Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, Second Edition

 Nutrition, Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy, Second Edition
Sep 022018

​This easy to use text provides practitioners and researchers with a global view of current and emerging issues concerned with successful pregnancy outcomes and approaches that have been successful or show promise in ensuring a successful pregnancy. The fully updated and revised second edition expands its scope with topics not covered in the first edition including pregnancy and military service; sleep disorders during pregnancy; the gut microbiome during pregnancy and the newborn; requirement for vitamin D in pregnancy; the environment—contaminants and pregnancy; preeclampsia and new approaches to treatment; health disparities for whites, blacks, and teen pregnancies; depression in pregnancy—role of yoga; safe food handling for successful pregnancy outcome; relationship of epigenetics and diet in pregnancy; caffeine during pregnancy; polycystic ovary syndrome; US Hispanics and preterm births; celiac disease and pregnancy; cannabis use during pregnancy.The second edition of Handbook of Nutrition and Pregnancy will be a valuable resource for clinicians and other healthcare professionals who treat and counsel woman of child-bearing age and pregnant woman.

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Textbook for MRCOG -1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Textbook for MRCOG -1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Aug 252018

Textbook for MRCOG -1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology is a comprehensive resource for candidates preparing for the MRCOG Part 1 exam, and all medical students wishing to pursue specialisation in obstetrics and gynaecology in the UK. The book is divided into fourteen chapters, based on the latest exam format and syllabus from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. The first chapter covers principles of clinical practice, followed by the fundamentals of basic sciences, from anatomy to pathology and pharmacology. The book concludes with separate chapters on obstetrics and gynaecology. Textbook for MRCOG – 1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics & Gynaecology includes over1000 SBA questions and answers for self-assessment. The book is further enhanced by over 230 illustrations and images, making this an ideal revision guide. Key Points Comprehensive study resource for MRCOG Part 1 exam candidates Includes over 1000 SBA questions for self assessment 236 illustrations and images
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Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment (Schaefer) – 3rd Edition

 Ob/Gynae, Pharmacology  Comments Off on Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation: Treatment Options and Risk Assessment (Schaefer) – 3rd Edition
Aug 202018

Drugs During Pregnancy and Lactation, 3rd Edition is a quick and reliable reference for all those working in disciplines related to fertility, pregnancy, lactation, child health and human genetics who prescribe or deliver medicinal products, and to those who evaluate health and safety risks. Each chapter contains twofold information regarding drugs that are appropriate for prescription during pregnancy and an assessment of the risk of a drug when exposure during pregnancy has already occurred. Thoroughly updated with current regulations, references to the latest pharmacological data, and new medicinal products, this edition is a comprehensive resource covering latest knowledge and findings related to drugs during lactation and pregnancy.

  • Provides evidence-based recommendations to help clinicians make appropriate recommendations
  • Uniquely organized and structured according to drug class and treatment indications to offer authoritative clinical content on potential adverse effects
  • Highlights new research developments from primary source about working mechanism of substances that cause developmental disorders

Editorial Reviews


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Essential Human Development

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Essential Human Development
Aug 142018

As our understanding of the human body broadens, so does the need for a comprehensive text that encompasses all aspects of human development. Essential Human Development is a great course companion that focuses on the human life cycle, ideal for the undergraduate student new to these fields, or for qualified practitioners looking for a reference guide.

Featuring key information points and self–test assessments in each chapter, the book is organised in an accessible manner, beginning with fertilisation and embryology, then moving on to obstetric medicine, neonatal care and child health, with the final section exploring gynaecological medicine.

Ensuring that information is placed in context to aid understanding, Essential Human Development is the perfect support for the modern medical school curriculum, as well as a vital reminder of the core information needed whilst on a women or child health clinical placement.

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Clinical Lymphatic Mapping of Gynecologic Cancer

 Ob/Gynae, Oncology  Comments Off on Clinical Lymphatic Mapping of Gynecologic Cancer
Aug 102018

Lymphatic mapping techniques have provenare proving to be crucial to the early detection and safe treatment of gynecological and breast cancers. However, there has not been a single, comprehensive resource on this topic. Until now. In Clinical Lymphatic Mapping of Gynecologic Cancers, such techniques are fully explained, with an emphasis on the concept of sentinel lymph node detection.
The book provides a historical perspective, an understanding of the associated modalities of pathology and diagnostic imaging, a disease site-specific review of the literature, and step-by-step descriptions of how to identify sentinel nodes. The text is fully illustrated, allowing readers to quickly grasp the techniques and examine the analysis of the results. The editors address the entire breadth of the topic, making this an ideal reference for newly qualified professionals and students in gynecological oncology and breast cancer.

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Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy: A Practical Guide (3rd edition)

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Aug 062018

Analgesia, Anaesthesia and Pregnancy focuses on pre-empting problems and maximising quality of care. Every chapter of this well-established practical guide has been completely updated and revised. All aspects of obstetric medicine relevant to the anaesthetist are covered, from pre-pregnancy management to conception, throughout pregnancy, to postnatal care. The authors have identified over 150 potential complications, each covered in two parts: ‘problems/special considerations’ and ‘management options’, with key points prominently displayed for quick reference. A section on organisational aspects such as record keeping, training protocols and guidelines makes this an important resource for any labour ward or hospital dealing with pregnant women. Presented in a clear, structured format, this practical summary will be invaluable to any anaesthetist encountering obstetric patients, whether they are a practiced consultant or still in training. It will also be useful for obstetricians, neonatologists, midwives, nurses and operating department practitioners wishing to extend or update their knowledge.
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Williams Obstetrics (24th edition)

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Williams Obstetrics (24th edition)
Aug 012018

The premier reference in obstetrics for more than a century – now even more relevant to today’s practice Williams Obstetrics is the most detailed, comprehensive, and rigorously referenced text on the subject. Written by an author team from the world-renowned Parkland Hospital, the hallmarks of this classic are its thoroughness, scientific basis, and practical applicability for the obstetrician at the bedside. This edition of Williams Obstetrics continues to emphasize the scientific-based underpinnings and evidence-based practices of the specialty. This is accomplished by using incorporating more than 3,000 new literature citations and guidelines from the most trusted professional and academic organizations. One of the important features of the twenty-fourth edition is a greater focus on the fetus as a patient and an expanded discussion of fetal diagnosis and therapy. This is complemented by more than 100 new sonographic and MR images of common fetal abnormalities. A new reorganization of the text enables the book to highlight more effectively the myriad disorders that may complicate pregnancy. Williams Obstetrics provides a convenient, clinically relevant text of value to the busy practitioner. The book summarizes important new data that has influenced evidence-based management to improve pregnancy outcomes. Much of this data is conveniently distilled into newly created tables and diagnostic and treatment algorithms. During discussion, numerous sources are cited to provide evidence-based options for patient management. Additionally, nearly 900 images complement the text, many of which are new or enhanced. These include sonograms, MR images, photographs, diagrams, and graphs. This edition of Williams Obstetrics continues to provide clinicians with everything they need to know about the practice of obstetrics with a level of authority and quality of presentation not found in any other resource.

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Obstetrics and Gynecology

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Obstetrics and Gynecology
Jul 302018

Established as a standard core textbook for the OB/GYN clerkship, “Obstetrics and Gynecology” is now in its completely revised Sixth Edition. The Sixth Edition carries an endorsement by ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). As such, the entire book has been reviewed and vetted by members of ACOG and is the only book on the market fully compliant with ACOG guidelines, treatment recommendations, and committee opinions.
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Women’s Gynecologic Health, Third Edition

 Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Women’s Gynecologic Health, Third Edition
Jul 262018

Women’s Gynecologic Health, Third Edition is a trusted, comprehensive, and evidence-based text that presents women’s gynecologic health from a woman-centered and holistic viewpoint. Encompassing both health promotion and management of gynecologic conditions, it provides clinicians and students with a strong foundation in gynecologic care and the knowledge necessary to apply it in clinical practice. With an emphasis on the importance of respecting the normalcy of female physiology, it is an essential reference for all women’s healthcare providers.

The Third Edition includes four new chapters on prenatal and postpartum care, including anatomy and physiologic adaptations of normal pregnancy, diagnosis of pregnancy and overview of prenatal care, common complications of pregnancy, and postpartum care. Thoughtfully updated and revised, it features expanded content on often underrepresented populations and topics, such as caring for lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender, and gender non-conforming individuals, intimate partner violence, and sexual assault.

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Health Care Needs Assessment: The Epidemiologically Based Needs Assessment Reviews: Gynaecology – Second Series

 Epidemiology, Ob/Gynae  Comments Off on Health Care Needs Assessment: The Epidemiologically Based Needs Assessment Reviews: Gynaecology – Second Series
Jul 232018

This volume, focusing on gynaecology, is part of a survey of health care needs for specific conditions, published on behalf of the Department of Health. This study overall considers questions such as the population’s needs, the services available or unavailable to them, the effectiveness of these services, and other perspectives in disease and service areas. This is the second series of needs assessment reviews.
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