Fully updated to the recent exam changes, Kaplan Medical’s USMLE Step 2 CS: Core Cases provides expert guidance on frequently seen cases and is the only guide to highlight challenging cases frequently seen on the Step 2 Clinical Skills exam. With explicit, practical advice on communication, interpersonal skills, physical exam maneuvers, and more, USMLE Step 2 CS: Core Cases demystifies what standardized patients and test graders are looking for.
* Fully revised to reflect the recent Step 2 CS exam changes
* NEW section outlining the differential diagnosis and diagnostic reasoning process
* 43 frequently seen and challenging cases
* Spells out the logic behind each step—key for international medical graduates
* Topics include health checkups, work physicals, telephone calls, end-of-life issues, diabetes checkups, domestic violence, and HIV-related issues
* Each case covers:
—What to do before entering the room
—Instruction on performing focused histories and physical exams
—Advice on how to close properly with a patient
—Challenging questions you might face
—A thorough case discussion
—Sample patient note, including the new differential diagnosis and diagnostic reasoning component
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