Operative Orthopaedics: The Stanmore Guide 1st Edition

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May 242024

Operative Orthopaedics is a definitive and comprehensive guide to elective orthopaedic surgery for trainees preparing for FRCS and surgeons at MRCS level. With the emphasis on techniques employed and the reasoning behind them, this book is both a practical instruction manual and a revision tool.

Based on the authoritative ‘Stanmore course’ run by the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Operative Orthopaedics covers all aspects of elective orthopaedic surgery as assessed by the FRCS Higher Specialty exams. Surgery of the upper limb, lower limb and spine is explained from preoperative planning through technique and potential complications. Specialist areas such as tumour surgery, paediatric surgery and limb reconstruction are also included. Each chapter concludes with key references and sample viva voce questions and answers to extend and reinforce learning.



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Adenosine Deaminases Acting on RNA (ADARs) and A-to-I Editing (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology Book 353) 2012th Edition

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May 242024

“The objective of this CTMI volume is to provide readers with a foundation for understanding what ADARs are and how they  act to affect gene expression and  function.  It is becoming increasingly apparent that ADARs may possess roles not only as enzymes that deaminate adenosine to produce inosine in RNA substrates with double-stranded character, but also as proteins independent of their catalytic property.  Because A-to-I editing may affect base-pairing and RNA structure, processes including translation, splicing, RNA replication, and miR and siRNA silencing may be affected.  Future studies of ADARs no doubt will provide us with additional surprises and new insights into the modulation of biological processes by the ADAR family of proteins.”



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Adolescent Medicine: Requisites (Requisites in Pediatrics) 1st Edition

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May 232024

This concise, evidence-based resource covers all of today’s need-to-know information to quickly and effectively diagnose and manage common adolescent conditions…in an exceptionally user-friendly format. Because it’s so compact, clinically oriented, and easy to read, Adolescent Medicine: The Requisites in Pediatrics is an ideal study tool as well as a convenient reference for practice.

  • Includes detailed discussions on special health issues, common medical problems, sexual and reproductive health, behavioral problems, and the transition to adult health care to help you gain a better understanding of the unique needs of the adolescent patient.
  • Features a logical, consistent chapter format that helps you find the guidance you need quickly.
  • Presents abundant tables, differential diagnoses, lab values/radiologic studies, treatment/therapy recommendations, and guidance on when to refer to a specialist equipping you for every clinical challenge.
  • Discusses controversies concerning the standard of care with the aid of thought-provoking clinical scenarios to help you to determine the best course of action in difficult situations.
  • Provides highlighted boxes that emphasize relevant case studies, key points of each section, and other important information making you aware of considerations that impact today’s practice.
  • Uses a wealth of illustrations so you can see details more clearly.



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Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: ERCP 1st Edition

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May 232024

Advanced Digestive Endoscopy: ERCP addresses some of the most complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedures for endoscopists. It provides the latest thinking and clear instruction on the techniques, which have been integrated with overall patient care.

Written by the leading international names in endoscopy, the text has been expertly edited by Peter Cotton into a succinct, instructive format. Presented in short paragraphs structured with headings, subheadings and bullet points and richly illustrated throughout with full-color photographs.



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Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer (Cancer Treatment and Research Book 151) 2009th Edition

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May 232024

Adjuvant treatment is administered prior to or as follow up to surgical procedures for breast cancer. Proven success in using medical therapies allowing for breast conserving procedures or reducing risk of occurrence. Although there has been much progress towards a cure, including the introduction of new targeted therapies, metastasizing cancer remains highly incurable.



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A Clinician’s Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis, Volume 1: The Text (Encyclopedia of Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology S) 1st Edition

 Dermatology  Comments Off on A Clinician’s Guide to Dermatologic Differential Diagnosis, Volume 1: The Text (Encyclopedia of Differential Diagnosis in Dermatology S) 1st Edition
May 212024

One of the most ambitious texts to be published in dermatology for some years, this is a comprehensive guide to dermatologic conditions, classified by physical findings, and referenced to current literature. There are 284 entries, arranged alphabetically. The art and science of clinical dermatology rest with the ability of the clinician to formulate an appropriate differential diagnosis by defining and synthesizing the physical findings; this book serves as a guide in that quest, and will be both educational and stimulating to dermatologists at all levels of training and practice.



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ABC of Sports and Exercise Medicine (ABC Series) 3rd Edition

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May 212024

This third edition provides a concise and thorough overview of the expanding and fast moving field of sports medicine. Each chapter has been thoroughly revised and updated and several new chapters have been added. From the treatment at pitch side, exercise induced asthma, and overtraining syndrome to performance in a polluted environment, this book covers the latest topics.

This highly illustrated, practical guide will be invaluable to general practitioners, physiotherapists, and all health professionals who deal with the treatment and prevention of sports related injuries.



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Adult Stem Cells: Biology and Methods of Analysis (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine) 2011th Edition

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May 212024

This is comprehensive overview of a vital area of scientific enquiry, which covers a broad spectrum of issues. With contributions from some of the key researchers in the field, Adult Stem Cells: Biology and Methods of Analysis offers readers a historical perspective as well as unique insights into cutting-edge thoughts. The volume contextualizes the recent discovery of stem/progenitor cell populations resident in many adult tissues and organs. It confronts the complexities scientists face in trying to validate these cells, while it also describes and critically evaluates the methods currently used to assess stem cell self-renewal. The chapters also seek to distinguish this process from other aspects of cell survival, such as the regulation of life span, senescence, and immortalization at a molecular level.

The monograph begins with a section that examine the basic biology of adult stem cells, including chapters on the emerging role of microRNAs in regulating their fate and the molecular mechanisms that govern their self-renewal, the book moves on to analyze the varying methodologies employed in characterizing these elusive elements of our genetic make-up. The second section details in-vivo lineage tracing of tissue-specific stem cells, explores the neural stem cell paradigm, and considers the function of ABC transporters and aldehyde dehydrogenase in adult stem-cell biology. The final section shifts the focus to the life-span regulation and immortalization and features a chapter on the cancer stem cell paradigm.

This is an authoritative volume on one of the frontiers of genetic research, and will serve as a valuable resource, not just for established scientists but also for those now entering the field of stem cell biology.



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Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology

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May 202024

Including some of the newest advances in the field of neurophysiology, this book can be considered as one of the treasures that interested scientists would like to collect. It discusses many disciplines of clinical neurophysiology that are, currently, crucial in the practice as they explain methods and findings of techniques that help to improve diagnosis and to ensure better treatment. While trying to rely on evidence-based facts, this book presents some new ideas to be applied and tested in the clinical practice. Advances in Clinical Neurophysiology is important not only for the neurophysiologists but also for clinicians interested or working in wide range of specialties such as neurology, neurosurgery, intensive care units, pediatrics and so on. Generally, this book is written and designed to all those involved in, interpreting or requesting neurophysiologic tests.



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