This book, Fistula Operations: A Colour Atlas of Rectovaginal and Vesicovaginal Fistula, deals with rectovaginal and vesicovaginal fistula. Acquired rectovaginal fistulas in the lower vagina are a result of trauma. Pelvic abscess may rupture either into the rectum or vagina or both, resulting in a high rectovaginal fistula. A complete perineal tear as a result of obstetrical trauma, fall on a sharp object, bull horn injury or rape in the prepubertal females requiring a primary repair followed by an inadequately healed complete perineal tear repair results in the formation of a rectovaginal fistula. After the recognition of gynaecology as a separate subject and more and more women seeking help from gynaecologists for their operative problems, more and more hysterectomies are now being performed by gynaecologists.
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