The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology

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Nov 072024

Offering current diagnostic and therapeutic guidance to manage ocular disorders, The Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary Illustrated Manual of Ophthalmology, 5th Edition, remains the most comprehensive ophthalmology manual available. It provides practical information for efficient diagnosis and treatment decisions in a succinct, quick-reference format. Lavishly illustrated with more than 700 full-color images, this outstanding manual covers clinical descriptions, imaging and testing methods, treatment guidelines, and more, making it useful for ophthalmologists, optometrists, and ophthalmic allied health professionals.


Utilizes a highly templated format that includes chapters organized anatomically, in addition to key boxes and highlighted emergency management boxes.

Features new sections on infectious uveitis, refractive procedures, toxic maculopathies, color blindness, limbal stem cell deficiency, neurotrophic keratitis, Terson syndrome, age-related choroidal atrophy, Norrie disease, Aicardi’s syndrome, and many others.

Includes new images throughout, including OCTA images, as well as two new videos on ocular motility testing and one-and-a-half syndrome.

Provides diagnostic and therapeutic updates on dry eye, diabetic retinopathy, age-related macular degeneration, hereditary retinal diseases, ocular tumors, idiopathic intracranial hypertension, and more.

Contains bonus appendices that provide a wealth of supplemental information helpful for the non-specialist, including guidance on the basics in examination methods, differential diagnosis, common medications, abbreviations, measurements and more.

Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


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Textbook of Ophthalmology 1st Edition

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Oct 072024

An essential book to provide a clinical overview of the major areas of ophthalmology in a simplified way making its reader understand the basic concepts of the subject.

The book caters to the needs of undergraduate students and covers all the theoretical and practical topics of ophthalmology mapped with latest competency-based MCI curriculum. Theoretical discussions well supplemented with algorithms, tables, along with more than 300 clinical images and illustrations. This book is must for MBBS students, a befitted foundation book for residents in ophthalmology and also a review book for practicing ophthalmologists.

Key Highlights

  • Title mapped with the revised competency-based MCI curriculum and written in simple language.
  • Relevant clinical correlations for better student understanding.
  • In-depth explanations of topics like uvea, retina, glaucoma, Ocular Manifestations in Neurological disorders.
  • Concepts made easy and understandable with the help of algorithms.
  • Beautiful illustrations for understanding the concepts and recreating during examinations.
  • Better quality clinical images.


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Curbside Consultation in Cornea and External Disease: 49 Clinical Questions, Second Edition 2nd Edition

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Apr 042024

Curbside Consultation in Cornea and External Disease, Second Edition contains new questions and brief, practical, evidence-based answers to the most frequently asked questions that are posed during a “curbside consultation” between clinicians.

Dr. David R. Hardten and associate editors Drs. Mark S. Hansen and Celine Satija have designed this unique reference in which cornea and external disease specialists offer expert advice, preferences, and opinions on tough clinical questions commonly encountered by corneal specialists, ophthalmologists, or residents. The unique Q&A format provides quick access to current information with the simplicity of a conversation between two colleagues. Numerous images, diagrams, and references are included to enhance the text and illustrate clinical diagnoses and treatment plans.

Some of the questions that are answered inside the Second Edition include:
• I have a patient with Fuchs’ Endothelial Dystrophy. Is there anything new to improve her vision?
• What should I do with a young patient with mild keratoconus?
• How can I help a 47-year-old female who uses artificial tears 6 times daily and continues to complain of dry eyes?
• A patient presents with corneal ulcer. What work-up and treatment would you recommend?
• How do I manage a patient that rubbed their eye just after LASIK? What could go wrong?
• What can I offer a patient that sustained eye trauma and loss of iris tissue?
• I have a patient with poor vision after DMEK. What went wrong and how do I get better vision for them?
Curbside Consultation in Cornea and External Disease: 49 Clinical Questions, Second Edition provides information basic enough for residents while also incorporating expert pearls that even high-volume ophthalmologists will appreciate. Cornea specialists, general ophthalmologists, and residents alike will enjoy the user-friendly and casual format and the expert advice contained within.


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Kline’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, Eighth Edition 8th Edition,

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Feb 212024

For over 35 years, Kline’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual has presented a unique and user-friendly approach to address clinical neuro-ophthalmology principles used in everyday practice. This Eighth Edition continues that tradition, providing a timely update, while also maintaining the same user-friendly and concise format.

Dr. Rod Foroozan and Dr. Michael Vaphiades have taken the mantle of updating this respected manual from Dr. Lanning Kline and continue his tradition of a simple summary of the most important clinical aspects of neuro-ophthalmology with schematic illustrations and material relevant to everyday practice. They are joined by their contributing authors, all seasoned neuro-ophthalmologists, and have organized the book to provide the essential key information on neuro-ophthalmic disorders.
The Eighth Edition provides a comprehensive update to the latest information, adds many new effective exercises for case study, and is a complete update on neuro-ophthalmic conditions, including results of recent clinical trials and emerging literature. Also new is the inclusion of a table of neuro-ophthalmic emergencies which serves as a quick guide so that these potentially life-threatening and blinding conditions can be accessed easily.
Chapters include:
• Nystagmus and Related Ocular Oscillations
• Myasthenia and Ocular Myopathies
• Nonorganic Visual Disorders
• Disorders of Higher Visual Function
• Neuroimaging
Kline’s Neuro-Ophthalmology Review Manual, Eighth Edition has all the fundamentals presented logically for all practitioners and residents in ophthalmology, neurology, and neurosurgery. A popular choice among colleagues for more than 35 years, this a must-have resource in neuro-ophthalmology.


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Clinical Ophthalmology: Contemporary Perspectives – E-Book 9th Edition

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Feb 012024

Many new developments have taken place in ophthalmology since the publication of the last edition. It therefore became mandatory to revise and update the present edition. To accomplish this many new chapters have been added and the existing ones revised.

Thoroughly revised and updated chapters

  • Recent Advances in Lamellar Keratoplasty

  • Principles of Molecular Genetics

  • Intraocular Tumours

  • Recent Advances in Oculoplastic Surgery

  • Ophthalmic Electrodiagnostic Techniques

  • Ultrasonography in Ophthalmology

  • Ocular Coherence Tomography

  • Anterior Segment Trauma

  • Corneal Topography and Wavefront Sensing


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New Investigations in Ophthalmology 2nd Edition

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Oct 022023

Clinical investigations for anterior segment disorders have a vital role in the diagnosis and management of various ocular disorders. Recent introduction of optical coherence tomography, including angiography, adaptive optics and wavefront imaging has brought in a revolution in diagnostics. The main utility of these investigations is to improve the diagnostic capability such that the disease can be picked up at a relatively early stage and to detect any progression of the disease, which is not yet evident by clinical examination (e.g. in glaucoma). Another important aspect of these investigations is their ability to image and outline the exact pathogenesis of the disease at the cellular level (e.g. confocal microscopy). An understanding of these investigations gives the clinician a powerful tool which can aid in situations of diagnostic dilemma. Although majority of ophthalmic institutions do not have all of these new technologies, it is important to understand their basic principle, indications and interpretation. The chapters in this book, contributed by various authors working at the best centers in India, provide the reader with the basic information about the recent investigations in the field of corneal diseases, glaucoma, cataract surgery, and radiological imaging modalities. The text has been simplified to include the indications of the new tests, optical principle, interpretations of the printout, advantages, disadvantages, available clinical studies and patient examples with a self-assessment quiz. Numerous clinical photographs have been added related to each investigation to aid the reader in grasping the clinical utility of these tests.


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Kanski’s Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology 4th Edition

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Oct 022023

Practical and portable, Kanski’s Synopsis of Clinical Ophthalmology, 4th Edition, distills the key information from the bestselling Kanski’s Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach into a convenient, easy-to-follow volume. Perfect for quick reference, this concise resource contains “need to know” information highlighted by more than 900 high-quality illustrations and clinical photographs with clear explanations. New author, Dr. John Salmon, provides a fresh approach to critical content, ensuring that this manual remains an ideal on-the-go reference, as well as an efficient study guide for examinations.

  • Covers the essential information you need to effectively diagnose and manage a comprehensive range of ophthalmic disorders, using a concise format that makes it easy to quickly grasp the “must-know” aspects of each condition.
  • Keeps you up to date with the latest advances in the treatment of glaucoma, the use of biological agents in the treatment of uveitis, genetic advances in hereditary retinal dystrophies, anti-VEGF agents for macular disease, and OCT/OCTA imaging.
  • Includes a new chapter covering examination techniques, along with sweeping content updates on key topics.
  • Features hundreds of high-quality images: diagnostic imaging, including OCT/OCTA; surgical and clinical photos depicting presenting signs and symptoms as well as surgical techniques; and medical illustrations that convey important anatomical considerations.
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


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Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology (Oxford Medical Handbooks)

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Aug 272023

Fully revised for its third edition, the Oxford Handbook of Ophthalmology is a concise, systematic guide to all aspects of diagnosis, assessment, and ongoing management of ophthalmic diseases and conditions. Closely aligned with the curriculum for the ophthalmic postgraduate exams, and

containing the most up-to-date clinical guidance, and practical advice, this is the essential resource for all those caring for ophthalmic patients.

Covering the key information for both trainees and specialists; from clinical methods and the use of ophthalmic instruments, to basic perioperative care and advanced life support protocols. It includes new chapters covering laser procedures and theatre notes, as well as new sections on emerging
technologies such as adaptive optics and gene therapy for retinal diseases. With expert advice, the latest clinical guidance, and its easy-reference format, this unique resource provides immediate access to the information you need, when you need it.


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Dry Eye Disease – E-Book

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Jul 292023

Clinically-oriented and up-to-date, Dry Eye Diseases focuses on the latest diagnostic techniques, management guidelines, and treatment options for dry eye disorders. This consolidated resource provides guidance on the clinical assessment of patients presenting with dry eye symptoms as well as a global perspectives on the use of FDA and off-label products. Practicing and trainee ophthalmologists and optometrists will find this an indispensable resource for understanding this complex disorder.

  • Covers a range of topics, including clinical assessment, pathophysiology, the link between dry eye and system disease, and the use of FDA and off-label products as treatment options for dry eye diseases.   
  • Includes a section devoted to the presence of dry eye disease in specific populations, including patients presenting with other ocular conditions, systemic pain conditions, graft-versus-host disease, Sjögren’s syndrome, and meibomian gland dysfunction.  
  • Addresses the challenges associated with treating ocular pain not responsive to traditional dry eye disease treatments.  
  • Features concise chapters from a team of international chapter authors, providing global perspectives on this common disorder.  
  • Consolidates today’s available information on this timely topic into a single, convenient resource. 


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Cornea, 2-Volume Set 5th Edition

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Jul 262023

The only reference available that synthesizes this vast subspecialty into a single trustworthy resource, Cornea, 5th Edition, provides state-of-the-art coverage of the expanding range of contemporary corneal surgery, new diagnostic and imaging technologies, and medical management of corneal and external disease as well as ocular surface disease. Drs. Mark J. Mannis, Edward J. Holland, and a team of more than 200 global experts keep you up to date with both common and more obscure diseases and disorders and the best route to effective treatment and management, making this two-volume text a must-have resource for residents and fellows, general ophthalmologists, and seasoned cornea specialists.

  • Features more than 2,300 exceptionally clear illustrations, diagnostic images, and step-by-step surgical photographs that offer superb visual guidance. 
  • Contains 14 new chapters, including Nanothin DSAEK, Aqueous Deficiency Dry Eye Syndrome, Evaluation of Recurrent Corneal Erosions, Evaluation of the Corneal Ulcer, Contemporary Approaches to the Biosynthetic Cornea, and Topography Guided Photorefractive Keratectomy, and more.  
  • Includes more than 80 video clips of current corneal surgery techniques, including new clips of the application of amniotic membrane penetrating keratoplasty, Descemet rupture management in DALK, and endothelial keratoplasty among others. 
  • Covers the latest developments in ocular surface transplantation, including new chapters on Conjunctival Limbal Autograft (CLAU); Living Related Conjunctival Limbal Allograft (Lr-CLAL); Keratolimbal Allograft; Cultivated Limbal Epithelial Transplantation; Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation; and Outcomes of Ocular Surface Transplantation.  
  • Provides key point overviews in each chapter that offer easier access to crucial information. 
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. 


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