Pediatric Nursing: Content Review PLUS Practice Questions

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Oct 042020

– Comprehensive coverage of the pediatric nursing concepts needed to succeed in class and confidently prepare for the NCLEX-RN.

– 600 NCLEX-RN-style questions in all…

– 450 questions in the text, including a 75-question comprehensive exam.

– All 450 questions from the text + 150 unique questions online at DavisPlus—a Plus code in the front of each new book unlocks DavisPlus instructor and student resources. (Access can also be purchased at

– All questions written at application or analysis level, reflecting standard multiple choice and alternate formats.

– Answers with rationales for every question explaining why each answer is correct or incorrect.

– Key questions on interpretation of laboratory values, prioritization of nursing care, client safety, and medication administration.

– “Pulling It All Together,” a case study at the end of each chapter that shows you how to apply critical thinking and the nursing process to various clinical situations.

– “NCLEX Alert” icons highlighting “must-know” information.

– An easy-to-reference bulleted, two-column format with full-color tables and illustrations.

– Alternate-format questions, including multiple response, fill-in-the-blank, prioritization, chart/exhibit, and graphic questions.

– List of vocabulary with definitions at the beginning of each chapter.

– Review questions at the end of each chapter.


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Building and Managing a Career in Nursing: Strategies For Advancing Your Career

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Oct 022020

This unique new book offers a comprehensive exploration of career management for nurses. The book covers the lifespan of a career in nursing-from discovering and developing a career to changing and reclaiming a career. The author and expert contributors explore each of these stages from theoretical and practical perspectives, with research-based tools and strategies, and real-life examples throughout illustrating how nurses have successfully managed their careers. A separate unit on reclaiming one’s career includes three unique chapters on the stalled career, the impaired career, and overcoming damage and building new credibility. The final two chapters address the importance of building support networks and mentoring. There are also discussions on inquiry letters, resumes, CVs and how to complete a successful interview, with examples of each. Whether you are thinking about a career in nursing, changing careers within nursing, or leaving nursing, this book will be a valuable resource to help you make better, more informed decisions in your career development. A joint publication of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International and NurseWeek Publishing, Inc.


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Fundamental Nursing Skills

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Sep 202020

Providing forward-thinking approaches and ideas for nurses of all categories, this reference has been written primarily in response to increasing concerns regarding the perceived lack of ability in both students and newly qualified nurses to perform clinical skills.By outlining the elements of essential nursing procedure in a readily accessible format, including rationale for recommended actions and promoting evidence-based practice, this text encourages the reader to keep a record of achievement in relation to clinical skill competence.The selection of skills included is based on extensive consultation with experienced clinicians, students, clients and teachers of nursing. Each procedure has been carefully researched to provide a contemporary foundation for practice. The text also contains a rapid reference section of common terminology, conversion tables, laboratory results and other useful information.


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Nursing Theories: Pearson New International Edition: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice ( 6th edition)

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Sep 182020

Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice, Sixth Edition, is designed to help nurses apply concepts and theories to practice. This useful resource considers the ideas of well-known nursing theorists and relates the work of each to the clinical nursing practice. Chapters are organized to relate the theorist’s work to the nursing metaparadigm, clinical nursing practice, characteristics of a theory, and strengths and limitations of the theory.

From the Back Cover
Completely updated in a new edition, “Nursing Theories” 6/e”” incoporates the latest theories and research methods in nursing today. Designed as a tool to help nurses apply concepts and theories to practice, this book considers the ideas of well-known nursing theorists and relates the work of each tot he nursing process. Chapters are organized to relate the theorist’s work to the nursing metaparadigm, the nursing process, characteristics of a theory, and strengths and limitations of the theory. Some key features include:
Quanitiative and qualitative research methods in each chapter.
An emphasis on the use of nursing theory in clinical practice.
Chapters on the work of Artinian and Conger, as well as the introduction of an interdisciplinary model.
For nursing professionals.


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Davis’s Comprehensive Handbook of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests: With Nursing Implications, 2nd Edition

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Sep 072020

This practical handbook should be used by nursing students in clinical courses and by nurses in clinical settings as a quick reference. It guides the nurse in planning what needs to be assessed, monitored, treated, and taught at every stage of care, including pre-test requirements, intra-test procedures, and posttest care. This updated edition also will be helpful to all other healthcare professionals who need to know what nurses will do with their patients undergoing laboratory or diagnostic testing. All tests and procedures are listed in alphabetical order by their complete name for ease of location, plus the comprehensive, integrated index allows fast searches by abbreviation, synonym, disease state or condition, organ system, specimen type, or test classification.
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Nursing Literature Reviews : A Reflection

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Sep 032020

Literature reviews are undertaken by students, researchers, clinicians and educationalists – that is, almost all nurses.

Despite much excellent work, exploring the assumptions and practices that constitute searching for and reviewing literature has merit, and prompting those who undertake these activities to think critically about what it is that they are doing should be encouraged. Widely adopted approaches to structuring reviews (the ‘standard model’) can detrimentally limit the scope or range of literature that is accessed and appraised. It is further proposed that a lack of professional ambition or confidence invests aspects of the way some nurses engage with the sources that are available to them. Across the book, parochialism is challenged. The crucial roles that values and judgement play in reviews are highlighted. It is argued that humanities and arts texts deserve, potentially, a bigger or more assured place in reviews undertaken by nurses. Difficulties in appraising quantitative and qualitative research reports are identified, and benefits linked with taking a contemplative line through the review process are considered.

This book contributes to debates around evidence-based practice and literature reviews more generally. It will appeal to anyone with an interest in professional issues, research, and the philosophy and sociology of nursing.


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AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing, 4th Edition

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Aug 312020

Endorsed by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), this acclaimed textbook sets the standard for critical care nursing education. Recognizing the learner’s need to assimilate foundational knowledge before attempting to master more complex critical care nursing concepts, the book features a practical building-block organization that starts with the basics and logically progresses to advanced topics.


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Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Success, Third Edition

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Aug 292020

by Cathy Melfi Curtis MSN RN-BC (Author),‎ Audra Baker RN PMHNP APRN ANCC (Author)

2 Books in 1!
Q&A Course Review
NCLEX prep

Guarantee your mastery of psychiatric mental health nursing knowledge while honing your critical-thinking and test-taking skills.

Over 900 multiple-choice and alternate format questions, organized by specific disorders, make a difficult subject more manageable. Rationales for both correct and incorrect answers as well as test-taking tips help you to critically analyze the question types.Plus, two, 75-question exams online at DavisPlushelp you assess your overall progress.

Thoroughly updated and enhanced throughout, the 3rd Edition of this AJN Book of the Year incorporates DSM V and even more of the most difficult alternate-format questions.

See what students are saying about the previous edition…
“…this book has been a LIFESAVER. The chapters are set apart by disorders, and there are rationales for why or why not to choose a certain answer for every option.”-Jessica Lindly

“I truly think all of these “Success Q & A” books are essential study tools for me and my nursing school family. All of us who had this book did exceptionally well on our first Mental Health Nursing exam last week!!”-Kris Ambroon

“Great book with tough questions that was very helpful for Mental Health Nursing course and NCLEX prep. Definitely worth the extra purchase.”-Lauren Chasan

Use this exceptional resourcewith your current book, or combine it with Mary C. Townsend&s psychiatric nursing texts? Each title follows the same organization asPsychiatric/Mental Health Nursing Success, 3rd Editionfor the ideal teaching and learning experience.


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Informatics and Nursing 6th Edition

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Aug 262020

Focusing on the information every nurse should know and capturing cutting-edge advances in a rapidly changing field, this practical text helps students build the communication and information literacy skills they need to integrate informatics into practice. This edition retains the key coverage of the previous edition, including office cloud computing software, interoperability, consumer informatics, telehealth, clinical information systems, social media use guidelines, and software and hardware developments, while offering new information and references throughout.


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Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology: For Nursing and Healthcare Students, 2nd Edition

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Aug 242020

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing and Healthcare Students is a succinct but complete overview of the structure and function of the human body, with clinical applications throughout. Designed specifically for nursing and healthcare students, the new edition of this best-selling textbook provides a user-friendly, straightforward, jargon-free introduction to the subject.
Key features:
Clinical considerations and scenarios throughout showing how the material can be applied to daily practice
Featuring over 300 superb full colour illustrations
Now includes a boxed feature throughout on medicines management; providing information concerning a variety of medicines used in the care and management of people that are related to the body system of the chapter
The ‘Conditions’ feature within each chapter provides you with a list of disorders that are associated with the topics discussed, helping relate theory to practice
Each chapter includes learning outcomes, test your knowledge, scenarios, activities and summaries.
Includes a list of prefixes and suffixes, as well as normal values, and a glossary of terms
Supported by enhanced online resources with fantastic extras for both lecturers and students, including an image bank, online glossary, flashcards, interactive multiple choice questions, examples of patient notes, and more

This edition is now supported by an accompanying study guide to facilitate the learning and revision of the content within this book: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology Workbook: A Study Guide for Nurses and Healthcare Students.


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