The first section deals with the principles underlying patient assessment,
and professional issues relating to clinical skills in order to help practitioners perform procedures safely and competently. This is followed by chapters on generic skills such as communication, hygiene and comfort, infection control, intravenous access, and care of the theatre patient. There are
separate sections on drug administration and emergency and high dependency care. The book then takes a systems-based approach to the care of patients covering the key concepts which underpin all good nursing practice, including the social and psychological aspects of nursing. Information is included
on how to relate the principles of clinical skills to different groups such as the elderly and the mentally ill, which will have relevance to practitioners whether in a hospital or community setting.
A unique and comprehensive guide to clinical skills in nursing, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Skills in Adult Nursing will help nurses and other health care workers to perform clinical skills safely and competently.



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Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 2nd Edition

 Emergency, Nursing  Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 2nd Edition
Apr 192023

Emergency nursing requires rapid assessment and decision-making. Often nurses are required to make sense of considerable amounts of information and act on it. The Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing provides an essential resource when time is short and the need for practical clinical guidance is paramount. This second edition has been fully updated to reflect new guidelines and approaches which have impacted emergency nursing in recent years. This handbook provides clear, focussed information that will aid all areas of patient assessment and management in emergency care. The concise format will enable the reader to quickly locate the information needed and provides alerts regarding critical ‘must-dos’ for ill adults and children. The skills section provides a quick summary of the many clinical skills needed in emergency care, ideal as an introduction for the uninitiated and as a refresher for skills performed infrequently. Additionally, this second edition has been expanded to
cover nursing in major trauma and emergencies in the elderly. This handbook will empower nurses to deliver excellence in emergency care.

Written by practising nurses and subject experts, the 
Oxford Handbook of Emergency Nursing is a unique and invaluable companion for qualified and student nurses, and to all health care professionals working in the emergency care setting.

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Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology: An Essential Guide for Nursing and Healthcare Students 3rd Edition

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Apr 082023

Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology continues to be an accessible and comprehensive introductory text to pathophysiology, written specifically for nursing and healthcare students to assist in the understanding of human anatomy, and the complex disease patterns that affect normal physiology.

Thoroughly updated, and with full-colour illustrations throughout, this new edition incorporates additional learning features including reflective questions at the end of each chapter, investigation boxes, medication alerts, red flags to indicate essential information to be aware of when providing care, vital signs boxes relating to physiological measurements as well as inclusion of the National Early Warning Score.

With emphasis placed on a multidisciplinary approach, Fundamentals of Applied Pathophysiology highlights the importance of contemporary, safe, and effective practice in an environment in which the delivery of care is constantly evolving.

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Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical) Fifteenth, North American Edition

 Nursing, Surgery  Comments Off on Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Brunner and Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical) Fifteenth, North American Edition
Feb 252023

Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Single Volume), 15th Edition
Keeping tomorrow’s nurses at the forefront of today’s changing healthcare environment, Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing, 15th Edition delivers the most comprehensive resource available for nursing students in the medical-surgical course. This bestselling text is designed for the way students like to learn, combining a highly readable approach with engaging case studies and learning tools to help students explore essential patient care practices in real-world terms and gain a more practical understanding of how they’ll apply what they’ve learned in practice.

Trusted by instructors, students, and practicing nurses for nearly 60 years, this landmark resource has been comprehensively updated for the 15th Edition to reflect the latest research, evidence-based practices, settings, issues, ethical challenges, and concerns of today’s healthcare practice. Complete integration with Lippincott® CoursePoint+ allows you to easily map out your entire course, provide personalized student remediation, and simulate real-world nursing scenarios involving patients mentioned in vignettes in the text, giving your students unparalleled preparation for success in the medical-surgical nursing workforce.

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Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management 9th Edition

 Critical Care, Nursing  Comments Off on Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management 9th Edition
Feb 202023

Prepare for success in today’s high acuity, progressive, and critical care settings! Critical Care Nursing: Diagnosis and Management, 9th Edition helps you understand and apply critical care nursing principles and concepts to clinical assessment, diagnostic procedures, and therapeutic management. Known for its comprehensive coverage, this leading textbook uses a logical, body systems organization to address the care of patients with physiological alterations. New to this edition are illustrated Patient-Centered Critical Care features aimed at “humanizing the ICU” as well as Next Generation NCLEX® Exam–style case studies to help you further develop your clinical judgment skills and prepare for the latest nursing licensure exam. Also ideal for CCRN® and PCCN® exam preparation, this book is a one-stop resource on the concepts and skills required for critical care nursing!

Time-tested, high-quality content addresses all aspects of today’s high acuity, progressive, and critical care nursing.
Consistent organization within each body-system unit provides an efficient framework for learning, for CCRN® and PCCN® certification preparation, and for reference in clinical practice.
Comprehensive, evidence-based content is highly referenced and includes internet resources for further research and study.
Enhanced Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) integration links text content to QSEN competencies, through the addition of QSEN-related questions in case studies, QSEN-labeled features and boxes, QSEN content icons, and highlighted QSEN information.
NEW! Updated content throughout reflects the latest changes in concepts, techniques, and technology of high acuity, progressive, and critical care nursing.NEW! New Facilitating Care Transitions chapter explains how critical care nurses can ensure patient safety and provide family education through all phases and locations of care, during transitions to other units and departments within the facility, and during patient discharge to various sites (e.g., home, hospice, long-term care).
NEW! Illustrated Patient-Centered Critical Care boxes highlight a new emphasis on changing the culture of critical care by greater inclusion of the patient and family, with evidence-based discussions of topics such as family meetings, debriefing after a code, patient diaries, creating a calm environment, pet visitation, music therapy, the transition of care, and 24/7 ICU visitation.
NEW! 10 Next Generation NCLEX® Exam–style case studies are provided on the Evolve website to help prepare you for the changes in the nursing licens
ure exam.
NEW! Diagnosis and Patient Care Management boxes reflect a new focus on the International Classification of Nursing Practice (ICNP), providing a common language for patient problems using the evidence-based ICNP taxonomy.
NEW! Expanded coverage of key trends includes the use of personal protective equipment in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the opioid epidemic, special considerations for bariatric patients, oncology, and acute chest syndrome.
NEW! Additional coverage of the technology required to monitor the patient and other interprofessional team members assists in the management of the patient and the integration of other QSEN competencies.
NEW! Psychosocial and Spiritual Considerations chapter emphasizes the psychosocial and spiritual wellbeing of critical care clients.
NEW! Expanded coverage of self-care for healthcare professionals equips new critical care nurses to take the time to care for themselves as well as for their patients.
NEW! Updated illustrations improve understanding.
NEW! Key Points replace Chapter Summary features for quick reference and study.
NEW! Inclusion of Canadian/SI units promotes an international understanding of common laboratory values, with a new Common Laboratory Values appendix.
NEW! CCN learning features include three new Concept Maps on protein-calorie malnutrition, burns, and pulmonary embolism; two new Case Studies on burns and facilitating care transition; and two new Patient Care Management Plans on stress overload and impaired spiritual status.

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Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, Sixth Edition 6th Edition

 Geriatrics, Nursing  Comments Off on Evidence-Based Geriatric Nursing Protocols for Best Practice, Sixth Edition 6th Edition
Nov 122022

AJN Book of the Year 2016 First-Place Winner in Gerontological Nursing!

“The evidence-based protocols are designed as a primary reference and are useful, substantive, and timely….The broader contributions of useful format and succinct review of the evidence make it likely that this text will continue to be the leading resource in nursing education and practice.”

―The Gerontologist

“As a gerontological clinical educator/research nurse, I will often use this as a reference. The format and the content are good, and the explanations of how to best use the evidence simplify the process of sifting through mountains of information to figure the best practice.”

Score: 97,****


The newest edition of this distinguished reference in geriatric nursing delivers updated guidelines, new illustrative case studies, and the latest evidence-based protocols developed by leading researchers, educators, and practitioners in each topic area. The sixth edition includes new approaches devoted to supporting LGBTQ+ elders, persons living with dementia and their families, and older adults living with HIV. New operational strategies provide guidance in using the electronic health record, implementing improved person-centered care approaches, and maintaining age-friendly atmospheres.

Using evidence derived from all levels of care, this text offers developed guidelines for improving both quality and outcomes when caring for older adults in multiple disciplines, including interprofessional team members, long-term care and other staff educators, social workers, dietitians, and physicians. Chapters provide assessment and management principles, clinical interventions, specialty practice, and models of care. They consistently feature chapter objectives, annotated references, evidence ratings for each protocol, and resources for further investigation. Each protocol is embedded within the chapter content to provide context and detailed evidence. The protocols consistently include an overview, evidence-based assessment, intervention strategies, and a supporting case study with discussion. PowerPoint presentations and a test bank are available as instructor’s resources.

New Chapters:

  • Informational Technology: Embedding CPGs
  • Organizational Approaches to Promote Person-Centered Care
  • Environmental Approaches to Support Aging-Friendly Care
  • HIV Prevention and Care for the Older Adult
  • LGBTQ+ Perspectives

Key Features:

  • Best practices for in-patient, in-home, and long-term care settings
  • Case studies with discussions in each chapter to illustrate application of clinical practice and related Nursing Standard of Practice Protocol
  • The AGREE systematic method was used to evaluate each protocol and validate this book’s content
  • Instructor’s resources including PowerPoints and a Test Bank
  • Purchase includes digital access for use on most mobile devices and computers

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Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 2nd Edition

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Nov 112022

This new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing has been fully updated, with a greater focus on older people with learning and intellectual disabilities and mental health issues, as well as bringing all recommendations in line with current guidelines.

Since the first edition of this book was published, services for people with learning disabilities and their families have become more community-based, and the demography of the population of people with learning disabilities has changed to include many older people, and children and young adults with complex physical health needs. This handbook provides clear information for readers on practical steps that may be taken to actively engage with people who have learning disabilities, to enable effective care in which they are involved as much as possible with decisions that affect them. This book also covers differences in legislation and social policy across the constituent countries in the United Kingdom and Ireland, including changes that have been implemented since serious case reviews into institutional abuse. An emergencies section provides key information at critical times in practice. The chapter on practice resources has been fully revised to bring together the latest tools to
support nurses, complete with links for easy access.

Written by experienced practitioners who are recognised experts in their areas of speciality, the Oxford Handbook of Learning and Intellectual Disability Nursing is an invaluable guide for students, community and hospital based nurses, and all those who work with people with intellectual disabilities as part of a multidisciplinary team.

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Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing (Oxford Handbooks in Nursing) 2nd Edition

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Oct 242022

Respiratory disease is one of the leading causes of both mortality and morbidity, causing a significant burden on healthcare resources, the economy, and on individual patients and their carers. Respiratory conditions are managed in many different settings, from home and residential care through the full range of primary to tertiary care. The multifaceted nature of both diseases affecting respiration and the care options is comprehensively covered in this second
edition of the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing.

Offering a systematic description of the main respiratory diseases found in adults, the Handbook covers the assessment, diagnosis, and nursing management of each condition. With a special focus on the role of the multidisciplinary team in meeting the multiple care needs of respiratory patients, including physical and psychosocial concerns, and both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies, the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing is a unique and invaluable companion for all
healthcare professionals working within the specialty.

Fully updated to reflect changes in new national and international guidance, with additional topics on biologics, antifibrotic therapy, inspiratory flow, and new NICE and UKIG standards and algorithms, the material has been fully overhauled to reflect current best practice and therapeutic options. Concise, didactic, and augmented with further reading and useful online resources, the second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Respiratory Nursing gives nurses working in the field all the
information they need at their fingertips.

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