An Atlas of Neonatal Brain Sonography, 2nd Edition (182) 2nd Edition

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Sep 062024

This Atlas covers the entire spectrum of brain disease as studied with ultrasound, illustrated throughout with superb-quality images. It is aimed at neonatologists and radiologists confronted with everyday clinical questions on the neonatal ward. Most newborn brain disorders can be identified with ultrasound; this book will therefore be particularly useful in settings with limited MRI facilities. Prenatal ultrasound specialists will also find it valuable as a postnatal reference in their field of interest. Suggestions for differential diagnosis accompany all the sonographic findings, guiding the clinician in proceeding from an abnormal image to a diagnosis. This second edition of the Atlas has been brought up to date to include the many advances in technique and interpretation that have been made in the past decade. The images have been replaced with new ones of higher quality, and all the line artwork has been standardised and improved.


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Detection Systems in Lung Cancer and Imaging (Volume 1)

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Aug 282024

Ultra-brief Copy


This book focuses on major trends and challenges in the detection of lung cancer, presenting work aimed at identifying new techniques and their use in biomedical analysis. Volume 1 examines the main applications of computer-aided diagnosis to lung cancer. It is ideal for academics, industry professionals and advanced students.


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Diagnostic Imaging: Brain 4th Edition

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Aug 262024

Covering the entire spectrum of this fast-changing field, Diagnostic Imaging: Brain, fourth edition,is an invaluable resource for neuroradiologists, general radiologists, and trainees―anyone who requires an easily accessible, highly visual reference on today’s neuroimaging of both common and rare conditions. World-renowned authorities provide updated information on more than 300 diagnoses, all lavishly illustrated, delineated, and referenced, making this edition a useful learning tool as well as a handy reference for daily practice.

  • Provides authoritative, comprehensive guidance on both pathology-based and anatomy-based diagnoses to help you diagnose the full range of brain and CNS conditions
  • Features thousands of extensively annotated images, including a large number of full-color illustrations―greatly expanded since the previous edition
  • Details 31 new diagnoses, covering key topics such as critical illness-associated microbleeds, autoimmune encephalitis, multinodular and vacuolating tumor of cerebrum, calcifying pseudoneoplasm of neuraxis (CAPNON), uremic encephalopathy, gadolinium deposition and associated controversies, ataxia-telangiectasia, and Zika virus infection
  • Reflects updates from the most recent WHO Classification of Tumors of the CNS, which presents major restructuring of brain tumor categories and incorporates new entities that are defined by both histology and molecular features
    • Covers recent neuroimaging advances, such as 7T MRI scanners and dual-energy/dual-source CT imagingIncludes updates to the 2016 WHO Classification of Tumors of the CNS by cIMPACT-NOW based on recent and ongoing advances in molecular pathogenesis
    • Uses bulleted, succinct text and highly templated chapters for quick comprehension of essential information at the point of care
    • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices


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Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging: Brain and Meninges 1st Edition

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Aug 262024

Authored by renowned neuro-radiologist Steven P. Meyers, Differential Diagnosis in Neuroimaging: Brain and Meninges is a stellar guide for identifying and diagnosing brain pathologies based on location and neuroimaging results. The succinct text reflects more than 25 years of hands-on experience gleaned from advanced training and educating residents and fellows in radiology, neurosurgery, and neurology. The high-quality MRI, CT, PET, PET/CT, conventional angiography, and X-ray images have been collected over Dr. Meyers’s lengthy career, presenting an unsurpassed visual learning tool.

The distinctive ‘three-column table plus images’ format is easy to incorporate into clinical practice, setting this book apart from larger, disease-oriented radiologic tomes. The layout enables readers to quickly recognize and compare abnormalities based on high-resolution images.

Key Highlights

  • Tabular columns organized by anatomical abnormality include brain imaging findings and a summary of key clinical data that correlates to the images
  • Comprehensive imaging of the brain, ventricles, meninges, and neurovascular system in both children and adults, including congenital/developmental anomalies and acquired disease
  • More than 1,900 figures illustrate the radiological appearance of intracranial lesions, masses, neurodegenerative disorders, ischemia and infarction, and more

This visually rich resource is a must-have diagnostic tool for radiologists, neurosurgeons, and neurologists, and residents and fellows. The highly practical format makes it ideal for daily rounds, as well as a robust study guide for physicians preparing for board exams.


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Genitourinary Radiology, 6th Edition

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Aug 232024

Previously known as the Textbook of Uroradiology, the newly retitled Genitourinary Radiology continues to bring you top-flight expertise in interpreting imaging studies of the genitourinary tract. A team of leading authorities walks you through the full range of relevant modalities and findings for each anatomical region, providing a multitude of high-quality representative images that capture the characteristic appearance of the conditions you’re likely to encounter. The result remains an indispensable resource for diagnosing genitourinary diseases and disorders.


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Walter and Miller’s Textbook of Radiotherapy: Radiation Physics, Therapy and Oncology – E-Book 8th Edition

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Aug 052024

Walter and Miller’s Textbook of Radiotherapy is a key textbook for therapeutic radiography students as well as trainee clinical and medical oncologists, clinical physicists and technologists. The book is divided into 2 sections. The first section covers physics and provides a comprehensive review of radiotherapy physics. This section is designed to be non-physicist friendly, to simply and clearly explain the physical principles upon which radiotherapy and its technology are based. The second section is a systematic review by tumour site giving an up to date summary of radiotherapy practice. The title also covers the place of chemotherapy, surgery and non-radiotherapy treatments as well as the principles of cancer patient treatment including supportive care and palliative treatments. It is a comprehensive must-have resource for anyone studying therapeutic radiotherapy.


Highly illustrated in full colour including 350 photographs.

Clearly and simply explains the fundamental physics for clinicians

Gives an up to date summary of radiotherapy practice organised by tumour site making it very easy to navigate.

Describes the wide range of devices and clearly explains the principles behind their operation.

Comprehensively explains the calculation models of dose predictions for treatment preparation.

Heavy emphasis on how clinical trials have influenced current practice.

Shows how radiobiological knowledge has influenced current practice such as the fractionation regimens for breast and prostate cancer

Proton therapy; machines, dose measurement, covering the clinical advantages and pitfalls of this treatment modality.

New radiotherapy modalities such as stereotactic radiotherapy, types of intensity modulated radiotherapy and imaged guided radiotherapy are comprehensively covered as are recent advances in chemotherapy and molecular targeted therapy.

In depth coverage of dose measurement and new devices.


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Netter’s Concise Radiologic Anatomy: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access (Netter Basic Science) 2nd Edition

 Anatomy, Radiology  Comments Off on Netter’s Concise Radiologic Anatomy: With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access (Netter Basic Science) 2nd Edition
Jul 272024

Designed to make learning more interesting and clinically meaningful, Netter’s Concise Radiologic Anatomy, 2nd Edition matches radiologic images―from MR and ultrasound to CT and advanced imaging reconstructions―to the exquisite artwork of master medical illustrator Frank H. Netter, MD. As a companion to the bestselling Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, this updated medical textbook begins with the anatomy and matches radiologic images to the anatomic images; the result is a concise, visual guide that shows how advanced diagnostic imaging is an amazing “dissection tool” for viewing human anatomy in the living patient!


“Overall I feel that this textbook is a good overview of radiology, and perfectly adequate for medical students as we are not expected to have a very in depth knowledge of radiology past chest and abdominal x rays. It may well prove valuable for the Netter-collectors out there, and provides an excellent quick guide to radiology.” Reviewed by: Date: July 2014


Quickly review key information with a concise, user-friendly format that is organized and color-coded to be in-line with Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy, 6th Edition.

View direct, at-a-glance comparisons between idealized anatomic illustrations and real-life medicine with side-by-side radiology examples of normal anatomy and common variants with corresponding anatomy illustrations.

Improve upon your knowledge with a brief background in basic radiology, including reconstructions and a list of common abbreviations for the images presented.

Broaden your visual comprehension with the help of 30 brand-new ultrasound images.

Access the complete contents online at Student Consult.


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MRI Made Easy (for beginners) 2nd Edition

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Jul 262024

This book explains all the basic entities related to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the beginners. It begins by explaining basics of magnetism, magnetic field, and basic principles behind MRI. Scanning parameters, accessory techniques, MR interpretation, clinical applications of MRI, sequences and artifacts are discussed briefly with representative pictures. Different kinds of MR instrumentation, scanning options are also explained based on which we can chose the instrument to identify a particular ailment. While using MR imaging safety options should also be considered as it may damage skin, and tissue heating. Principles and advantages of neuroimaging is discussed, which helps in interpreting MR imaging apart from anatomical and pathological knowledge of the brain. Bodyimaging is the new aspect of MRI, which helps to assess staging and treatment planning in musculoskeletal tumors. Other instrumentation discussed here includes MR angiography, MR diffusion and its clinical applications, MR spectroscopy, MR Cholangiopancreatography. Advancement and higher MR technologies like 3-Tesla MRI which is superior in epilepsy, inner ear and functional imaging are also discussed briefly.


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ExpertDDx: Chest 2nd Edition

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Jul 252024

Now fully revised and up-to-date, Expert DDx: Chest, second edition,quickly guides you to the most likely differential diagnoses based on key imaging findings and clinical information. Expert radiologists Melissa L. Rosado-de-Christenson, Brett W. Carter, and John P. Lichtenberger III present more than 120 cases across a broad cardiothoracic spectrum, classified by general imaging features, modality-specific findings, and clinically-based indications. Readers will find authoritative, superbly illustrated guidance for defining and reporting useful, actionable differential diagnoses that lead to definitive findings for the entire gamut of chest disorders.

  • Presents several clear, sharp, succinctly annotated images for each diagnosis (more than 1,800 annotated images in all); a list of diagnostic possibilities sorted as common, less common, and rare but significant; and brief, bulleted text offering helpful diagnostic clues


  • Shows both typical and variant manifestations of each possible diagnosis


  • Includes new cases, expanded differential considerations, new terminology, and updated imaging throughout


  • Features all relevant imaging modalities, including chest radiography, the latest generation of multi-planar advanced cross-sectional CT and MR imaging, and molecular imaging with FDG PET/CT
  • Covers new and evolving areas such as lung cancer screening and the localization and classification of mediastinal lesions, and contains expanded content on the heart and pericardium


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Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology: 2-Volume Set 7th Edition

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Jul 072024

Master the information you need to know for practice and prepare for certification or recertification with a succinct, comprehensive account of the entire spectrum of imaging modalities and their clinical applications. Throughout six outstanding editions, Grainger and Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology has stood alone as the single comprehensive reference on general diagnostic radiology. Now in two succinct volumes, the 7th Edition of this landmark text continues to provide complete coverage of all currently available imaging techniques and their clinical applications – the essential information you need to succeed in examinations and understand current best practices in radiological diagnosis.


Organizes content along an organ and systems basis, covering all diagnostic imaging techniques in an integrated, correlative fashion, with a focus on the topics that matter most to a trainee radiologist in the initial years of training.

Contains more than 4,000 high-quality illustrations that enhance and clarify the text.

Features an expanded section on cardiac imaging to reflect major developments in cardiac MRI, including 3D ultrasound, PET, and SPECT.

Integrates functional and molecular imaging throughout each section, and includes the latest image-guided biopsy and ablation techniques.

Provides an ideal resource for written, oral, and re-certifying board study as well as for a clinical practice refresher on topics that may have been forgotten.

Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


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