Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology 12th Edition

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Sep 252023

Te Linde’s Operative Gynecology, Twelfth Edition, remains your authoritative resource on the comprehensive perioperative care of gynecologic patients.  New features in this edition include a primer on anesthesia, a chapter on positioning for pelvic surgery, a practical review of pediatric gynecology, and a section on the use of surgical instruments.  All chapters have been updated to reflect contemporary gynecologic practice and the latest minimally invasive surgical approaches.  New illustrations are included and each chapter includes step-by-step descriptions of surgical techniques. Today’s best surgeons and teachers offer a readable, intuitive, and concise reference for trainees as well as the experienced gynecologist.

  • A completely restructured table of contents that reflects the needs of today’s novice and experienced surgeons  – ideal for quick reference and as a clinical refresher.
  • An intuitive, chronological structure, covering relevant topics from preoperative preparation through postoperative care, as well as an expansive section on gynecologic procedures and surgical management of selected conditions.
  • The same readable, easy-to-digest presentation you’ve come to expect from Te Linde’s.
  • Expanded “Steps in the Procedure” boxes are supplied for all surgical chapters – a favorite feature that provides clear, easy-to-follow roadmaps for each procedure.
  • More than 1,300 color illustrations, photographs and line drawings.

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.



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Gynecologic Cancers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management (Current Multidisciplinary Oncology) 1st Edition

 Ob/Gynae, Oncology  Comments Off on Gynecologic Cancers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management (Current Multidisciplinary Oncology) 1st Edition
Sep 252023

Over the course of the last decade, the treatment of gynecologic cancer has evolved quite rapidly. New scientific and clinical advances have modified the standard of care and led to improved patient outcomes. At the same time, the treatment of gynecologic cancer has become increasingly complex, requiring the comprehensive review and assessment of multiple issues including genetics, radiology, surgery, molecular diagnostics, chemotherapy, and more. As a result, the harmony and open communication between these specialties facilitated by a multidisciplinary team approach are crucial in providing the best care to patients and ensuring successful treatment. Gynecologic Cancers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management, written by a multidisciplinary team of authors representing a range of disciplines, is a valuable resource for physicians, fellows, nurses, physician assistants, physical therapists, and all health care providers involved in the treatment of gynecologic cancer. Gynecologic Cancers: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Diagnosis and Management summarizes the state-of-the-art issues related to the treatment of gynecologic cancer and describes an approach for optimal multidisciplinary care for women who have been diagnosed with or who are at higher risk to develop gynecologic cancer.

About the Series: The Current Multidisciplinary Oncology series, edited by Charles R. Thomas, consolidates and integrates the varied aspects of multidisciplinary care for major topics in oncology, including breast, lung, prostrate, head and neck and more. The volumes in the Current Multidisciplinary Oncology series represent all related topic areas, including oncology, radiation oncology, pain, pathology, imaging, psychological support and the primary disease. In addition, each volume includes a chapter focusing on special populations and the disease’s impact / difference on them, and discussion of future directions and quality of life issues. In addition each volume has a chapter written by a private practice oncologist.

All Current Multidisciplinary Oncology titles provide:

  • Consolidation and integration of the varied aspects of multidisciplinary care for major topics in oncology
  • Coverage of all related topic areas, including medical and surgical oncology, radiation oncology, pain, pathology, imaging, psychological support, and the primary disease
  • A chapter focusing on special populations and the disease’s differing impact on them
  • Discussion of quality-of-life issues




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Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology (Step-Up Series)

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Sep 242023

Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology is an effective high-yield review of obstetrics and gynecology. Written in partnership with The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women’s Health Care and developed specifically for medical, physician assistant, and nurse practitioner students in their obstetrics and gynecology clerkship/rotation, Step-Up to Obstetrics and Gynecology packs clinical pearls, illustrations, and “Quick Hits” in a single, ingenious tool, tailoring each element for immediate content absorption and faster, more efficient review. This review book gives you exactly what you need to prepare for your clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and the USMLE Step 2!

Features in this book include:
• Full-color figures illustrate concepts when a picture says it best.
• Complete coverage of key topics ensures that you are test-ready and prepared on the wards.
• Dynamic interior design brings the content to you in a memorable style.
• Quick Hits in the margins highlight highly testable topics.
• Clinical Pearls help you “file away” clinical connections for handy retrieval at test time.
• Bold terms highlight key terminology for added emphasis!



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50 Big Debates in Gynecologic Oncology 1st Edition

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Sep 112023

Highlighting over 50 hot topics where controversy exist in management of patients with gynecologic malignancy, this book presents expertly argued opinions for and against, incorporating current evidence and clinical trials outcomes. A diverse range of topics are included that pertain to several disciplines in gynecologic oncology, including surgical management of disease, medical oncology, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, as well as screening, preventive and palliative care. This book will be relevant to a diverse audience of practitioners and trainees including gynecologists, gynecological oncologists, surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and general medics. It will be a useful guide for practicing clinicians managing their patients, as well as a concise textbook for trainees and students preparing for examinations and board certifications in gynecologic oncology. Readers will gain an insight into topical controversies, critically evaluating the different sides to enhance their own clinical practice.



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Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Oxford Medical Handbooks) 3rd Edition

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Aug 162023

Fully revised for a third edition, the best-selling Oxford Handbook of Obstetrics and Gynaecology is now better than ever. It includes new algorithms for patient management, new images and full colour photographs, and new and expanded topics including female genital mutilation, consent for
operations, and pre-operative assessment.

Written and reviewed by a team of highly experienced clinicians and academics, and UK trainees, this handbook is a perfect starting point for preparation for postgraduate exams. Practical advice is presented with key evidence-based guidelines, supported by web references, providing the most
up-to-date clinical information as well as the perfect starting point for preparation for postgraduate exams.

The indispensable, concise and practical guide to all aspects of obstetric and gynaecological medical care, diagnosis, and management, this is the must have resource for all specialist trainees, junior doctors and medical students, as well as a valuable aide memoir for experienced clinicians.



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Women-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth

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Jun 062023

A woman-centered approach to pregnancy must be flexible enough to address the variety of women’s experiences around the world, encompassing medical conditions, cultures and family structures. It must also include women who choose not to carry a pregnancy or experience a miscarriage. This unique woman-centered text explores all these issues and more

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OSCEs in Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine: An Evidence-Based Approach 1st Edition

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May 192023

OSCEs are a familiar component of postgraduate examinations worldwide, simulating clinical scenarios to assess a candidate’s clinical skills and a range of competencies. This book will combine comprehensive knowledge and evidence-based practice standards in obstetrics and medical complications of pregnancy into a patient-centered approach using standardized OSCE scenarios. Taking an innovative, unique approach to diverse common clinical scenarios, it will be useful to trainees preparing for high-stakes certification examinations, and all healthcare workers providing obstetrical care. By using the provided clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, important aspects of focused history taking and patient management are elucidated. For those working in obstetrical care, this book is an essential teaching tool for all levels of training. The book will therefore serve as a key teaching tool at various levels. Readers can use the clinical cases for self-assessment or peer-review practice, to elucidate important aspects of focused history-taking and evidence-based patient management.
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Manual of High-Risk Pregnancy

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Apr 292023

The aim of this book is to focus on the high-risk pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbearing are attended by certain challenges and risks to the mother as well as to the fetus. The aim is to improve our management of high-risk situations and optimize the outcome of pregnancy in current era. The purpose of this book is to provide information necessary for high-risk pregnancy because they have the potential for high mortality and morbidity for mother and fetus because of unique anatomic and physiological changes that influence diagnosis and management. The book covers various aspects which puts the fetus at risk, and presents update on prenatal care, management of various medical disorders, hematological disorders, and infections during pregnancy, etc. A number of new chapters have been added like missing dimensions in antenatal care. Chapters have been written in a way so that they provide contemporary information and stimulate clinical thinking. Presentation of all the chapters in a precise and systematic manner is a joint collaborative effort.

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Drugs in Pregnancy: A Handbook for Pharmacists and Physicians 1st Edition

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Apr 242023

This first-of-its-kind handbook offers crucial information on the safety of drugs taken during pregnancy. It covers an exhaustive list of common and less common drugs and provides for each drug the FDA letter categorization and newly approved “Pregnancy and Lactation Labeling Rule (PLLR)” systems for rating drug risks in pregnancy, imposed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Drugs in Pregnancy: A Handbook for Pharmacists and Physicians covers the pregnancy ramifications of using anti-infective, cardiovascular, hematologic, dermatologic drugs and drugs affecting the endocrine, central, autonomic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal systems in addition to herbs, vitamins and dietary supplements. To enable the reader to develop well-informed knowledge about a drug safety profile during pregnancy, three sections of data have been provided for each drug: FDA Category, Risk Summary, and Further Reading.

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Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk Twelfth Edition

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Apr 202023

Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2022!

Essential for ob/gyn physicians, primary care physicians, and any health care provider working with pregnant or postpartum women, Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation: A Reference Guide to Fetal and Neonatal Risk, 12th Edition, puts must-know information at your fingertips in seconds. An easy A-to-Z format lists more than 1,400 of the most commonly prescribed drugs taken during pregnancy and lactation, with detailed monographs designed to provide the most essential information on possible effects on the mother, embryo, fetus, and nursing infant. 

Each templated monograph includes: 

  • Generic US name (trade names in index) 
  • Risk factors 
  • Pharmacologic class 
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding recommendations 
  • Pregnancy, fetal risk, and breastfeeding summaries 
  • Updated references 

NEW in the 12th Edition: 

  • 100 new drugs, with thorough updates of all existing drugs 
  • Subheadings with each review for faster reference 
  • List of cross-referenced combination drugs 
  • List of drugs contraindicated in breastfeeding women 
  • List of drugs contraindicated in pregnancy 
  • List of drugs that affect human development 
  • Quarterly updates, available online, to keep you at the forefront of the field 
  • Greatly improved eBook searchability 

Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience 

  • Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. 
  • Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech. 

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