Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties (Oxford Medical Handbooks) – 10th Edition

 Internal Medicine, Ob/Gynae, Pediatrics, Surgery  Comments Off on Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties (Oxford Medical Handbooks) – 10th Edition
May 072020

Covering each of the fourteen core medical specialties, the tenth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties is the must-have reference guide to each of the specialties you will encounter through your medical school and Foundation Programme rotations. Now updated with the latest guidelines, and developed by a new and trusted author team who have contemporary experience of life on the wards, this unique resource presents the content in a concise and logical way, giving clear advice on clinical management and offering insight into holistic care.

Packed full of high-quality illustrations, boxes, tables, and classifications, this handbook is ideal for use at direct point of care, whether on the ward or in the community, and for study and revision. Each chapter is easy to read and filled with digestible information, with features including ribbons to mark your most-used pages and mnemonics to help you memorize and retain key facts, while quotes from patients help the reader understand each problem better, enhancing the doctor/patient relationship. With reassuring and friendly advice throughout, this is the ultimate guide for every medical student and junior doctor for each clinical placement, and as a revision tool. This tenth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties remains the perfect companion to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, together encompassing the entire spectrum of clinical medicine and helping you to become the doctor you want to be.


Review from previous edition: “This new edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialities may appear small in size but don’t underestimate it. … [This] is an essential component of any medical student’s bookshelf and will be very useful in guiding you through the main clinical

–Northwing Magazine, University of Sheffield, UK, November 2013

“Applying humanism as the basis of delivering medical care, the reward for the physician and proven healing effect for the patient becomes evident. I found this focus delightful and worthy of every physician’s consideration… They consistently encourage sympathy and compassion in the many
types of patient interactions primary care providers will face and the reward this brings in a career that encompasses patient care from conception to end of life. The authors mine their experience for rich, authoritative insights into these many aspects of medicine.”

–Doody’s Notes, April 2013

“Although there are several good pocket-sized medical references, I have not seen one that has the detail and easy format for quick reference as this one does. It includes thoughtful tools and an invitation for feedback from the authors. What I find most appealing is the unique emphasis on the
human aspects of practicing medicine that is evident throughout, which is blended well with the more frequently taught technical, knowledge-based information. The authors succeed in their goal of emphasizing connection and compassion as a means to delivering more effective patient care as well as
supporting and enhancing the physician’s reason for choosing this career. If you are looking for a quick reference medical book, you will not be disappointed. The focus on the perspective of compassionate humans caring for people in need is a particularly useful bonus.”

–Doody’s Notes, April 2013

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Respiratory Disease in Pregnancy – May 28, 2020 Release

 Ob/Gynae, Respiratory Medicine  Comments Off on Respiratory Disease in Pregnancy – May 28, 2020 Release
Apr 292020

Respiratory diseases affect a large proportion of the population and can cause complications when associated with pregnancy. Pregnancy induces profound anatomical and functional physiological changes in the mother, and subjects the mother to pregnancy-specific respiratory conditions. Reviewing respiratory conditions both specific and non-specific to pregnancy, the book also addresses related issues such as smoking and mechanical ventilation. Basic concepts for the obstetrician are covered, including patient history, physiology and initial examinations. Topics such as physiological changes during pregnancy and placental gas exchange are discussed for the non-obstetrician. Guidance is practical, covering antenatal and post-partum care, as well as management in the delivery suite. An essential guide to respiratory diseases in pregnancy, this book is indispensable to both obstetricians and non-obstetric physicians managing pregnant patients.

Book Description

A practical guide to respiratory conditions and pregnancy and their successful management. Covering patient history, physiology and examination and special investigations; and placental gas exchange, smoking, drug therapy and management of respiratory failure. An essential reference for all clinicians managing mothers with respiratory conditions.

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Obstetrics in Family Medicine: A Practical Guide – 3rd Edition

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Obstetrics in Family Medicine: A Practical Guide – 3rd Edition
Apr 252020

Obstetrical care in the family medicine setting is an ever-evolving discipline. In addition to routine updates due to the passage of time, several new developments have occurred in the field since the last edition of this book was published. Among these developments are advances in prenatal assessment and diagnosis, recommendations for vaccination in pregnancy, assessment and management of infectious disease in pregnancy, and management of chronic disease concurrent with pregnancy.
All thirty-one chapters of the second edition of this text have been thoroughly updated. Several chapters warranted substantive expansion and revision due to the developments on the topic. These chapters include preconception counseling, prenatal care, dysmorphic growth, preterm labor, recurrent pregnancy loss, infection, diabetes, postdates, normal labor, induction and augmentation, prolonged labor, fetal heart rate monitoring, routine postpartum and complications postpartum. A new chapter has been added that covers vaccination in pregnancy as well as other routine wellness recommendations.
Now in its fully revised and expanded third edition, Obstetrics in Family Medicine reflects the significant changes that have occurred in the field since 2015. This book remains the definitive resource for meeting the needs of a wide range of primary care providers who provide direct or indirect care of patients of childbearing age. This book also appeals to nurse practitioners, physician assistants and nursing personnel working in the primary care setting. Additionally, this book serves as a useful guide for medical providers who intersect with pregnant, or possibly pregnant patients including emergency medicine physicians, surgeons, EMT`s and paramedics.
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High Risk: Stories of Pregnancy, Birth, and the Unexpected, US Edition

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Apr 212020

A doctor’s revelatory account of pregnancy and the complexity of reproductive life―and everything we lose when we don’t speak honestly about women’s health.

“My work offers a window into the darkest and lightest corners of people’s lives, into the extremes of human experience,” writes Dr. Chavi Eve Karkowsky in High Risk, her timely and unflinching account of working in maternal-fetal medicine―that branch of medicine that concerns high-risk pregnancies. Whether offering insight into the rise in home births, the alarming rise in America’s maternal mortality rate, or the history of involuntary sterilization, Karkowsky offers a window into all that pregnancy, labor, and birth can entail―birth and joy, but also challenge and loss―illustrating the complexity of reproductive life and the systems that surround it. With historical insight and journalistic verve, Karkowsky unpacks what is involved for women, for a family, and for us as a society; and explores what’s at risk when these aspects of medicine remain clouded in mystery and misinformation.

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Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Edition 2

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Doppler Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology Edition 2
Apr 192020

Expanded and updated edition highlighting current standards and breakthroughs in the technology of Doppler ultrasound
Includes latest advances in 3D and color doppler and 4D fetal echocardiography
Includes more than 500 illustrations, including more than 150 in color

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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Evidence-Based Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss: Evidence-Based Evaluation, Diagnosis and Treatment
Apr 052020

Editors: Bashiri, Asher, Harlev, Avi, Agarwal, Ashok (Eds.)
Provides the most current evidence-based information on the evaluation and clinical management of recurrent pregnancy loss
Discusses the epidemiology and causes of recurrent pregnancy loss, including anatomic, genetic, immunological and endocrinologic factors, as well as male, fetal, environmental and medical influences
Includes practical tips for psychological care of the patient and establishing a RPL clinic and database, as well as clinical case presentations for real-world illustration

Providing the latest evidence-based information on etiology, evaluation and treatment, this unique text provides an in-depth, comprehensive discussion of the epidemiology, genetic and endocrinologic factors and medical and surgical management of recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL). Taking a multidisciplinary approach including psychological treatment and patient perspectives, all aspects of current RPL prevention and treatment are elucidated. Detailed chapters provide real-world illustrative material and cover the set-up and management of RPL clinics and databases, containing practical tips. Recurrent Pregnancy Loss will be an excellent resource for OB-GYN specialists, general and reproductive endocrinologists, radiologists, hematologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, and any other investigators or clinicians treating patients confronted with this emotionally and physically trying condition.

Number of Illustrations and Tables
24 illus., 2 in colour
Reproductive Medicine
Obstetrics / Perinatology

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Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Specialties – 3rd Edition

 Internal Medicine, Ob/Gynae, Pediatrics, Surgery  Comments Off on Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Specialties – 3rd Edition
Mar 302020

Maximise your exam success with this unique revision guide on core clinical specialties.

The third edition of Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Specialties features over 400 Single Best Answer questions that are mapped to the medical school curricula. Packed with questions written by experienced doctors in each specialty, and rooted in real-life clinical encounters, this revision tool is an authoritative guide for students. Further reading resources and cross-references to the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties have been fully updated to expand your revision further on topics you find challenging.

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Hematological Complications in Obstetrics, Pregnancy, and Gynecology

 Hematology, Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Hematological Complications in Obstetrics, Pregnancy, and Gynecology
Mar 242020

There are many hematological complications associated with obstetrics, pregnancy and gynecology, and unfortunately, they often lead to significant morbidity or mortality for both mother and child. As the first comprehensive reference on all aspects of hematological complications of obstetrics, pregnancy and gynecology this book will be a valuable resource to hematologists, obstetricians, gynecologists, reproductive medicine specialists, internists, anesthesiologists and others. The chapters are written by acknowledged experts in the field, and for each condition covered the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical and laboratory diagnosis and management are discussed where appropriate.
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Ambulatory Gynaecology: A New Concept in the Treatment of Women

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Ambulatory Gynaecology: A New Concept in the Treatment of Women
Feb 262020

A change from traditional care pathways to more cost-effective, patient-centred approaches to medical practice lies at the heart of modern health service management. A ‘see and treat’ management philosophy is developing, under the umbrella term of ‘ambulatory gynaecology’, with one-stop clinics and day surgery operations replacing traditional outpatient consultations and inpatient surgery. This book sets out how the concept of ambulatory gynaecology can be applied to the main areas of gynaecological practice. It covers analgesia and anaesthesia for outpatient gynaecology, colposcopy services, abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial ablation, urogynaecology, infertility, early pregnancy units, emergency gynaecological services, pelvic ultrasound and interventional radiology.

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Fibroids (GIP – Gynaecology in Practice)

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Fibroids (GIP – Gynaecology in Practice)
Feb 252020

Fibroids are benign growths of the uterus. They are the most common tumours found in women (20-30% of women), usually in later reproductive years. This book covers evidence-based indications for treatment of uterine fibroids in gynecology, the management of fibroids in pregnancy, surgical treatments and outcomes, rare fibroid syndromes, and more.

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