Emergency Echocardiography 3rd Edition

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Jul 292024

Echocardiography is the most powerful and cost-effective imaging technique for assessing patients suffering from unstable cardiovascular diseases. This didactically structured third edition of Emergency Echocardiography contains fully rewritten chapters by well-known, internationally recognized contributors. It includes new chapters on echo-guided patient management in the ICU, lung ultrasound, and complications of percutaneous interventions. Special attention is given to Focus Cardiac Ultrasound (FoCUS) in emergency settings. The book uses over 600 video loops of illustrative cases to interest a wide readership of all medical professionals involved in diagnostics and treatment of emergency cardiovascular patients.


Key Features


Covers the role of cardiac ultrasound in most cardiovascular emergencies and emergency settings

Offers clinically useful information to a wide range of medical professionals dealing with cardiovascular emergencies, including cardiologists, emergency physicians, anesthesiologists, intensivists, and related fellows

Features over 600 carefully chosen videos of illustrative cases with detailed explanations and highlights key decision management points



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Critical Cases in Electrocardiography 1st Edition

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Jul 282024

Emergency and critical care providers are often challenged by patients with acute cardiorespiratory symptoms and abnormal electrocardiograms. Critical Cases in Electrocardiography emphasizes clinically-relevant topics, focusing squarely on situations where interpretation of the ECG contributes to clinical decision-making. This atlas is unique, in that it includes numerous examples of ECG ‘misses’ – cases where the computer algorithm or the clinicians (or both) got the diagnosis wrong. While many textbooks include only smaller, black and white ECG tracings, which do not resemble actual clinical practice, this volume is designed to encourage self-study of the ECG by including full-page tracings in their natural color. The book focuses on ‘don’t miss’ ECG tracings in order to help readers advance beyond the stage of ‘competent’ electrocardiographer. Anatomic and electrophysiologic correlations are emphasized throughout the work, helping readers appreciate the anatomic and electrical origins of the ECG abnormalities, rather than relying solely on pattern memorization.



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Goldberger’s Clinical Electrocardiography: A Simplified Approach 10th Edition

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Jul 252024

Ideal for trainees and practicing clinicians, Goldberger’s Clinical Electrocardiography: A Simplified Approach, 10th Edition, covers the basics of ECG analysis and interpretation, as well as the differential diagnoses, underlying causes, and therapeutic implications of ECG findings. The authors’ award-winning, systematic approach takes readers though the nuts and bolts of ECG interpretation. Beyond these essential details, the text serves as an invaluable and unique asset in hospital wards, outpatient clinics, emergency departments, and especially intensive and cardiac care units, where the recognition of normal and abnormal patterns is only the starting point in patient care.

Offers practical, comprehensive coverage of real-world ECGs across a range of point-of-care settings, explaining not only how to interpret the data, but the implications of ECG findings for clinical management.


Covers recent advances in pacemaker and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator technology; myocardial ischemia and infarction; arrhythmias, including atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardias and sudden cardiac arrest syndromes; drug toxicities; cardiac monitoring, including wearable devices; cardiomyopathies and COVID-19.


Features nearly 300 high-quality illustrations, with an abundance of quick reference information highlights, including key pathophysiologic concepts, reminders, clinical pearls, and key points, as well as more than 250 review questions online.


Discusses basic principles of electrophysiology in an easily understandable format for students and non-cardiologists.


Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.



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Practice of Clinical Echocardiography 5th Edition

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Jul 222024

The new edition of Practice of Clinical Echocardiography provides expert guidance on interpreting echocardiographic images and Doppler flow data. Designed for those already equipped with a mastery of basic principles, this definitive reference shows you how to apply these findings to your daily clinical decision making. Each chapter focuses on a specific disease process with technical details of qualitative and quantitative interpretation of echocardiographic images and Doppler flow data.


Disease-oriented chapters emphasize the role of echocardiography in clinical decision making and prediction of clinical outcomes.

New chapters cover emerging technologies, including transcatheter procedures for structural heart disease.

Numerous images illustrate findings, while diagrams explain pathophysiology and flow charts guide clinical practice.

Each chapter includes a summary box with a practical approach to echo data acquisition, measurement, and interpretation.

Expert Consult digital book for your phone and tablet isincluded at no cost with the print book.

Echo images play in real time when clicked on your smart device or online.



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Clinical Recognition of Congenital Heart Disease: Expert Consult – Online and Print 5th Edition

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Jul 162024

Advances in diagnosing and treating congenital heart disease, through cardiac medicine as well as surgery, have allowed many children, who formerly would have died, to survive through childhood and in many cases into adulthood. As a result, cardiologists are spending an increasing amount of time treating such patients, both children and adults, and consequently there is a real need for up-to-date and comprehensive information on this rapidly evolving area.


The extensively revised and fully-updated new edition of this classic text continues to provide unparalleled guidance on all of the clinical features of unoperated congenital heart disease, from birth through to adulthood. Written by a world-renowned authority on congenital heart disease, it offers complete coverage of the signs, symptoms and clinical manifestations of malpositioned, malformed or absent cardiovascular chambers, vessels and valves – using traditional as well as state-of-the-art technology.

Discusses the history, anatomic features, and physiologic consequences of unoperated congenital heart disease in each chapter.

Features the expertise of world-renowned authority on congenital heart disease, Dr. Joseph K. Perloff.

New chapter on Congenital Abnormalities of the Pericardium

Expanded material on genetics and developmental biology

Discussion of hot topics such as Ebstein’s Anomoly of the Tricuspid Valve

Over 1,200 illustrations – all either new or reworked – enabling clear visualization and recognition of malformations



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Clinical Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease 1st Edition

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Jul 122024

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is generally thought to be a difficult and challenging subject. In this textbook authors have made an effort to make CHD comprehensive with a strong clinical bias so that physicians caring for the newborn, infant and the children can have an early diagnosis with accuracy so as to prevent high morbidity and mortality. Recent advances in percutaneous interventions and surgical techniques have made the outlook for CHD look brighter today. In this book all importance has been given to basic anatomy, embryology, pathophysiology and clinical features besides basic investigations starting from ECG, chest X-ray, echocardiography to invasive procedures like cardiac catheterization and angiocardiography keeping a link between pre-echo era and present day investigatory tools. For each disease a guideline is provided for management so as to initiate treatment with existing facilities and to make a decision for referral to appropriate cardiac center at the right time. This book is particularly meant for postgraduate students in medicine, paediatric and cardiology. Prominent cardiologists across the country have contributed many chapters from their vast experience and knowledge. Illustrations with simple hand drawn sketches are given wherever necessary depicting the abnormal anatomy and pathophysiological consequences for clear understanding. Simple teaching language and clear description of the basic clinical findings are the beauty of this book.
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CSI Cardiology Update 2022 (2 Volumes) 1st Edition

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Jul 072024

The editors have placed significant emphasis on conveying succinctly how this knowledge informs both the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. There are 11 sections covering 140 chapters written by around 250 renowned authors, including 1,000 figures and 400 tables and all the content has been colourfully and digitally enhanced with particular attention to the importance of using appropriate guidelines in the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular diseases. A topic on the latest practice impacting trials has also been incorporated in a dedicated chapter on landmark trials. The editors would like to highlight several exciting changes with a new addition of knowledge on genetics and a section on cardiac oncology.



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Park’s The Pediatric Cardiology Handbook: Mobile Medicine Series, 5e 5th Edition

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Jun 252024

Effectively diagnose and manage children with congenital and acquired heart disease by consulting the concise, portable and fully updated edition of  Park’s The Pediatric Cardiology Handbook. Designed as a companion to Dr. Park’s larger text, Pediatric Cardiology for Practitioners, this pocket-sized resource features useful diagrams and clear descriptions of disorders, presenting healthcare professionals in practice or in training with a reliable point-of-care reference or general review.

“…this book would be useful to practising pediatric cardiologists or trainees who needs ready access to detailed information, including the normal values.” Reviewed by Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine , Apr 2015

  • Facilitate the decision-making process with a user-friendly organization; consistent, easy-to-read coverage; and pocket-sized portability.
  • Better understand core concepts with help from numerous illustrative diagrams.
  • Familiarize yourself with the latest developments in the field through extensive updates on congenital heart defects, infective endocarditis, cardiomyopathies, cardiac arrhythmias, long QT syndrome, blood pressure and systemic hypertension.
  • Stay abreast of new recommendations in lipid screening for children, as well as the normative blood pressure standards for auscillometric and oscillometric methods obtained in the San Antonio Children’s Blood Pressure Study.
  • Access an expanded section covering two-dimensional echocardiography, and consult detailed normative values of echocardiography in the Appendix.
  • Study the newest approaches in the area of cardiac surgery, such as hybrid procedures.
  • Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, references, and videos from the book on a variety of devices.



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Cardiology Secrets 5th Edition

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Jun 102024

For more than 30 years, The Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Cardiology Secrets, 5th Edition, features the Secrets’ popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, and an easy-to-read style – making reference and review quick, easy, and enjoyable.

  • The Secrets Series® format gives you the most return for your time – concise, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective – now with an improved organization that makes information even easier than ever to find.


  • Written by global experts and thought leaders in cardiovascular disease.


  • Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice.


  • Portable size makes it easy to carry with you for quick reference or review anywhere, anytime.
  • New dedicated sections on peripheral vascular and cerebrovascular disease, venous thromboembolic disease, and specific populations and conditions, plus a dedicated chapter on new direct oral anticoagulant agents.


  • New chapters added on hypercoagulability states, specific valvular lesions, sleep apnea and the heart, heart disease in women, cardio-oncology, cardiac arrest, transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), carotid artery disease, and hemorrhagic stroke.


  • Several hundred illustrations, figures, and flow diagrams – 100+ are new!


  • Expert Consult™ eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.



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Adult Congenital Heart Disease: A Practical Guide 1st Edition

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May 132024

Congenital heart disease with its worldwide incidence of 1% is themost common inborn defect. Increasingly, patients are living intoadulthood, with ongoing congenital heart and other medical needs.Sadly, only a small minority have specialist follow-up. However,all patients see their family doctor and may also seek advice fromother health professionals.


This practical guide with its straightforward a,b,c approach iswritten for those professionals.


Special features of this book:

• Introduces the principles of congenital heart diseaseand tells you whom and when to refer for specialist care
• Discusses common congenital heart lesions in a practical,easy-to-follow way, with an emphasis on diagnosis and managementissues
• Includes an extensive chapter on ‘
Pregnancy andContraception‘ (by Philip J. Steer), essential both for familyplanning and for managing safely the pregnant woman with congenitalheart disease
• Includes chapters on non-cardiac surgery and lifestyleissues such as work, insurability, travel and driving
• Provides invaluable information on dealing with commonemergencies; 
what to do and what not to do


With a wealth of illustrations (including diagrams, EKGs, CXRs,Echos and cardiac MRIs) and with key point tables, this is anessential guide for all health care professionals managing patientswith adult congenital heart disease.



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