Fundamentals of Congenital Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery 1st Edition

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Nov 152021

Fundamentals of Congenital Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery is a first of its kind, fully-illustrated guide that is solely dedicated to the most diffused congenital minimally invasive cardiac surgery procedures. It provides detailed, step-by-step descriptions of surgical maneuvers to underline each aspect of the procedures along with full color drawings and operative pictures to enhance understanding. Each chapter fully describes the preoperative setting, the needed materials and the required technical skills that make specific congenital heart defects amenable to minimally invasive surgical treatment.

This is the perfect go-to reference for pediatric and congenital cardiac surgeons, and is also a must-have guide for residents in cardiac surgery who are looking to review the technical aspects and outcomes of utilizing a minimally invasive approach for cardiac surgery.

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Cardiothoracic Manual for Perioperative Practitioners

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Nov 062021

Cardiothoracic surgery is constantly evolving in many aspects and there are many text books exist to fulfil the gap of new evidences. Most of these books are written for surgeons, anaesthetist and there is a significant deficit in many important areas which are explored in this book. It is aimed for all perioperative practitioners such as surgical care practitioners, surgical cardiothoracic trainees, anaesthetic trainees, anaesthetic practitioners, recovery practitioners, ward advanced nurse practitioners and perfusionists. It is very important for the perioperative practitioner who wants to start their career in cardiothoracic surgery to understand the step by step surgical procedure is vital.

Cardiothoracic Manual for Perioperative Practitioners is devoted to delivering comprehensive coverage of all aspects of cardiothoracic surgery with emphasis on the roles and importance of the full theatre team. Details are provided throughout initial theatre set up and surgical instrumentation selection. A step by step walk through of routine surgical procedures, cardiopulmonary bypass guidance, investigations undertaken during the intraoperative period and a detailed background of surgical anatomy is provided. The book also covers essential aspects associated with recovery of the patient and the common pit falls in surgery and recovery and how these can be avoided. The structure and organisation of the theatre environment, ethical and legal issues, preventive and protective measures and the importance of swab counts are explained succinctly and systematically by experts in this field. The reader will have reliable and complete guidance to provide all the knowledge required to be ready to work in the theatre environment.

Each chapter contains important references for further reading and greater in-depth study. All chapters are written by an experienced practising surgeons, anaesthetists, and practitioners.
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Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease: From Fetus to Adult 2nd Edition

 Cardiovascular, Pediatrics  Comments Off on Echocardiography in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease: From Fetus to Adult 2nd Edition
Nov 042021

This comprehensive textbook on the echocardiographic assessment of pediatric and congenital heart disease has been updated for a second edition with an emphasis on new technologies. This highly-illustrated full-color reference contains over 1200 figures, and offers over 600 video clips on a companion website.

  • Fully updated, with new chapters on the assessment of the post-Fontan procedure patient and on pregnancy and heart disease
  • Each lesion chapter includes new section highlighting the key elements of the echocardiogram(s)
  • Written by experts from the leading centers around the world, with numerous new authors
  • Revision emphasizes new technologies and quality of images
  • Comprehensive content contains overview of ultrasound physics, discussion of laboratory set-up, protocol for a standard pediatric echocardiogram and quantitative methods of echocardiographic evaluation, including assessment of diastolic function
  • Also includes special techniques and topics including 3D echocardiography, intraoperative echocardiography, and fetal echocardiography

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Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: Nutritional and Dietary Approaches (Contemporary Cardiology)

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Nov 042021

This book discusses all aspects of non-pharmacologic approaches to primary and secondary CVD prevention. It highlights the strength of evidence for particular diet styles in CVD prevention, including plant-based diets, the Mediterranean diet, the DASH diet, and low-carbohydrate diets. Chapters present evidence and future directions for diet and nutrition in diseases related to CVD, such as dyslipidemia, cardiometabolic disease (pre-diabetes, the metabolic syndrome, type-2 diabetes mellitus), and obesity. Finally, the book reviews novel and emerging aspects of dietary intervention in CVD prevention, such as dietary approaches to inflammation and the role of the microbiome in CVD.


Up-to-date, evidence-based, and clinically oriented, Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease: Nutritional and Dietary Approaches is an essential resource for physicians, residents, fellows, and medical students in cardiology, clinical nutrition, family medicine, endocrinology, and lipidology.

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Braunwald’s Heart Disease: Review and Assessment (Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease) 9th Edition

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Nov 032021

The 9th Edition of Braunwald’s Heart Disease Review and Assessment, by Dr. Leonard S. Lilly, provides a current, clear and concise overview of every aspect of cardiovascular medicine. In print and online, more than 800 review questions – derived from the 9th Edition of Braunwald’s Heart Disease – test your knowledge of all essential concepts in cardiology today. Detailed answers and cross references to Braunwald’s make it easy to find definitive explanations for questions you may not have answered correctly. The result is an ideal way to study for the Subspecialty Examinations in Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure! Ensure your grasp of all essential topics with more than 800 review questions derived from Braunwald’s Heart Disease, 9th Edition. Easily remedy weak areas in your knowledge by reviewing details for each question, plus cross references to Braunwald’s for more in-depth explanations. Enhance your preparation for

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The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging (The European Society of Cardiology Series) 3rd Edition

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Oct 252021

The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging third edition provides extensive coverage of all cardiovascular imaging modalities. Produced in collaboration with the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging with contributions from specialists across the globe and edited by a distinguished
team of experts, it is a ‘state of the art’ clinically-orientated imaging reference.
Now fully revised and updated with the latest imaging techniques and technology and covering even more conditions than before, it not only discusses the principles of individual modalities but also clearly demonstrates the added value each technique can bring to the treatment of all cardiac
diseases. Richly illustrated with colour figures, images, and tables and using a wealth of newly available evidence to link theory to practice, it demonstrates how these techniques can be used in the diagnosis of a range of cardiovascular diseases. Learning how to apply them in practice is made easy
with free access to videos and imaging loops online.
Impressive in scope, The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging contains information on cutting-edge technical developments in echocardiography, CT, CMR and hybrid imaging and well imaging’s current role in cardiac interventions, such as identifying cardiac structures, helping to guide procedures
and exclude possible complications. The application of imaging modalities in conditions such as valvular and coronary heart disease, heart failure, cardiomyopathies, peri-myocardial disease, adult congenital heart disease and aortic disease, is also extensively considered.
From discussion on improved imaging techniques and advances in technology, to guidance and explanation of key practices and theories, this new edition of The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging is the ideal reference guide for cardiologists and radiologists alike.
The print edition of The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Imaging comes with access to the online version on Oxford Medicine Online, for as long as the edition is published by Oxford University Press. By activating your unique access code, you can read and annotate the full text online, follow links
from the references to primary research materials, and view, enlarge and download all the figures and tables.

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ECG and Intracardiac Tracings: A Toolkit Approach for Analyzing Arrhythmias

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Oct 242021

From master teacher George J. Klein, MD, this stepwise book is for those with a working knowledge of electrophysiology who have looked at a complicated ECG or intracardiac tracing and drawn a blank, not recognizing a pattern from their personal experience, and without a good idea of how to proceed or venturing a guess with variable confidence.

Dr. Klein presents strategies that he has found useful, not just by providing an answer, but also exploring how he solved the problem with a systematic approach using tools of analysis that applies to both ECGs and EGM tracings.

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Atlas of Neonatal Electroencephalography 4th Edition

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Oct 202021

“This book has been incorporated with available information and current guidelines, and presents a comprehensive view available for professionals including trainees, technologists and experienced neurologists related to neonatal EEG and epilepsy. I believe this book will be a very useful reference for epileptologists meeting their clinical needs concerning the interpretation of neonatal EEG.”

–Jin Jun Luo, MD, PHD, Temple University, Neurological Cases

This comprehensive atlas presents the clinical practice of neonatal electroencephalography (EEG) through text, references, and detailed figures demonstrating normal and abnormal features of the neonatal EEG from the most premature infant to one month post-term. Each chapter contains dozens of full-page EEG images, along with detailed legends that place them in context, to emphasize specific components of the neonatal EEG as a benchmark for recognizing signature characteristics and interpreting clinical data. For the new Fourth Edition, Eli Mizrahi and Richard Hrachovy, established authorities in neonatal neurophysiology, have distilled the advances of the last ten years and provided the latest and best references for each chapter, updating their indispensable atlas to reflect current research and practice throughout.

Atlas of Neonatal Electroencephalography is a singular atlas, unrivaled in the breadth of its coverage and level of detail in presenting examples of normal and abnormal recordings of neonatal EEG patterns at varying young ages. This edition includes many new digital figures which emphasize findings in the premature infant, artifacts, and abnormal features, and expanded discussions of age-dependent features of sleep and bedside monitoring. Designed to appeal to practicing neurologists, neurophysiologists, epileptologists, and electroneurodiagnostic technologists, this book is a must-have for anyone involved in recording and interpreting neonatal EEG readouts. Trainees will also find this atlas to be an approachable and an essential guide to the development of the infant brain.

Key Features:

  • Contains more than 250 EEG figures, including more than 60 new to this edition
  • Presents comprehensive full-page examples of neonatal EEG from prematurity to term
  • Includes chapters on approach to visual analysis and interpretation, technical aspects of recording, artifacts, normal neonatal EEG of premature and term infants, patterns of uncertain diagnostic significance, abnormal neonatal EEG of premature and term infants, and neonatal seizures
  • Updated to reflect current references and clinical practice guidelines
  • Comprehensive review and synthesis of historical and current medical literature relating to neonatal EEG

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ESC Handbook of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: A practical clinical guide (The European Society of Cardiology Series)

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Oct 162021

This guide is directed at the multi-disciplinary team dealing with cardiac rehabilitation. It is a practical handbook for everyday professionals on what they should do following cardiac events and return to work. It is adapted to the needs of cardiac rehabilitation centers.

· Key publication from the European Association of Preventive Cardiology (EAPC)
· Companion handbook to The ESC Handbook of Preventive Cardiology: Putting Prevention into Practice

This handbook is directed at cardiologists in training and practice, specialist (cardiac) nurses, technicians, exercise physiologists and other healthcare professionals involved in the multidisciplinary process of cardiac rehabilitation

· Practical user-friendly handbook style presentation
· Covers the complete spectrum of rehabilitation care
· Key team members address key issues – smoking, diet and physical activity
· Focus on high risk patients (family approach)

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Interesting Cases in Echocardiography 1st Edition

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Oct 152021

Despite many path-breaking advances in cardiology, echocardiography remains the most cost-effective noninvasive technique in the assessment of various cardiac disease entities. It serves as a valuable tool in the armamentarium of a practicing cardiologist. World Conferences on Echocardiography have been successfully organized practically every year for the past 22 years. The latter conferences have taken the format of brief interesting and instructive case presentations by a large number of faculties. These case presentations have proven very popular and it was felt that an effort should be made to publish some of these cases in a book format in both print and internet versions. This book “Interesting Cases in Echocardiography”, therefore, represents a compilation of more than 280 interesting and instructive cases submitted by several echocardiographers, cardiologists and other physicians from many different parts of the world. The book is organized into 11 sections, all of which consist of case presentations. The pattern followed in many cases consists of a brief patient history and relevant clinical findings, echocardiographic images/movie clips, one or more multiple-choice questions with correct answers provided and a short relevant discussion. Pertinent references are also given in some cases. The first three sections of the book deal with the mitral, aortic, tricuspid and pulmonary valves as well as the aorta and pulmonary hypertension. The next two sections cover prosthetic valves, rings, plugs and clips, and infection and endocarditis respectively. These are followed by coronary artery disease, and left/right ventricles and cardiomyopathies. Pericardial disorders, tumors and masses, and congenital heart disease are dealt with next. The last section consists of miscellaneous cases plus a few cases which were submitted late and, hence, could not be accommodated in the relevant sections. Almost all cases predominantly deal with echocardiography with some showing comparisons with other techniques, mainly magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic scans.

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